Bony Fishes - Questions Flashcards
These glands secrete the hypocalcemic hormone, calcitonin, which decreases blood calcium levels in fishes.
ultimobranchial glands
Unique glandular islets found only in the kidneys of bony fishes. They secrete a peptide called hypocalcin or stanniocalcin which elicits a typical antihypercalcemic and antihypophosphatemic response on undefined target cells in the gill, intestine, and kidney. They regulate calcium and phosphate in bony fishes
Corpuscles of Stannius
Joints in ganoid scales which make them quite inflexible but very protective
peg-and-socket joints
“Whiskers” found on the head area of fish such as catfish or bullheads, and are thought to be a sensory organ to help track down prey or food.
the most derived types of scales
ctenoid and cycloid scales
During which geological period did the first known bony fish appear?
Silurian Period
Which type of swim bladder is connected to the esophagus, allowing the fish to gulp air to regulate buoyancy?
Physostomous swim bladder
Which structural adaptation makes sarcopterygians important in vertebrate evolution?
Lobed fins
What is the main function of gill rakers in bony fish?
Filtering, feeding
What type of tail is symmetrical and found in most modern bony fish?
What are the two subclasses of Osteichthyes?
Subclass Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii
What is the only living species of Crossopterygii?
Latimeria (coelacanth)
What is the evolutionary significance of Sarcopterygii?
Ancestors of tetrapods
What is the largest order of fish under Actinopterygii?
Order Perciformes
Give the two orders under superorder Chondrostei?
- Order Acipenseriformes and
- Order Polypteriformes
These fish hatch in saltwater, migrate to freshwater to grow and mature, and return to saltwater to spawn.
Catadromous fish
The fish hatch in freshwater, migrate to the ocean to grow and mature then return to freshwater to spawn.
Anadromous fish
It was tagged and released off Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and was recovered off Norfolk Island in the South Pacific.
Black Marlin
Many bony fish establish and defend territories to secure resources such as food, mating sites, and shelter. An example of this is male betta fish.
As they grow, the larvae transform into ____. At this stage, they start to resemble adult fish but not yet sexually mature.
What section of the brain coordinates movement, muscle tone, and balance? Some examples of these bony fishes are the fast-swimming bony fishes such as sailfish and marlin
They are thin, flexible layers of connective tissue that divide the muscle segments, providing structural integrity and allowing for efficient force transfer between segmented blocks of muscle tissue.
They are primarily responsible for closing the mouth. They contract to bring the upper and lower jaws together, allowing the fish to bite, grasp, and hold onto prey
Bony fishes use this technique to maintain a continuous flow of water over their gills. By actively opening and closing their mouths, they force water across the gills, allowing for efficient oxygen uptake.
Buccal pump ventilation
In this circulation, the blood passes through only one circuit – where blood is pumped by the heart to the gills for oxygenation, after which the blood flows to the rest of the body and back to the hea
Single Circulatory Loop