An Toghadh Scoláire Na Bliana (Translation) Flashcards
One day, the students were in the classroom and a teacher was talking to them
Lá amháin, bhí na daltaí sa seomra ranga agus bhí múinteoir ag caint leo
An election was held to select Scholar of the Year
Bhí toghchán ar siúl le Scoláire na Bliana a roghnú
The teacher talked to them about the qualities of the student of the year
Labhair an múinteoir leo faoi na tréithe a bheadh ag scoláire na bliana
She told them to think about it
Dúirt sí leo smaoineamh air
All students could vote for the Scholar of the year
D’fhéadfadh gach duine vótáil ar son Scoláire na Bliana
Shortly afterwards, the students began voting
Go gairid ina dhiaidh sin, thosaigh na daltaí ag vótáil
The teacher had a box and the students cast their votes in the box
Bhí bosca ag an múinteoir agus chuir na daltaí a vótaí sa bhosca
There was a queue of students
Bhí scuaine daltaí ann
Each student had one vote
Bhí vóta amháin ag gach dalta
After a few hours, the voting ceased
Tar éis cúpla uair an chloig, tháinig deireadh leis an vótáil
The teacher went to the general office with the box
Chuaigh an múinteoir go dtí an oifig ghinearálta leis an mbosca
She and the principal counted the votes
Rinne sí féin agus an príomhoide comhaireamh ar na vótaí
There were many votes on the table
Bhí go leor vótaí ar an mbord
It is clear that many students voted
Is léir gur vótáil a lán daltaí
When they had the result, the principal and two teachers took to the stage in the school hall
Nuair a bhí an toradh acu, chuaigh an príomhoide agus beirt mhúinteoirí ar an stáitse i halla na scoile