BN Ch.81 Cardiovascular Disorders (Nursing Process) Flashcards
Explain the rationales for the following laboratory tests: CK, LDH, AST, troponin, lipid levels, and BNP.
- Enzymes; these diagnostic markers are released into the bloodstream when muscle damage occurs, as in myocardial infarction.
- The lab tests are done
to measure the amount of the particular enzyme; the levels help determine what is wrong. - Levels of these enzymes rise and fall at specific times
Differentiate an angiocardiogram from an arteriogram, including nursing considerations for each procedure.
Describe the role of the nurse during and after the following procedures: echocardiogram, ECG stress test, and an electrophysiology study.
Identify nursing considerations before and after a cardiac catheterization.
Identify the rationale for performing a PTCA.
Compare and contrast the following surgical procedures: closed-heart surgery, open-heart surgery, heart valve replacement, and heart transplantation, including postoperative nursing interventions for each.
Explain the role of each of the following conditions as they contribute to cardiovascular disease: arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and hypotension.
Differentiate the following cardiac rhythm abnormalities: sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, PVC, heart block, and fibrillation.
Describe heart failure, including possible causes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, and nursing care.
Define and differentiate the following terms: edema, ascites, anasarca, dependent edema, pitting edema, nonpitting edema, and pulmonary edema.
Define the following infectious and inflammatory heart disorders: myocarditis , endocarditis , and pericarditis .
Identify four major causes of coronary artery disease.
Describe three signs and symptoms for angina pectoris and myocardial infarction and nursing interventions for each condition.
Differentiate the following disorders: thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, phlebitis, and embolism.
Identify nursing considerations for each of the following conditions: intermittent claudication, Buerger disease, and Raynaud phenomenon.
Identify the main causes and common complications of strokes.
Identify nursing interventions that are important during the various phases of a stroke.
A __________ test is used to assess the
severity of symptomatic and asymptomatic
cardiac disease.
___________ edema is a type of edema
formed when a finger pressed on a swollen
area leaves an indention that lasts longer
than normal.
__________ one of the symptoms of CHE,
refers to the presence of albumin in the
__________ monitoring is a special kind of
monitoring used when the heart pressures are
__________ refers to an inflammation of
the sac surrounding the heart, which may
be caused by infection, allergy, malignancy,
trauma, or some other nonspecific problem.
__________ angina is a type of angina pain that does not respond to therapy and is so persistent that the client cannot work.
Raynaud phenomenon