block 2 lecture 6 respiratory tract defence mechanism Flashcards
what is the route air takes to enter the lungs?
enter the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, primary bronchi… bronchioles, terminal bronchi, alveoli
what is tonicity?
cells drying out
what prevents cells from tonicity?
mucous layer, secreted by goblet cells
what is important for the conducting system during inhilation?
they are held open as the lungs cause a sucking motion
what shape is the cartilage in the trachea?
which side do you find the tracheal cartilage?
on the anterior side
why is the tracheal cartilage not on the posterior side?
allows flexability during swallowing
what is the respiratory mucosa?
pseudostratified ciliated
what is pseudostratified epithelium?
all cells are in contact with the basal lamina
what are basal cells?
stem cells
why are the basal cells stem cells?
short and so wont be dried out
what are cilia?
long processes that can move
what allows cilia to move?
in the bronchioloes what is the epithelium?
in the nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi what is the epithelium?