Blood & Blood Products (ASAN002/15) Flashcards
Aim of Blood Transfusion:
To ↑ the O² carrying capacity of the blood due to ↓ in circulating RBC’s, which contain haemoglobin that carries O² to the body.
Blood & Blood Products:
Blood & Blood Products available:\nFresh whole blood\nStored whole blood\nPacked RBC’s\nFresh frozen plasma\nFrozen plazma\nPlatelet–rich plasma\nCryoprecipitate
Commonly used Blood Products:
Fresh whole blood (FWB)\nStored whole blood (SWB)\nPacked RBC’s\nFresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)\nFrozen Plasma (FP)
Fresh Whole Blood (FWB)
Collected immediately prior to transfusion (preferably).
FWB – Units:
A ‘unit’ of blood refers to the standard measure of blood for a species.\nCanine unit = ∽500mls\nFeline unit = ∽50–60mls
FWB Contains:
RBC’s\nWBC’s\nClotting factors\nPlatelets
FWB Dose:
2.2ml/kg will ↑ PCV by 1% (‘rule of thumb’)\nCorrect dose calculations are also available (later in notes)
FWB Time:
Use ASAP – preferably within 4hrs\nDo not refrigerate
FWB Use:
Replacement of RBC, platelets & clotting factors.
Stored Whole Blood (SWB)
Blood used <8hrs after collection, or stored once collected.
SWB Contains:
RBC’s\nWBC’s\nPlasma proteins
SWB Dose:
2.2ml/kg will ↑ PCV by 1% (‘rule of thumb’)\nCorrect dose calculations are also available (later in notes)
SWB Storage:
Store at 1 – 6 ℃\nWill last 28 – 35 days (in appropriate blood collection bags, e.g. CPDA–1)\nAgitate daily
SWB Use:
Replacement of RBC’s\nVolume replacement
Packed Red Blood Cells
Whole blood is centrifuged & separated into plasma & RBC’s following collection.
Packed RBC’s Contains:
RBC’s only\nOften diluted with sterile NaCl prior to transfusion.
Packed RBC’s Dose:
2.0ml/kg will ↑ PCV by 2% (‘rule of thumb’)\nCorrect dose calculations are also available (later in notes)
Packed RBC’s Storage:
Store at 1 – 6 ℃\n28 – 35 days\nAgitate daily
Packed RBC’s Use:
Replacement of RBC’s\nVolume replacement
Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
Plasma that is frozen within 6hrs of collection.
FFP Contains:
Clotting factors\nVitamin K factors\nPlasma proteins
FFP Dose:
45ml/kg will increase albumin by ∽ 1g/dl
FFP Storage:
Store at –20 to – 30℃\nRemain viable for 1yr
FFP Use:
Replacement clotting factors\nReplacement of plasma proteins (hypoproteinaemia)
Frozen Plasma (FP)
Plasma that is frozen 6– 8 hrs post collection, or frozen for over 1yr.
FP Contains:
Plasma protiens\nVitamin K factors
FP Storage:
Store at –20 to – 30℃\nViable for 4 yrs
FP Use:
Replacement of plasma proteins\nVitamin K factors
Other Blood Products
Platelet–rich Plasma & Platelet Concentrate\nCryoprecipitate
Platelet–rich Plasma & Platelet Concentrate
Is harvested by centrifuging FWB at a slower rate than that used for the production of packed RBC’s & plasma.\nBlood needs to be centrifuged at room temperature – refrigeration causes platelet dysfunction.
Platelet–rich Plasma Contains:
Platelets\nCoagulation factors\nPlasma proteins
Platelet–rich Plasma Storage:
Difficult to store\nShort life span\nUse within 48hrs if kept at room temp & protected from light.
Prepared by using 1 unit FFP & a triple bag collection system.\nCryoprecipitate is the cold, insoluble portion of plasma that forms after FFP has been thawed slowly in the refrigerator over 12 – 16hrs.\nIt’s separation & collection is quite complex.
Cryoprecipitate Contains:
Von Willebrand Factor\nFibrinogen\nFactor VIII
Cryoprecipitate Uses:
Mainly used to treat von Willebrand’s disease.