Breast Flashcards
Breast: Cancer, cancer screening
Breast Lumps
Clinical Features: Smooth margins
First Investigation:
1. PE.
2. US (<35yo)
3. Mammography (>35yo)
Best Investigations:
2. Core Biopsy
1. Observation.
2. Excision
Clinical Features: Mobile, non-tender
First Investigation: US
Best Investigations:
1. FNAC.
2. Core Biopsy
Management: Reassure/Review in 3 months
Breast cysts
Clinical Features: Smooth, mobile, painful (sometimes)
First Investigation:
1. PE.
2. US (<35yo)
Mammography (>35yo)
Best Investigations:
1. FNAC.
2. Core Biopsy
1. Aspiration under US.
2. Excisional biopsy if the fluid has blood
Clinical Features:
First Investigation:
Best Investigations:
Fibrocystic disease
Clinical Features:
- 1 or > lumps <1cms
- watery/bloody discharge
First Investigation:
1. PE.
2. US (<35yo)
Mammography (>35yo)
Best Investigations:
>1cm: FNAC/Biopsy
1. Primrose oil, Vitamin B1, B6, B12
3. Danazol/Tam
Fat Necrosis
Clinical Features: Previous trauma
First Investigation:
1. PE
2. US (<35yo)
Mammography (>35yo)
Best Investigations: FNAC
1. Observation
2. Excision
Intraductal Papilloma
Clinical Features:
1. Watery/Bloody discharge
2. Just 1 duct compromised
First Investigation:
1. PE.
2. US (<35yo)
Mammography (>35yo)
Best Investigations:
2. Core Biopsy
3. Breast Ductography (specific)
Management: Surgery
Mammary Duct Ectasia
Clinical Features:
- Discharge: Sticky, toothpaste-like green
- Multiple points
First Investigation: Mammography
Best Investigations: Ductal lavage (Cytology)
Management: Excisional biopsy
Mammary duct ectasia is a condition where the milk ducts in the breast become widened and filled with fluid. This can cause symptoms like nipple discharge, tenderness, or a lump near the nipple. It’s common in women nearing menopause and is usually not serious, but it might need treatment if it causes discomfort or infection.
Phyllodes Tumour
Clinical Features: Mobile mass that grows rapidly
First Investigation: Mammography
Best Investigations: US with core biopsy
Benign: Wide local excision
Malignant: Simple total mastectomy w/wo axillary node dissection
A Phyllodes tumor is a rare type of breast tumor that can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). It grows quickly and can become quite large. While most Phyllodes tumors are not cancerous, they can recur after removal, so they need to be monitored closely. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the tumor.
Breast Cancer
Management of px with breast cancer spread to one area of bone
- Radiotherapy
Management of px with breast cancer spread to several places in bones
- anticancer therapy with hormonal treatment
- chemotherapy
Investigation of choice for breast symptoms under the age of 35
Investigation of choice for breast symptoms over the age of 35
US as well as mammography
Protective factors of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women
- Obesity
In pre-menopausal women, obesity can act as a protective factor against breast cancer because higher body fat levels can lead to increased estrogen production from fat tissue. This additional estrogen can help maintain regular menstrual cycles, reducing the exposure to fluctuating hormone levels that might contribute to breast cancer risk. However, this protective effect is complex and doesn’t apply after menopause, where obesity actually increases breast cancer risk.