Block 10 - Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) Flashcards
Which program is used to achieve and continually improve aviation material readiness and safety standards established by the CNO/COMNAVAIRFOR, with coordination from the CMC, with optimal use of manpower, material, facilities in funds?
Naval aviation maintenance program (NAMP)
Which program helps to standardize operations of any naval command?
Who is in charge of NAMP?
Chief of Naval operations (CNO)
Who is the head of the maintenance department and manages the department and is responsible to the CEO for the accomplishment of the departments mission?
Maintenance officer (MO)
Who coordinates with the Air Wing training plan to ensure billet requirements, personal identification, and assignments are satisfied?
Maintenance officer (MO)
Who is the MO in the performance of duties and keep the MO fully informed of matters concerning the department?
Assistance maintenance officer (AMO)
Who coordinates temporary assigned duty personnel, inspects spaces, acts as the administrative officer in their absence, liaisons with the operations department, manages the SE training and licensing program, utilize NTMPS/FLTMPS for manpower management and additional duties as defined in the NAMSOPS?
Who is responsible for the overall production of material support of the departments, coordinates and monitors department workload while maintaining liaison with supporting activities and supply department to ensure requirements and workload are known and satisfied?
Maintenance/material control officer (MMCO)
Who is the senior enlisted visor for the maintenance department, reports to the MO and advise the CO in all matters affecting aircraft operations, aircraft maintenance and department personnel?
Maintenance master chief petty officer (MMCPO)
Who will ensure personnel assigned to perform QA functions receive continuous training and inspecting, testing, and quality control methods specifically applicable to their area of assignment?
Quality assurance officer (QAO)
Who is the supply corps officer assigned to a deployable squadron responsible for the handling of finances, material requisition etc.?
Material control officer (MCO)
The NAMP is founded upon how many levels of maintenance concept?
Three levels
What are the three levels of maintenance?
What provides management tools required for efficient And economical use of personnel and material resources in the performance of maintenance?
Naval aviation maintenance program (NAMP)
Which maintenance performed by an operating unit on a day-to-day basis in support of its own operations?
Which mission is to maintain assigned aircraft and aeronautical equipment in full mission capable status?
O-level mission
Which maintenance mission is to enhance and sustain the combat readiness and mission capability of supported activities by providing quality and timely material support at the nearest location with the lowest practical resource expenditure?
I-level Maintenance mission
What is performed at or by FRC sites to ensure continued flying integrity of air frames in flight systems during subsequent operational service periods?
What is performed on material requiring major overhaul or rebuilding of parts, assemblies, sub assemblies, and end items?
D-level maintenance
What are the two types of maintenance described in the NAMP?
Rework and upkeep
What is the restorative or the additive work performed on aircraft, aircraft equipment, and aircraft SE at FRC, contractors plants, and such other industrial Establishments designed by TYCOMs?
What is a preventative, restorative, or additive work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE by operating units and aircraft SE activities?
Which type of upkeep inspection/maintenance is conducted between flights to ensure the integrity of the aircraft for flight, verifies proper servicing and detects degradation they may have occurred during the previous flight?
Turn around
A turnaround is good for how many hours? Provided that no flight occurs during this period and no maintenance other than servicing was performed?
24 hours
Which type of upkeep inspection/maintenance is conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than the turnaround inspection?
How long is the daily upkeep valid for without flight or major maintenance?
72 hours
How long can the aircraft be flown for before another daily is needed as long as it does not surpass the 72 hour limit?
24 hours
What type of upkeep inspection/maintenance is a scheduled inspection for other than daily?
What are on schedule events required As a result of a specific over limit condition, or as a result of circumstances or events which create an administrative requirement for an inspection?
Conditional maintenance requirements
Which inspection divides the total scheduled maintenance requirement into smaller packages, or phases of the same work content and are done sequentially and at specific intervals?
Which type of upkeep/inspection is performed at the time of reporting custodian excepts a newly assigned aircraft or support equipment from any source and on return of an aircraft from SDLM or other major depot level maintenance?
Which type of upkeep inspection maintenance is performed at the time of reporting custodian transfers and an aircraft or support equipment?
Which is a more intensive type of maintenance as it is performed at D-level?
This is a process to ensure the assets continue to do what their users require in their present operating context
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
The military adopted the RCM from the _______ In the mid-1970s
Commercial aviation Industry
As a result we now have different types of rework maintenance modeled after the RCM concepts such as what?
ASPA - aircraft service period Adjustment
PMI - periodic maintenance interval
What is used to determine whether the airframe, power plant, accessories, and equipment are functioning in accordance with predetermined standards which subjected to the intended operating environment?
Functional check flight (FCF)
When is functional check flight (FCF) conducted?
Completion of SDLM
after engine system installation
flight control surface component replacement
attitude system component replacement/adjustment
certain phase inspections
any time the aircraft is not fun for 30 days or more regardless of the reason
What is the function of retaining material in or restoring it to a serviceable condition?
What activities are included in maintenance?
condition determination
What is a general term to denote central executive direction and control of work by an individual or organization specifically assigned and funded to accomplish the function?
What is the process of planning, organization, staffing, directing, and controlling organic industrial resources required for physically performing equipment maintenance?
Maintenance management
What is the material condition of an aircraft which, considering mission requirements and environmental conditions, permits it to be launched, flown and landed safely and ensures the aircrew has, as a minimum, the operable equipment for Safelite?
Safe for flight (SFF)
What is used to provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload?
Monthly maintenance plan (MMP)
Who is responsible for preparing and publishing the MMP?
What is a detailed service record Maintain for each individual aircraft?
Aircraft logbook
What is defined as the efficient attainment of a objectives and all actions taken to retain material in a serviceable condition or to restore it to serviceability?
What is defined as the actions necessary to retain or restore material or equipment to a serviceable condition with a minimum expenditure of resources?
Maintenance management
Maintenance control is at what level?
What are two of the most critical aspects of Naval aviation?
Release of an aircraft safe for flight and acceptance of the aircraft
What is used to provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload, for example, inspections, transfer receipt of aircraft, and compliance with TD’s?
Monthly maintenance plan (MMP)
When is the MMP prepared and distributed at the O2 level?
25th of each month
When is the MMP prepared and distributed at the I-level?
1st of each month
What is a hardbound record of equipment, inspections, reschedule to remove all items, and installed equipment?
Aircraft logbook
What concept is fundamentally the prevention of the occurrence of defects and Embraces all events from the start of the maintenance operation to its completion and is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel?
Quality assurance (QA)
Who is the maintenance Personnel assigned to QA and certify that the work involved has been personally inspected by them it has been properly completed, and is in accordance with her instructions and directions?
Quality assurance representative (QAR)
Who are assigned to production work centers and they function in the same capacity as QA ours in may be assigned on temporary or permanent basis?
Collateral Duty QAR (CDQAR)
Who are assigned to production work centers to inspect all work and comply with the required QA inspections during all maintenance actions performed by the respective work centers?
Collateral Duty inspector (CDI)
Who will Spot check all work in progress and will be familiar with the provisions and responsibilities of the various programs managed and audited by QA?
What program managed by QA provides a central source of up-to-date information for used by all Personnel in the performance of their work, and it is an excellent source of reference information to facilitate personal training and individual Improvement?
Central Technical Publications library in (CTPL)
What is defined as an assessment of the effectiveness of programs manager within the maintenance department?
What will serve as an orderly method of identifying, investigating, and correcting deficiencies on a scheduled and unscheduled basis?
What is the tool used by QA doing audits that provides a standardized objective measurement tool to conduct audits?
CSEC (computerized self evaluation checklist)
How many types of audits does the QA perform?
What type of audit is conducted to evaluate specific maintenance tasks, processes, procedures and programs and may be requested by the work center at any time or when a new work center supervisor is assigned?
Copies of audits are held for how long?
1 year
What type of audit is conducted semi-annually to evaluate the overall quality performance of each work center?
Work center
What type of audit evaluate specific programs, providing a systematic in coordinated method of identifying deficiencies in determining adequacy of and adherence to technical Publications instructions?
Program audits
Which program has an objective of ensuring a safe environment is maintained when working on aeronautical equipment fuel cells and tanks?
ACSP - aircraft confined space program
What does NAMDRP stand for?
Naval Aviation maintenance discrepancy reporting program
What program identifies, correct, and eliminates casual factors which are command responsibility and must be a part of the maintenance program?
FOD prevention program
What program provides a means of rapidly account for all tools after completing a maintenance task, thus reducing the potential for FOD?
Tool control program
What is the secondary benefit of the tool control program?
Reduce tool loss
What is responsible in providing material support to their cognizant organizations and coordinate indirect material Requirements to ensure the material ordered is the material required and delivered to the work centers?
Material control
What is the form used to document the report of survey and certify the survey process when government property is lost, damaged, or destroyed?
Financial liability
Which form is the official document to support establishment of debts, relief from accountability, and adjustment to accountable records for Supply system stock and property book material?
Financial liability
What becomes reporting vehicle if the shipper denies credit for reporting non receipt or shortages on Supply requisitions?
Report of discrepancy (ROD)
What will contain instructions to assist Pilots of aircraft involved in extended flights to obtain material of services which may be necessary for the continuation of a flight
Flights packets
Flight packets will be inventoried by the supply officer on material control officer when returned after each extended flight and at least _______.