Brown Chapter 8 (3) Flashcards
3 meanings of self-esteem
- global self-esteem
- self-evaluations
- feelings of self-worth
global self-esteem **
-a personality variable that captures the way people generally feel about themselves
state self-esteem (global )
the way people generally feel about themselves
- the way people evaluate their various abilities and attributes
- the way people evaluate or appraise their abilities and personality characteristics
feelings of self-worth
- momentary emotional states, particularly those that arise from a positive or negative outcomes
- positive: feeling proud
- negative: humiliated and ashamed
cognitive approach…self-esteem is
-an overall evaluation of oneself
- information integration
- an evaluation based on emotions
-a more or less conscious decision people make regarding their worth as a person
affective response to self-esteem
self-esteem made up belonging and mastery feelings, which develop early in life
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
- developed to assess global self-esteem
- focuses on people’s general feelings toward themselves, without referring to any specific quality or attribute
Problems with self-report measures of self-esteem: self-presentational concerns and defensive processes
- Self-presentational concerns: Rather than rating how they really feel about themselves, people may distort their responses to create a particular impression
- Defensive processes: people may be fooling themselves by defensively claiming to feel better about themselves than they really do
what is implicit self-esteem?
how can implicit self-esteem be measured? describe different tasks
- name letter effect: like own initials more than letters not in their name
- signature size effect
- Self-esteem IAT: how fast individuals associate positively o negatively valenced words with self
is the relation between implicit & explicit self-esteem strong?
secure and defensive high self-esteem
-secure: positive self-views that are secure and confidently held
secure and defensive high self-esteem… how are they likely to react to criticism
- secure: positive self-views that are secure and confidently held
- defensive high self-esteem: positive self-views that are fragile and vulnerable to threat, leads people to zealously promote and protect their self-esteem
damaged self-esteem …what does it predict
- negative self-views that are discrepant from non-conscious vies of self
- predicts: psychological distress, depression, suicidal ideation, loneliness
Narcissism… what is it?
- exaggerated sense of self-importance, entitlement
- grandiose, exhibitionistic, manipulative