Amphibious Air Traffic Control Center (AATCC) Flashcards
Are planning board is usually convened no later than how many hours prior to the execution of the next days are operations?
24 hours
What pertains to the scheduling of air operations which require close coordination and cooperation of embarking Aviation units on the ships are Department, ship’s operations Department, CATF / ships combat cargo officers and any units requesting air support?
Air planning board
They air planning board is co-chained by whom and consisting of representatives from those units involved in the conduct of air operations?
Commander amphibious task force (CATF) air officer
Commander Landing Force (CLF) air officer
What reflects the ships involvement in supporting air operations?
Air plan
When the ship is operating independently, the air plan is created by the ship’s operations department and becomes an order of the ship’s what?
Commanding officer
Embark Aviation units will publish a ______ reflecting air crew assignments, and times for launch and Recovery.
Flight schedule
The flight schedule is created by the ___________ and becomes an order of the Squadron commanders / detachment officer-in-charge (OIC)
Squadron operations Department
How many types of flight plans are used in AATCC
Three types
What are the types of flight plans used in a AATCC?
DD 175
DD 1801
ICAO flight
Which type of change to the military Flight Plan?
DD 175
Which type pertains to the DOD international flight plan?
DD 1801
What does ICAO stand for?
International civil aviation organization
The AATCC shall be manned how many minutes before a scheduled flight operations?
90 minutes
Who is responsible for the control of Airborne aircraft, except When control is assigned to another Authority?
Operations officer
Who is responsible to the operations officer for coordination of all matters pertaining to flight operations?
Air operations officer
Who is responsible to the air operations officer for the execution of the air plan (current OPS) and the proper functioning and Manning of the AATCC?
AATCC officer / current OPS
Who’s responsible for the visual control of all aircraft operating in the control Zone under case one and two conditions?
Air officer
What is the most prominent Factor affecting the degree of control necessary?
Weather in the control Zone
Type of control to be employed during departures and Recovery is determined by whom?
Air officer
What are the four types of control?
Positive control
Advisory control
Monitor control
Non radar control
Under positive control, what is the ceiling for fixed-wing operations?
1000 feet or less
Under positive control, what is the ceiling for helicopter operations?
500 feet or less
Under positive control, what is the forward flight visibility for fixed-wing and tilt-rotor V-22 airplane mode (APLN) mode operations?
Less than 5 miles
Under positive control, what is the forward flight visibility for helicopter operations until rotor conversion mode operations?
1 mile or less
Which type of control is utilized for all unaided flight operations between 1/2 hour after Sunset and 1/2 hour before Sunrise except as Modified by the OTC or ship’s commanding officer?
Positive control
Which type of control is utilized when the traffic density in operating area requires a higher degree of control for safety of flight than required under visual flight rules?
Advisory control
Which type of control is normally limited to visual meteorological conditions (VMS) is recommended for all operations in or adjacent to Oceanic control areas or routes?
Advisory control
Which type of control shall be utilized only one aircraft are operating VMC (visual meteorological conditions) outside controlled airspace and the responsibility for separation from other traffic can be safely assumed by the pilot?
Monitor control
Which type of control is used when shipboard radar is inoperative or so degraded as to be inadequate to provide radar separation of air traffic on air conditioners normally requiring Positive control?
Non radar control
Which airspace has the dimension of surface to 2,500 feet / 10 NM diameter?
Control Zone
Who owns the control Zone?
Prifly / air boss
What are spaces Dimension surface to Infinity / 100 NM diameter?
Control area
Who owns the control area?
Which air traffic control procedures are affected by EMCON?
Launch Departure Mission Arrival Recovery
Aircraft operating at 50 miles or more from the ship shall be separated by a minimum of how many miles?
5 miles
Aircraft operating within 50 miles of the ship, and not within 10 miles on a designated approach, shall be separated by a minimum of how many miles?
3 miles
Aircraft on a designated approach or establish downwind and inside of 10 miles shall be separated by a minimum of how many miles?
2 miles
Aircraft established on Final within 5 miles shall be separated by a minimum of how many miles?
1 - 1/2 miles
Air search Radars that rotates an excess of ______ are the only Radars acceptable for applications of lateral separation of less than 5 NM
And turboprop aircraft operating at altitudes of up to and including FL290 shall be separated by what?
1000 feet vertically
Aircraft operating at altitudes above FL290 shall be separated by what?
2000 feet vertically
Helicopters and tail rotor aircraft in conversion mode shall be separated by what?
500 feet vertically
Fixed wing and tail rotor aircraft in airplane mode shall be separated from helicopters and tail rotor aircraft in conversion mode by what?
1000 feet vertically
Vertical separation may be reduced to ____ inside of 12NM
800 ft
____ shall verify which mode of flight tail rotor aircraft are utilized prior to applying appropriate altitude.
What are the hazards of lightning?
Temporary blindness Hearing loss from shock waves Mild electrical shock Minor burn Damaged navigational electrical equipment Punctures in aircraft skin
What are the four types of ice?
Clear ice
Rime ice
Carburetor icing
The most dangerous type of ice?
Clear ice
What are the four degrees of icing?
What are the four types of fog?
What is one of the worst hazards of thunderstorms flying as a cause of structural damage?
What are the four degrees of turbulence?
Which may be used when it is anticipated that aircraft will not encounter instrument meteorological condition (IMC) at any time during descent, break, and pattern established on the port side of the Final Approach?
Case 1
Which case has weather minimums of 1000-foot ceiling in 3 miles visibility are required in the control Zone?
Case 1
Which case has the ceiling and visibility greater than or equal to 1000 ft and 3 miles?
Case 1
Which case shall be utilized when IMC (Instrument meteorological condition) is encountered during descent but at least a 500-foot ceiling and 1 mile visibility exist at the ship?
Case 2
During case 2, which controls shall be utilized until the flight leader / pilot reports the ship inside?
Positive control
What shall be fully manned and ready to assume control of case 3 in the event weather deteriorates to below case 2 minimum?
Which case procedures will be used whenever weather conditions at the ship are below case 2 minimum, or when no visible Horizon exist, or when directed by the commanding officer or OTC?
Case 3
_____ formation recoveries are not authorized except when an aircraft experiencing difficulties is recovered on the wing of another aircraft
Case 3
Which case has ceiling/visibility less than 500 ft or 1 mile?
Case 3
Which fixed-wing departure in recovery case may be used during daylight and night ate it operations when it is anticipated that aircraft will not encounter IMC at any time during descent, break in Final Approach?
Case 1
Which procedures shall be utilized during day and IMC will be encountered during descent, but weather at the ship is at least 1000 foot ceiling and visibility 5 miles?
Case 2
Which procedure shall be utilized during Mandatory let down in thunderstorms and 30 minutes after Sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise?
Case 3
A Sar Helo / plane guard Helo is normally established where?
Starboard Delta
What is first aircraft up, last aircraft down?
Sar Helo
Sar aircraft should remain ____ of the ship and maintain ____ of fuel to Splash to ensure the proper Sar posture
Within 10 NM, 1 hour
What is that one mile to three miles, 045 degrees outbound in 110 degrees inbound, flown at 350 and 80 Knots?
Starboard Delta
What are the controlling positions in AATCC?
Approach Marshal Departure Assault Final
What is responsible for controlling inbound aircraft from Marshal during case 2 and 3 operations, and establishing aircraft in the Final Approach course (an imaginary line extending 10 NM aft of the ship)?
Approach controller
Who hands aircraft off from Marshal to final?
Approach controller
Who supports amphibious air operations concerning ship-to-shore movement?
Assault controller
Who is responsible for the orderly flow of departing aircraft during case 2 and 3?
Departure controller
Who is responsible for controlling aircraft on Final Approach?
Final controller
Who is responsible for establishing the initial sequencing and separation of aircraft During case 2 and 3 recoveries?
Marshal controller
What are the non-controlling positions of AATCC?
AATCC watch officer
AATCC supervisor
Status boards / plotter
Who’s responsible for maintaining the ships plot and completing the pre-launch brief and also responsible for providing essential information for following the progress of launch and Recovery operation
Status board plotter
Who’s responsible to the AATCC watch officer for the overall operation of AATCC?
AATCC supervisor
What is the flight quarters watchstation responsible in ensuring all aspects of AATCC are performED?
AATCC Watch officer
What provides AATCC with accurate weather updates, diverted field weather information, Shore destinations weather information?
Meteorology and oceanography (METOC)
Which term refers to an operating procedure, practice, or condition etc. That may result in injury or death if not carefully observed or followed?
Which term refers to an operating procedure, practice, or condition etc. That may result in damage to equipment if not carefully observed or followed?
Which term refers turn operating procedure, practice or condition etc. That must be emphasized?
Which term means a procedure that is mandatory?
Which term means a procedure that is recommended?
Which term means procedure that is optional?
Which term indicates Futurity and never indicates any degree 5 requirement for application of procedure?
Which term means altitude in thousands of feet?
Which AATCC equipment has the nickname ‘Easy Rider’?
AN / SPN 35
What is the usage for AN/SPN 35?
Final controller radar
What is the range for AN/SPN 35?
10 NM
Which AATCC equipment has a nickname ‘ bullseye’?
What is the usage for AN/SPN 41?
AV8 on Final
What is the range for AN/SPN 41?
20 NM
Which AATCC has the nickname ‘Gadget’?
What is the usage for AN/SP 43?
AATCC’s primary ASR
What is the range for AN/SPN 43?
50 NM
Which AATCC equipment has a nickname ‘ Father’?
What is the usage for TACAN?
Provides slant bearing and range
What is the nickname for TPX - 42?
What is the usage for TPX - 42?
Records ATC info
Which AATCC equipment is used for radar display?
OD - 220
Which AATCC equipment is used for wind indicator?
What does AATCC stand for?
Amphibious Air Traffic Control Center
What does ACE stand for
Air combat element
What does CATF stand for?
Combat amphibious task force
What does CLF stand for?
Commander Landing Force
What does FL Stand for?
Flight level
What does METOC stand for?
Meteorology and oceanography
What does TACC stand for?
Tactical Air Control Center
What does PMC stand for?
Passenger mail cargo
What publication is known as the air traffic control (ATC) Bible?
What does NATOPS stand for?
Naval air training and operating procedure standardization
What is a manual used by controllers and standardize the rules and procedures of air traffic control Navy wide?
When was NATOPS established?