BN Ch.22 The Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Describe the three major layers of the heart wall and how they relate to the pericardium; identify the three layers of arteries and veins.
- The heart wall has three layers:
- Endocardium
- The endocardium (inner heart) is a membrane lining the heart’s interior wall. It is made up of endothelial tissue, small blood vessels, and some smooth muscles.
- Myocardium
- Thick, strong muscles make up the myocardium ( myo = muscle), the middle and thickest layer. Cardiac muscle (Chapter 18) is a unique type of involuntary muscle with lightly striated cells, found only in the heart.
- Epicardium
- The epicardium ( epi = upon) is the thin, outer layer of the cardiac wall (also called the visceral layer of the serous pericardium). It is composed of squamous epithelial cells over connective tissue.
- The epicardium portion of the heart wall, which also makes up the pericardium’s visceral layer, adheres to the heart’s surface.
- (A space between the visceral and parietal layers is the pericardial space or cavity.
- It houses a small amount of serous fluid, pericardial fluid , which acts as a lubricant and reduces friction between the layers as the heart contracts and relaxes.)
- The parietal layer:
- is the inner serous pericardium .
- The outermost layer:
- is the fibrous pericardium (composed of dense fibrous connective tissue).
- This tissue protects and anchors the heart in the mediastinum and prevents overfilling.
The layers within arteries and veins are as follows:
- Tunica adventitia , the outermost layer, is composed of connective tissues and nerve cells, as well as nutrient capillaries in larger vessels. This layer protects the outside of the vessel.
- Tunica media , the middle layer, contains the thickest elastic fibers, as well as connective tissue composed of polysaccharides. This layer is covered by a thick elastic band (the external elastic lamina ) and smooth muscle fibers, which control vessel’s caliber (size).
- Tunica intima , the innermost layer, is the thinnest, a single layer of simple squamous endothelium (Fig. 15-10), held together by an intercellular matrix. This layer is surrounded by connective tissue interlaced with elastic bands ( internal elastic lamina)
Identify and describe the function of the heart chambers, major vessels that enter and exit each chamber, and the atrioventricular valves, semilunar valves, chordae tendineae, and papillary muscles.
Chambers The interior of the heart is divided into four chambers. (Right/Left Atrium, Right/Left Ventricle).
- Atria
- The two upper chambers are the right and left atria (singular: atrium).
- These thin-walled, low-pressure chambers are receiving centers for blood.
- Ventricles
- The two lower chambers are right and left ventricles .
- Ventricles are high-pressure chambers; they pump blood out of the heart.
- The left ventricle must contract with sufficient force to send blood to the entire body; therefore, its muscle walls are thickest and its internal pressures the highest.
- The right ventricle needs only to pump blood into the low-pressure lungs; therefore, it is a thinner walled chamber.
- The left ventricle contains the heart’s thickest muscles and must pump strongly enough to send blood out to the entire body.
- The right ventricle also has thick muscles; the muscles in the atria are thinner than those of either ventricle.
- Atrioventricular Valves
- The atrioventricular ( AV ) valves lie between the atria and ventricles.
- The valve between the right atrium and right ventricle, the tricuspid valve , is formed of three flaps (cusps) of tissue.
- The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle, the mitral or bicuspid valve , has only two flaps of tissue.
- The tissue flaps of these valves attach to tendon-like strands, the chordae tendineae (tendinous cords), which are anchored to papillary muscles located on the inner surface of the ventricles.
- Blood flows from the atria to the ventricles through open AV valves when ventricular pressure is lower than atrial pressure.
- During this time, the papillary muscles and chordae tendineae relax.
- As the ventricles contract, increased pressure causes the AV valves to close.
- The papillary muscles also contract at this time, tightening the chordae tendineae, to prevent the valve cusps from everting (turning inside out).
- If the AV valves, chordae tendineae, or papillary muscles become damaged, backflow of blood ( regurgitation ) into the atria can occur with ventricular contraction.
- Overflow valves
- Each ventricle empties through a valve with three crescent-shaped (half-moon) cusps, the semilunar valves.
- The pulmonary semilunar valve ( pulmonic valve ) separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery.
- The aortic (semilunar) valve separates the left ventricle from the aorta, the body’s largest artery.
- Increased ventricular pressure, as when the ventricles contract, opens the semilunar valves.
- As the ventricles relax, blood begins to flow backward toward the ventricles.
- Blood fills the semilunar cusps and causes the valves to close.
- Therefore, semilunar valves prevent backflow from their respective arteries into their ventricles.
Compare and contrast the structure and function of arteries, capillaries, and veins.
- Arteries:
- Arteries are elastic and smooth (involuntary) thicker muscular tubes that, with the exception of the pulmonary artery, carry oxygenated blood to body cells.
- They are known as “resistance vessels” because they can support high pressures and hold large volumes of blood.
- Capillaries:
- A capillary is microscopic, about 8 μm (micrometers—1/8 millionth of a meter).
- Blood flow through capillaries is known as microcirculation .
- Capillaries are composed of a single layer of endothelial cells.
- They are so small that tiny red blood cells must pass through them in single file.
- Capillaries make up most of the great length of the body’s blood vessels.
- In the capillaries, overall resistance is very low, so blood flows very slowly, allowing time for oxygen and nutrients to leave blood vessels and enter body tissues.
- Veins:
- At the same time blood is delivering materials to cells, it is picking up waste products.
- From capillaries, blood starts back toward the heart through venules , the smallest veins.
- Venous branches grow larger and become fewer as they near the heart, until finally blood reaches the body’s largest veins, the superior vena cava ( SVC ) and inferior vena cava ( IVC ) (plural: cavae).
- These two large veins return blood to the right atrium.
- The SVC returns blood from the head, neck, and arms, and the IVC returns blood from the lower body.
- Venous blood is dark red because oxygen has been replaced with carbon dioxide and other wastes.
Describe the path of an electrical impulse through the heart’s conduction system; describe the purpose of this electrical activity.
- SA (sinoatrial) node (pacemaker) →
- AV (atrioventricular) node →
- Bundle of His (AV bundle) →
- Right and left bundle branches →
- Purkinje fibers to muscles of ventricles
- The electrical activity of the heart must occur before mechanical, pumping, activity of the heart can respond with a heartbeat.
Explain the events associated with S 1 and S 2 heart sounds, indicating where each of these sounds is best heard.
- The first normal heart sound ( S 1 ) is called the “lub” and is produced by closure of the AV valves when the ventricles contract.
- The second heart sound ( S 2 ) is called the “dub” or “dup” and is produced by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves when the ventricles relax.
- Thus, S 1 occurs at the beginning of systole and S 2 occurs at the beginning of diastole.
- The first sound is loudest and longest. It can be heard over the entire pericardium but is usually loudest at the apex of the heart.
- S 2 is more easily heard at the base of the heart.
Describe cardiac output, including factors involved in its regulation.
- Cardiac output ( CO )
- The amount of blood pumped by the ventricles in 1 minute, is normally from 4 to 6 L in the resting adult.
- Stroke volume ( SV ), the volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle with each heartbeat, is only about two-thirds of the blood contained in the left ventricle.
- CO is related to SV and beats per minute (heart rate—HR)
- Factors called preload and afterload can affect SV.
- Preload is the amount of pressure or “stretching force” against the ventricular wall at end diastole (maximum relaxation of the heart).
- When more blood volume is returned to the ventricles, the muscle fibers in the ventricles stretch to accommodate the excess.
- Starling law states that the greater the stretch, the greater the following force of contraction ( contractility ).
- The greater the contraction, the more volume ejected, resulting in increased SV.
- Afterload , the amount of pressure or resistance the ventricles must overcome to empty their contents, must be powerful enough to overcome resistance in the aorta and other arteries.
Differentiate between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, explaining the actions occurring during each. Identify major factors that affect blood pressure regulation.
- Systolic
- In less than 1 second, both atria contract as both ventricles relax.
- Immediately, both ventricles contract as both atria relax.
- This process is considered one cardiac cycle or one heartbeat.
- This sequence of dual contractions, the atria followed by the ventricles, is called systole .
- Systole takes up one-third of the cardiac cycle.
- Diastolic
- Atrial relaxation, followed by ventricular relaxation, is called diastole.
- Diastole takes up two-thirds of the cardiac cycle, allowing time for the chambers to fill adequately with blood.
- One cardiac cycle is made up of systole of the atria and ventricles and diastole of the atria and ventricles.
- These contraction and relaxation processes occur almost simultaneously on the left and right sides of the heart.
- The contraction that pumps blood from the heart is systole; the period of heart relaxation is diastole.
- The heart is actually in systole twice, once for the atria (atrial systole) and once for the ventricles (ventricular systole).
- In addition, both atria and ventricles have periods of diastole. Systole diastole = one cardiac cycle.
- The autonomic nervous system can respond to changes, such as increased exercise, and speed up the cardiac cycle.
- Blood pressure regulating systems include the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, and urinary systems.
State changes in the cardiovascular system caused by aging. Discuss related nursing implications.
- Increased rigidity of blood vessels (decreased elasticity and calcification—arteriosclerosis)
- Fat and cholesterol deposits in arteries (atherosclerosis)
- Dilation of blood vessels, due to weakening muscle tone; blood vessel damage
- Reduced coronary artery blood flow
- Blood vessel occlusion
- Malfunction of venous valves
- Fibrosis in heart conduction system; fewer pacemaker cells; decrease in AV bundle fibers
- Calcification and fatty accumulation in heart valves
The cardiovascular system consists of the
heart and the blood __________.
__________ heartbeats that increase with age should not automatically be considered an indicator of disease.
To adapt to the body’s metabolic needs, the heart can alter its __________ output.
__________ is the amount of pressure or resistance the ventricles must overcome to empty their contents.
The rhythmic expansion of the arterial wall
as the blood flows through it is the __________.
A membrane lining the heart’s interior wall
Thick, strong muscles making up the middle layer