Anaemia (ASAN002/14) Flashcards
The condition of: \nHaving < normal no. of RBC \nor < normal quantity of haemoglobin in the blood.(The O² – carrying capacity of the blood is ↓)
Anaemia is not a diagnosis\n– it is a symptom / clinical sign indicating…
There is an inadequate number of RBC’s & haemoglobin.
Types of Anaemia
Acute Anaemia\nChronic Anaemia
Acute Anaemia:
When there is a sudden ↓ in RBC’s:\nSevere haemorrhage following trauma\nRuptured haemangiosarcoma etc.
Acute Anaemia – Signs:
May not have an extremely ↓ PVC, but will show signs of the following due to the sudden onset.\nHypovolaemia\nHypoxia\nPale MM’s\nOrigin of haemorrhage is usually obvious.
Chronic Anaemia:
May have a much ↓ PCV than acute haemorrhage but not show such severe signs.\nThis is due to the reduction in RBC’s occuring over a period of time. \nPatient manages to compensate during the gradual loss. \nOrigin of haemorrhage often vague or unknown.
IMAGE – Comparison of Signs of Acute & Chronic Anaemia
Anaemia is always associated with an underlying disease, which can be divided into:
Inadequate production of RBC’s by the bone marrow.\nIncreased destruction of RBC’s (haemolysis).\nIncreased loss of RBC’s from the circulation (haemorrhage).
Regenerative vs Non–regenerative
The type of anaemia can also be divided into:\nRegenerative \nNon–regenerative
Regenerative Anaemia:
RBC’s are being produced (either at ↑ or normal rate) but are being lost (haemorrhage) or destroyed (haemolysis).
Non–regenerative Anaemia:
RBC production is extremely reduced. \nTwo broad classifications of theses are:\n \nExtra–bone marrow disease, e.g. lack of erythropoietin production in renal failure.\nIntra–bone marrow disease, e.g. leukaemia where there is a generalised marrow dysfunction.
The destruction of RBC’s.\nCan be:\nImmune mediated\nNon–immune mediated
Immune Mediated
Conditions include:\nIMHA – Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anemia\nIMTP – Immune Mediated Thrombocytopaenia
IMHA – Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia:
The body is attacking & destroying it’s RBC’s.\nRegenerative anaemia as RBC’s are being produced (often in ↑ numbers), but they are being destroyed.
IMTP – Immune Mediated Thrombocytopaenia:
The body is attacking & destroying the thrombocytes (platelets).
Non–immune Mediated
Conditions include:\nOxidative injury\nErythroparasites
Oxidative Injury:
Heinz body anaemia:\nMost commonly seen in onion toxicity.\nHeinz body attaches to the cell membrane of RBC.\nCauses changes in cell permeability, charge & elasticity.\nChanges cause body to see the cell as ‘abnormal’ & remove it. \nAlso seen in cats with acetaminophen (paracetamol) toxicity.
E.g. Haemobartonella felis (also called Mycoplasma haemofelis), feline infectious anaemia.\nInfectious anaemia caused by the parasitic disease, haemobartonella felis.\nThe HF organisms attach to the RBC’s of the infected cat.\nThese RBC’s are attacked & destroyed by immune system.
Inherited Disease
Von Willebrands Disease:\nCaused by a deficiency or dysfunction of the von Willebrand factor (vWF).\nvWF is a plasma protein required for normal platelet adhesion.\nDogs with vW disease do not effectively use their platelets for clotting.\n↑ risk of bleeding episodes associated with trauma or sx.
Acquired Disorders
Rodenticide Toxicity \nMost rodenticides (e.g. Ratsack, Talon, Havoc etc) cause the inhibition of the action of Vitamin K₁.\nVit K₁ is essential for the formation & activation of certain clotting factors.
IMAGE – Summary table of Causes of Haemolysis