Board Vitals Ophthalmology Flashcards
What happens if there is muscle entrapment after an orbital floor fracture?
Eye cannot look up because of inferior rectus muscle entrapment.
What happens if there is muscle entrapment after a medial orbital wall fracture?
Eye cannot look laterally
What is the difference between a chalazion and a hordeolum?
Chalazion - chronically blocked meibomian gland
Hordeolum - acute infection of meibomian gland or glands of Ziess
Is a chalazion infected?
Is a hordeolum infected?
What should you do if there is chronic chalazia with eyelash loss?
Fundoscopy shows diffuse swelling of optic disc with engorged vascular arcades and hemorrhages.
Central vein occlusion
Patient has an afferent pupillary defect and decrease in color vision.
Optic neuritis
What is the treatment of optic neuritis related to multiple sclerosis?
High dose IV methylprednisolone
What is the treatment of acute closed angle closure glaucoma?
Topical aqueous suppressants (acetazolamide)
What does an enlarged cup:disc ratio raise concern for in a patient experiencing worsening vision loss?
Primary open-angle glaucoma
Do pituitary adenomas cause cupping of the optic nerve?
Patient presents with progressive blindness. Exam reveals waxy and pallid appearance of optic disc, narrowed retinal arteries and bony pigmented spicules.
Retinitis pigmentosa
Patient presents with conjunctival injection, itching, watery discharge, and is worse around dust.
Allergic conjunctivitis
Patient with rosacea presents with crusting of eyelashes, with eyes “stuck shut” in the morning.
What is the next step in management of central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)?
Optimize cardiovascular risk factors
What is a Argyll-Robertson pupil?
Failure of pupils to constrict with light
What ophthalmology condition is associated with multiple sclerosis?
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Progressive vision loss, decreased vibrancy of colors, halos around streetlights, difficulty with night vision.
What do multiple yellow deposits on fundoscopic examination indicate; in a patient with central vision distortion?
Macular degeneration
What do cotton wool spots and optic disc swelling on fundoscopic examination indicate?
Can amiodarone cause vision changes (blurry vision and colored halos)?
Yes (causes corneal deposits)
Does oculomotor palsy (3rd cranial nerve) need treatment?
No (resolves on its own after weeks to months)
Is prednisone indicated in 3rd nerve palsy due to diabetic mononeuropathy?
Patient presents with eye pain and decreased vision after sleeping in contacts; exam shows diffuse conjunctival infection and purulent material.
Corneal ulcer