BN Ch.29 The Female Reproductive System Flashcards
The female __________ is the space between the vaginal orifice and the anus.
A fertilized ovum is called a/an __________ and becomes embedded in the uterine lining.
__________ is the flow of blood and other
materials from the uterus through the vagina.
The female climacteric is called __________?
A __________is a healthcare provider who
specializes in treating disorders unique to
Maturation of a/an __________ occurs during the ovarian cycle.
The external structure of the female
reproductive system consists of components of the __________.
Describe the structure of the breast.
- The structure of the breast includes:
- Nipple
- Areola and
- Areolar glands
- The nipple is the circular projection containing some erectile tissue.
- The nipple is surrounded by the pigmented areola.
- Areolar glands, which are close to the skin’s surface, make the areola appear rough.
Catches the ovum that has burst from the ovary in structures called fimbriae
Receives fertilized ovum and provides housing and nourishment for a fetus
Produces females gametes or ova and secretes female sex hormones
Receives sperm, provides an exit for menstrual flow, and serves as the birth canal.
Write the correct sequence of the stages of
oocyte development throughout a woman’s life in the boxes provided.
1. Graafian follicle
2. Ovum
3. Primary oocyte
4. Oogonia
5. Secondary follicle
- Oogonia
- Primary oocyte
- Secondary follicle
- Graafian follicle
- Ovum
What are the hormones secreted by the ovaries?
- The ovaries secrete estrogens, female sex hormones.
- The estrogens include
- Estradiol
- Estriol
- Estrone
What is a Graafian follicle?
- At puberty, hormones stimulate the primary follicle to continue its development and to become a secondary follicle.
- The secondary follicle enlarges and forms a bump on the ovary.
- When the secondary follicle matures, it is called a graafian follicle.
What is mons pubis?
- The mons pubis is a fatty pad over the symphysis pubis.
- Posterior to the mons pubis extend two rounded folds of skin called the labia majora.
- After puberty, the mons pubis and the labia majora are covered with coarse pubic hair.
What are the two interrelated cycles of
menstruation? Which secretions control these cycles?
- The two interrelated continuous cycles of menstruation are the ovarian cycle and the uterine cycle.
- The secretions released from the anterior pituitary gland control these cycles.
What are fornices?
The vagina’s superior, domed portion has deep recesses, which are called fornices, around where the cervix extends into the vagina.
What is the clitoris?
- The clitoris is a small erectile structure that responds to sexual stimulation.
- The structure of the clitoris is similar to the structure of the penis.
- Stimulation leads to orgasm.
What happens during the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle?
- During the proliferative phase, the ovarian follicles produce increased amounts of estrogen and the endometrium prepares for possible fertilization.
- The endometrium thickens from about day 4 to about day 14.
The nurse helps clients manage problems concerning the female reproductive system; provides information about the various changes in the reproductive system; and cares for female clients
during menstruation, pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and menopause.
- A mother visits the healthcare clinic with
their daughter who is experiencing menstrual cramps. The daughter asks the nurse for information on menstruation.
a. Which information should the nurse give
to the client about the menstrual cycle?
- The nurse should give the following information to the client regarding the menstrual cycle:
- The first menstrual period is called menarche and marks the onset of puberty.
- This rhythmical series of changes then occurs about every 28 days
- Menstruation is the flow of blood and other materials from the uterus through the vagina
- It lasts 3 to 5 days or 2 to 8 days.
Which information should the nurse give
about the physical changes caused by
secretion of the hormones estrogen and
The nurse should inform the client that the following physical changes occur due to the secretion of estrogen and progesterone:
- The feminine contour appears
- Breast tissue develops
- Unique fatty deposits appear
- The glands become active, and hair appears in the pubic and axillary areas.
- As the glands of reproduction become active, menstruation occurs.
A nurse is caring for a client with an ectopic
pregnancy. The client wants to know how
their condition is different from that of a
normal pregnancy.
a. How does an ectopic pregnancy take place?
- An ectopic (outside the uterus) pregnancy is an emergency situation that endangers the life of the mother.
- In an ectopic pregnancy, the ovum becomes fertilized and enters the abdominal cavity or becomes lodged in the oviduct.
What capacity changes take place in the
pregnant uterus?
- In a normal pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases from 60 g to 950 g.
- Its capacity increases from 2.5 mL to 5,000 mL.
- After delivery, the uterus shrinks back to normal size within a couple of days.
- A nurse is caring for a 45-year-old female client experiencing menopause.
a. Which symptoms of menopause should
the nurse assess the client for?
- The nurse should assess the client for hormonal changes and imbalances and for symptoms such as:
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Hot flashes
- Weight gain
- Thinning hair
- Growth of hair on upper lip
- Dry or itchy skin.
What are the possible problems that the
client could encounter during menopause?
- The problems the client can face during menopause are prolapsed uterus, being more prone to vaginal infections, and changes in sexual response related to physical changes in the vagina.