Blood_Histology Flashcards
eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes
hematocrit for men, women, children and infants
RBC life span
120 days
azurophilic granules
small granules in all WBCs that are lysosomes contianing hydrolytic enzymes
specific granules
larger dots in granulocytes that you can actually see
neutrophil specific granules and lifespan
contains alkaline phosphatase, collagenase, lactoferrin, lysozyme, phagocytin
6 hours to few days
60% of WBCs
Neutrophilic phagocytosis mechanisms
azurophilic granules release hydrolytic enzymes
Reactive O2 compounds formed within phagosomes destroy microorgs
bi-lobed nucleus
moderate inflammatory reaction, helminth defense by inactivating histamine and leukotriene C
large red granules, NO lysozyme
lifespan is 8-12 days, circulate for 4-5 hours
granules include heparin, histamine, chemotactic factor for eosinophils
have IgE receptors on surface
few hours to few days to few months in connective tissue
lymphocytes and monocyte life span
variable life span
anucleated disk shaped fragments
arise from megakaryocytes in bone marrow
clear peripheral region of platelet
contains actin/myosin and lots of microtubules
region with purple granules containing factors for vessel repair, platelet aggregation, coagulation, vasoconstriction, adhesion, and clot removal
lymphocyte % of WBC
monocytes % of WBC
yellow marrow
in long bones, not hemopoetic, fatty
red marrow
in the epiphyses of long bones and flat and short bones
highly vascular for hematopoeisis
formation of white and red blood cells
prenatal hemopoiesis
yolk sac to live to spleen to bone marrow
postnatal hemopoiesis
stem cells give rise to progenitor cells which go to precursor cells which are in bone marrow
RBC formation
stages of erythropoiesis
- proerythroblast-undergoing mitosis, moving, changing morphology, bluish purple
- basophilic erythroblast- mitosis and movement, smaller, nucleus smaller,
- polychromatophilic erythroblast- mitosis still, smaller and condense nucleus, reddish purple
- orthochromatophilic erythroblast- mitosis stopped, smaller cell, nucleus clear, cytoplasm is now pink
- reticulocyte- rids of nucleus and now pretty red, see some RNA remaining, still in bone marrow, but is cell that crosses into blood stream
- mature RBC once reticulocyte crosses into blood stream
granulocyte formation stages
- Myeloblast- mitosis, moving, changing characteristics
- Promyeloblast- large cell with large nucleus
- Neutrophilic Myelocyte- smaller, nucleus smaller, maintain blue color, azurophilic and small specific granules developing
- Neutrophilic Metamylocyte- nucleus flattened and indented
- Neutrophilic Stab Cell- band cell, horseshoe shaped nucleus, looks almost like neutrophil
monocyte formation