Blood Vessels III Flashcards
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: subclavian artery → _____ → _____ →
Circle of Willis (Cerebral Arterial Circle) …. Of which side of the body is this true?
vertebral artery; basilar artery;
The _____ receives blood from three major arteries, and has branches which supply the
left and right sides of the brain.
Circle of Willis (Cerebral
Arterial Circle)
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) subclavian artery → (left or
right) _____ → anterior thorax and trunk
internal thoracic artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) _____ → chest, back, &
proximal shoulder
subclavian artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) _____ → (left or right) _____
→ chest, back, & distal shoulder
subclavian artery; axillary artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) subclavian artery → (left or
right) _____ → (left or right) _____ → arm
axillary artery; brachial artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) axillary artery → (left or right)
_____ → (left or right) _____ → lateral forearm
brachial artery; radial artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) axillary artery → (left or right)
_____ → (left or right) _____ → medial forearm
brachial artery; ulnar artery
The _____ and _____ arteries both supply the palm of the hand via the _____, which in
turn give rise to the _____ which supply the fingers
radial; ulnar; palmar arches;
digital arteries
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → _____ →
spleen, stomach and pancreas
celiac trunk; splenic artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → _____ →
celiac trunk; left gastric artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → _____ →
liver, gallbladder, stomach, parts of small intestine
celiac trunk; common hepatic
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → cecum,
ascending colon, transverse colon
superior mesenteric artery
. Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → diaphragm
inferior phrenic artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
(left or right) adrenal gland
suprarenal arteries
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
(left or right) kidney
renal artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
(left or right) ovary or testis
gonadal artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
lower back and abdominal wall
lumbar arteries
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → descending
colon, sigmoid colon, and part of rectum
inferior mesenteric artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
(left or right) _____ → pelvis, pelvic organs, genitals, hip
common iliac artery; internal
iliac artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → _____ → lower
median sacral artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: abdominal aorta → (left or right) _____ →
(left or right) _____ → (left or right) _____ → thigh
common iliac artery; external
iliac artery; femoral artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) external iliac artery → (left or
right) _____ → (left or right) _____ → knee
femoral artery; popliteal artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) femoral artery → (left or right)
_____ → (left or right) _____ → anterior leg
popliteal artery; anterior tibial
. Fill in the missing terms in the following series: anterior tibial artery → _____ → foot
dorsalis pedis artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) femoral artery → (left or right)
_____ → (left or right) _____ → posterior le
popliteal artery; posterior tibial
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) femoral artery → (left or right)
_____ → (left or right) _____ → (left or right) _____ → lateral leg and foot
popliteal artery; posterior tibial
artery; fibular artery
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) posterior tibial artery → (left or
right) _____ → foot
plantar arteries
The _____ and _____ arteries branch to form the _____ arteries, which supply the toes.
dorsalis pedis; plantar; digital
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: blood from the brain → _____ → (left and
right) _____ → (left and right) _____ → superior vena cava → heart
venous sinuses; internal jugular
veins; brachiocephalic veins
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: blood from the (left or right) face and neck
→ (left or right) _____ → (left or right) subclavian veins → (left or right) _____ → superior
vena cava
external jugular veins;
brachiocephalic veins
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: blood from the (left or right) brain → (left or
right) _____ → (left or right) _____ → superior vena cava
internal jugular veins;
brachiocephalic veins
Blood from the anterior thorax and abdominal walls eventually enters the _____ veins
before reaching the vena cava.
Blood from the RIGHT posterior thoracic wall and thoracic organs passes into the _____
and from there flows to the superior vena cava
azygos vein
Blood from the LEFT posterior thoracic wall and thoracic organs passes into the _____ or
_____ before entering the _____ and then flowing from there to the superior vena cava.
hemiazygos vein; accessory
hemiazygos vein; azygos vein
Blood from the shoulder, chest, and back drains into two veins, the _____ and _____, and
from there is transported to the brachiocephalic vein and on to the superior vena cava.
subclavian vein; axillary vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: blood from the superficial medial forearm
→ _____ → _____ → subclavian vein
basilic vein; axillary vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: blood from the superfical lateral forearm →
_____ (→ _____ → _____) → axillary vein (The parentheses indicate that there are two
alternate routes.)
cephalic vein; median cubital
vein; basilic vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: thumb & fingers → _____ → _____ →
_____ → axillary vein
digital veins; palmar arches;
basilic vein
Blood returns from the capillary beds of the stomach, spleen, pancreas and intestines only
after passing through the capillary beds of the _____ for _____.
liver; removal of nutrients and
_____ circulation is circulation in which blood moves from one capillary bed to another
without first being reoxygenated in the lungs.
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: the small intestine, cecum, ascending
colon, and transverse colon → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____→ inferior vena cava
superior mesenteric vein; portal
vein; liver; hepatic veins
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and
rectum → _____ → _____ → _____ → _____→ hepatic veins
inferior mesenteric vein; splenic
vein; portal vein; liver
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: the spleen and pancreas → _____ →
_____ → _____ → hepatic veins
splenic vein; portal vein; liver
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: stomach → _____ OR _____ → _____ →
liver → hepatic veins
gastric vein; gastroepiploic (or
gastroomental) vein; portal vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: RIGHT adrenal gland → _____ → inferior
vena cava
right suprarenal vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: LEFT adrenal gland → _____ → _____ →
inferior vena cava
left suprarenal vein; left renal
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: (left or right) kidney → (left or right) _____
→ inferior vena cava
renal vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: RIGHT ovary or testis → right _____ →
inferior vena cava
gonadal vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: LEFT ovary or testis → left _____ → left
_____ → inferior vena cava
gonadal vein; renal vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: lower back and abdominal wall → (left or
right) _____ → inferior vena cava
lumbar veins
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: pelvis, pelvic organs, genitals, and hip →
(left or right) _____ → _____ → inferior vena cava
internal iliac vein; common iliac
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: thigh → _____ → _____ → _____ →
inferior vena cava
femoral vein; external iliac vein;
common iliac vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: knee → _____ → _____ → _____ →
comon iliac vein
popliteal vein; femoral vein;
external iliac vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: deep anterior leg → _____ → _____ →
_____ → external iliac vein
anterior tibial veins; popliteal
vein; femoral vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: deep posterior leg → _____ → _____ →
_____ → external iliac vein
posterior tibial veins; popliteal
vein; femoral vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: deep lateral leg → _____ → _____ →
popliteal vein
fibular veins; posterior tibial
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: superficial posterior leg → _____ → _____
→ _____ → external iliac vein
small saphenous vein; popliteal
vein; femoral vein
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: superficial medial leg and thigh → _____
→ _____ → external iliac vein
great saphenous vein; femoral
Fill in the missing terms in the following series: toes → _____ → _____ and _____ →
several veins
digital veins; dorsal veins of the
foot; plantar veins
The anterior and posterior tibial veins, fibular veins, and great and small saphenous veins
all help to drain venous blood from the _____ and _____
dorsal veins of the foot; plantar