Block 4 - Occupational and Personal Saftey Flashcards
What is a systematic, decision making process used to identify and manage hazards that in danger naval resources?
ORM-operational risk management
The ORM encompasses a ____ step process, ______ principles and _______ levels
Five, four, three
What are the five steps in the ORM process?
Identify hazards
assess hazards
make risk decisions
implement controls
What are the four principles of ORM?
Accept risk when benefits outweigh the cost
Accept no unnecessary risk
anticipate and manage risk by planning
make risk decisions at the right level
What are the three levels of ORM?
In depth, deliberate, time critical
What is a used before a project is implemented, when there is plenty of time to plan and prepare?
What are examples of in-depth methods?
acquiring personal protective equipment
drafting instructions and requirements
What is used at routine periods Through the implementation of a project or process?
Deliberate risk management
What are the examples of deliberate risk management?
Quality assurance
on the job training
safety brief’s
performance reviews
safety checks
What is used during operational exercises or execution of tasks and defined as the effective use of all available resources by individuals, crews, and teams to safely and effectively accomplish the mission or task using risk management concepts one time and resources are limited?
Time critical risk management
What type of mishap is 2,000,000 Or more results in total cost of reportable material property damage or an injury or occupational illness resulting in a fatality or permanent total disability?
Class A
What type of mishap has a resulting total cost of reportable material property damage of $500,000 or more but less than $2,000,000 Or an injury or occupational illness results and permanent partial disability or three or more personnel are in patient hospitalized?
Class B
What type of misshap has a resulting total cost of reportable material property damage of $50,000 or more but less than $500,000 and a non-fatal illness or disease that causes loss of time from work or disability at any time?
Class C
For reporting purposes, reportable last workday class C mishaps are those which results in how many workdays beyond the date of injury or onset of illness?
Five or more
What program was established as a last line of defense in the event of equipment breakdown, failure, miss use to include Hazardous environments and working conditions that would immediately expose personnel and work environments to hazard.
Personal protective equipment program (PPE)
Incorporate impact protection, hearing protection and eye protection.
Impact resistant goggles or chemical goggles
Eye protection
Soft disposable, earmuffs
Hearing protection
Hard plastic shells, with foam liner
Impact protection
Gloves protect the workers from a wide variety of condition. What are the examples of gloves?
Leather, rubber, welders
Naval aviation operations in a highly industrial environment and the need for foot protection is essential due to the wide variety of tasks that individuals could be tasked with on a daily basis. What is the minimum protective footwear requirements for Naval aviation?
Steel toed boots
ANSI approved
FOD free soles
Who will require that persons on instructed and drilled in all safety precautions and procedures, that they are complied with, and that applicable safety precautions are posted?
Commanding officer
Who is the principal advisor to the CO on all aviation safety matters and will advise and assist the CO in the establishment and management of a command safety program?
Aviation safety officer
Who is the principal advisor to the CO on all ground safety matters and will advise and assist the CO in the establishment in management of a command ground safety program?
Ground safety officer
Who coordinates the department safety program with all units and will ensure that all safety precautions are strictly adhered to by all persons within the department and all others concerned?
Department head
Who will ensure that personnel comply with all safety instructions and will prepare and submit for publication additional safety instructions deem necessary for command safety?
Division officer
Who will ensure that personal instructed in all safety matters and unfamiliar in safety instructions and will be a central point for all safety related matters or concerns within a work center?
Safety petty officer
What is formed to set goals, manage assets and review safety related recommendations and forms in activities that are larger numbers such as an aircraft squadron or air Station or larger?
Safety council
What is formed of representatives from each work center and other activities discuss safety issues and provide recommendations for improve safety procedures?
Enlisted safety committee
This causes an alarmingly high number of mishaps and include those personnel who may have maintained or repaired equipment or even the worker at the factory were a part was manufactured
Human error
These include maintenance, improper priority assignments on work request, or lack of proper quality assurance
Maintenance and support factors
Misshap can result from an improper level of supervision or failure to require personnel to meet personnel qualification standards and they can result from the lack of formal or informal training
Administrative and supervisory factors
Survey work environments to identify potential he hazardous noise levels and personal risk
Noise measure and analysis
Reduction of noise at the source is in the best interest of the Navy and it’s personal
Engineering control
These are used to limit noise exposure, but they only interim protective measures while implementing engineer and controls
Hearing protective devices
The cognizant medical treatment facility shall conduct periodic hearing tests that will monitor the effectiveness of the hearing conservation program
Individuals exposed to hazardous noise will receive training
This is an unsafe act or condition such as a flaw in established work procedures, training deficiency, or the design, manufacture, or use of a piece of equipment with the potential to cause injury or damage
What is intended to be submitted with the illumination in control of a given Hazard has communitywide implication in reducing this mishaps?
Hazardous reports (HAZREP)