block 2 lecture 10 Flashcards
what is the appearance of cardiac muscle?
striated, branched with intercolated discs
what ensures the muscle acts as one functional unit?
wave of depolarisation moves via gap junction
what are myocytes made up of?
myosin structure?
tail region of alpha chains in an alpha helix hinge region 2 heads regulatory light chians alkyle light chains
what allows myosin heads to bind to the actin?
hydrolysis of ATP
what type of protein is actin?
what is the structure of actin?
two helical stands
inbetween strands is tropomyosin
what is the troponin complex?
troponin I
troponin C
troponin T
what is troponin I?
the inhibitory part
what does troponin C do?
binds to calcium ions
what does troponin T do?
keeps the troponin bound to the actin
what happens to troponin when calcium binds?
confirmational change and cross bridges can form
what happens to the products of ATP hydrolysis when it binds to myosin?
stays bound
what produces the power stroke?
inorganic phosphate is released
what is excitatory contraction coupling?
an action potential triggers a myocyte to contract
what happens when an action potential depolarises the membrane of a myocyte?
calcium ion channels open allowing influx of calcium ions
what are dihydropyridine receptors?
voltage gated calcium ion channels in the T tubules
what are ryonidine receptors?
receptor on the sarcosplasmic reticulum