Block 3 Histo Review Flashcards
id thick skin, thin skin, sebacous gland, sweat gland, etc.
papillary layer of dermis has epidermal blank
id stratums
id keratinocyte, clear cells
clear cells can be one of these
melanocyte, merkel cell, langerhans cell
glassy membrane is the blank of the hair follicle
basement membrane
blank surrounds the glassy membrane
dermal sheath
this sits right next to the hair follicle
sebaceous gland
secretion mode of sebaceous gland
holocrine means whole cell blank and is released
sebaceous glands look like they’re filled with blank
lipid droplets
id myoepithelial cell
light pressure sensor in skin
meissners corpuscle
heavy pressure sensor in skin
pacinian corpuscle
these are around the outside of a lymph node
t cells are in the blank of the lymph node
deep cortex
b cells are in blank and blank of lymph node
medulla, lymphoid nodule (outer cortex)
lymph node function
filter lymph
blank is a continuation of the capsule in a lymph node
blank cells look like kupffer cells but are in lymph node sinuses
reticular cells
capsule is kinda considered the blank and it attaches to the working part which is called blank
stroma, parenchyma
spleen has a characteristic blank
central artery
characteristic thing of the thymus
hassal’s corpuscles
blank of thymus is darker bc more lymphocytes
tonsil invaginations are called blank
prominent covering of tonsil is the blank lining
adventitia covers blank
retroperitoneal organs
bottom of SI cells there are blank cells with a lot of granules
paneth cells