BK 6 Flashcards
Question 1:
In certain situations, the emergency roll call has been delegated to, and conducted by a company officer. Choose the most correct information about the emergency roll call.
A:All officers of all companies, except SOC companies, will answer when called by the Roll Call Officer, stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT
B: HMTU personnel will answer a roll call according to their Haz-Mat positions, eg Entry 1 and Entry 2, Back-up 1 and 2, Decon 1 and 2
C:If a company officer does not answer when called, the RCO will either call a FF operating with that officer or call another company operating in the immediate area of that officer, in attempt to locate them
D: Rescue and Squad personnel will be accounted for as per Rescue positions
C Explanation:
A- All Officers of ALL Companies
B- HMTUs will answer according to their Engine positions. Haz-Mat 1 will answer according to Haz-Mat positions
D- Rescue FFs will be accounted as per ladder company positions….Squad FFs will be accounted for as per engine company positions
Question 2:
At 10-75 and greater alarm fires, or as determined by the IC, members will be considered patients if they are complaining of illness or injury, have symptoms of CO exposure or hypoxia, or have a SpCO of 15% or greater or a SpO2 of less than 90%. Of the following choices, which is incorrect regarding rehabilitation/medical monitoring procedures?
A:Members identified as patients and treated for carbon monoxide exposure shall include the medical data on an injury report only when they have been transported to a hospital.
B: Units that do not complete the rehabilitation/monitoring protocol shall be re-assigned to the incident by the IC for Rehabilitation purposes and not released until completion.
C: Following release from the rehabilitation/monitoring protocol, Fire units shall be directed to return to quarters to shower and change into clean station uniforms.
D: Special Units, Squads, Rescues and Haz-Mat Ops Units shall be given priority for medical monitoring when the Unit’s release is pending completion of the monitoring activities.
A Explanation:
Members identified as patients and treated for carbon monoxide exposure, WHETHER OR NOT transported to a hospital, shall include the medical data on an injury report.
AUC 230 7.12.4, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16
Question 3:
The numerical Haz-Mat classification for Flammable Solids can be found in which choice?
A: 2
C: 7
D: 8
B Explanation:
Acronym: Every Good Lieutenant Standard Operating Procedure Requires Coordinated Members
1- Explosives
2- Compressed Gases
3- Flammable Liquids
4- Flammable Solids
5_ Oxidizers
6- Poisons
7- Radioactive
8- Corrosives
9- Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods
Hazardous Materials 2 sec 2.1
Question 4:
Two members of a busy Brooklyn Engine made a number of comments regarding the Digital In-line Gauge during drill. Which comment made was incorrect?
A: The gauge is not to be pre-connected to a folded length of hose.
B: The goal is to obtain a residual pressure (nozzle open, water flowing) of approximately 70 PSI for a 3 length stretch or 80 PSI for a 4 length stretch with a flow of 225-250 GPM.
C: Suspect kinks if the pressure reading on the gauge is normal or higher and the flow is reduced below normal. Suspect a burst length if the pressure reading is normal or lower and the flow is increased above normal.
D:If the Digital In-Line Gauge fails to display upon initial start-up, make another attempt to turn the gauge on. If this attempt fails, the Control Firefighter shall notify the officer. The officer must immediately transmit an “Urgent” and back the nozzle team out to a safe area.
D Explanation:
If the Digital In-Line Gauge fails to display upon initial start-up, make another attempt to turn the gauge on. If this attempt fails, the Control Firefighter shall verify with their officer that the nozzle team is receiving proper pressure and flow. Since the Digital In-Line Gauge does not regulate water flow, hoseline operations can continue without the display functioning properly. The officer must monitor water pressure and flow and communicate the need for any adjustments to the Control Firefighter.
TB Tools 36 3.1 A, E, F
Question 5:
Today is January 31, 2019 and you are working the 6x9 tour in E-100 when you receive a ticket at 2100 hrs for a person in water. En-route to the scene, you are trying to remember the procedures for Water Rescue Operations. Choose the incorrect procedure.
A: All members operating at or near a water emergency must wear a PFD
B: Bunker gear shall only be worn when operating in the immediate vicinity of water/ice operations when absolutely necessary
C: Location of victim determines if they can be reached safely: up to 200’ for Ice/Water and up to 600’ for Surf
D:During this tour, members operated just passed the line of sight since the tether rope for surf water rescue is 600’
D Explanation:
Members should not be allowed past the line of sight from shore for night operations
Look at 2.4…..Bunker gear does not float. Tests have shown that members wearing Bunker Gear with or without a SCBA will sink instantaneously
Water Rescue 1 sec 2
Question 6:
As the first arriving aerial ladder at a fire on the 3rd floor of a 4-story Brownstone, the LCC would be correct to follow all of the actions below except?
A: Position and prepare the apparatus for complete coverage. When unable to complete this assignment, notify the IC.
B: If the Roof Firefighter indicates no need for rescue, place the aerial ladder to the top floor for VEIS.
C:Generally, the window over the main entrance opens into one small room (on all upper floors). The other two windows open into a large room which originally, and in many cases still is, connected railroad fashion to other rooms deeper in the building. It is best to select the window over the main entrance for VEIS, due to the limited means of escape for occupants.
D: LCC entry into the top floor via aerial may be negated until the fire has been darkened down. The LCC should wait until the possibility of lapping fire has been eliminated, then vent all windows on the top floor in accordance with established ventilation procedures. Entry into the top floor via aerial may then be attempted, when teamed up with another available member, if the second arriving ladder company has not already “made” the top floor via the interior.
C Explanation:
Generally, the window over the main entrance opens into one small room (on all upper floors). The other two windows open into a large room which originally, and in many cases still is, connected railroad fashion to other rooms deeper in the building. It is best to select one of these windows for VEIS, instead of the window over the main entrance.
Question 7:
Today is February 1, 2019 and you are working in L-500 for 9x6 tour when you receive a ticket to fill out alarm. You and your FFs board the apparatus and proceed to 44-45 Carlton st in the Borough of Brooklyn. En-route, the dispatcher tells you that L-500 is designated the FAST Unit for a fire on the 4th floor of a 6 story 100x100 “H” type multiple dwelling. As the FAST Unit officer, the operational considerations for this fire include all of the following except?
A: FAST Unit search team shall make entry to locate, package, and remove the member if possible
B: FAST Unit removal/resource team will stage at the entrance and be available to assist
C: In an “H” type building, the FAST Unit officer can use a 2 sided approach where the search team makes access via the interior and the removal team makes access via the exterior of the building
D:Due to the size and type of building, the FAST Unit shall remain intact and not split up
D Explanation:
The FAST Unit shall remain intact and not split up when dealing with large commercial or complex buildings
Choice “C” is good as written…Just cant split company for large commercial or complex buildings
MMID ch 2 sec 7.3 and 7.4
Question 8:
In a private dwelling of lightweight construction, when the fire is on the top floor and there is clear indication that the fire has NOT entered the cockloft, roof operations shall be limited to each of the following except?
A: Checking the rear and sides of the building.
B: Inspecting HVAC duct vents for unusual heat.
C:Cutting inspection holes and monitoring for the presence of smoke and fire at these cuts.
D: Venting the top floor windows, and skylights if present.
C Explanation:
Note: All members shall be removed from the roof upon completion of these duties (in Choices A, B and D)
When fire is on the top floor and there ARE indications that it has extended to the attic/cockloft, the IC shall be immediately notified, and members shall not be permitted to operate on the roof. Any fire present in the attic/cockloft represents the potential for a partial or complete collapse of the roof.
PD Ch 6 4.3,10, 4.3.11 PD Ch 6
Question 9: You are working in L-500 during the 6x9 tour on February 1, 2019, when L-500 and E-400 receive a run for a fire on the 5th floor of a 6 story 25x80 class 3 multiple dwelling. Upon arrival, E-400 transmits the 10-75 for a fire on the 5th floor of a 6 story multiple dwelling. As E-400 is beginning their stretch , you head to the fire floor while trying to remember the new ventilation procedures. Choose the most correct ventilation procedure from the list below.
A: L-500 OV vented the windows in the fire area upon hearing E-400 to E-400 chauffeur “start water”
B: L-500 OV vented the fire area upon hearing E-400 to B-100 “we are knocking down visible fire”
C: L-500 OV and L-600 OV vented all windows to the fire apartment upon hearing L-500 to L-500 OV “vent the windows”
D:L-500 OV vented only the windows in the immediate fire area only after communicating and coordinating with the Ladder Company Officer operating in that area
D Explanation:
Ventilation sec 8 , 11.4, and 11.4.note
Also look at 10.2.1.note for vertical ventilation
The Roof FF may perform vertical ventilation without direct communication upon hearing radio transmissions that the interior team has door control on the fire floor, or a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire apartment
Question 10:
The stairway configuration of a building can greatly assist operations in some cases. There are usually two to four independent stairs in “H” type buildings. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: Transverse stairs are usually located at points remote from each other, but a person can go (transverse) from one stairway to another via the public hall on all floors of the building. They are a tremendous asset in heavy fire operations on the top floor.
B: Isolated stairs are usually identified by their individual entrances. Floor landings are recognized by their limited space and absence of a public hall. Access is limited to the apartments served by the stairs, and there is no access to other wings.
C:Generally, on the first floor of H-type buildings, there is no access between wings.
D: Wing stairs are located at the front and rear of each wing. The floor landing leads to the public hall that will join the other stairs in that wing only (if two stairs). The public hall does not transverse to the other wing of the “H”.
C Explanation:
Generally, on the first floor of H-type buildings, there IS access between wings.
MD 5.2.5
Question 11:
Lieutenants are responsible for the supervision and discipline of members and the efficient operation of units under their jurisdiction during their tour of duty. Choose the incorrect responsibility.
A: The senior lieutenant in rank, assigned to a unit, shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the company commander during an extended leave of absence of the assigned captain, provided no other captain is assigned
B: Lieutenants shall prepare and sign fire reports, reports on meritorious acts, charges, deaths, injuries involving members or civilians, accidents or damage to apparatus, and other incidents of an unusual nature, occurring or developing during their tours of duty
C: Lieutenants shall cooperate with their captain in effecting the administration, report preparation, record keeping, discipline, and the efficiency of units
D:When two or more lieutenants are on duty in quarters housing more than one unit, they shall share responsibility for the discipline of all members while in quarters. The officer that is senior in age shall be primarily responsible
D Explanation:
The officer that is senior in rank shall be primarily responsible
Regulations ch 10 sec 10.2
Question 12:
To remove metal gates often found on fire escape windows of nonfireproof tenements, you would be most correct in which tactic described below?
A: These gates are always on the outside of the window.
B: The gate is attached to the window frame with wood screws.
C: Use either the fork or adz end of the halligan tool to pull the gate loose at the locking device.
D: If severely exposed to heat or smoke at the lock side, cease removal and notify the IC.
B Explanation:
A) These gates are always on the ROOM SIDE of the window and will first require opening or removing the window.
C) Use either the fork or adz end of the halligan tool to pull the gate loose at the side OPPOSITE THE LOCKING DEVICE.
D) If severely exposed to heat or smoke opposite the locking device of the gate, removal may be accomplished at the LOCK SIDE.
Lads 3 5.3.2 3 a, b
Question 13:
The verbal button on the PC/ATS shall only be used if the alarm is within how many blocks from a units quarters?
A: 1
C: 3
D: 4
B Explanation:
If the alarm is more than 2 blocks away, the unit should respond and give information and location via radio
Communication’s ch 2 sec 2.2.5
Question 14:
According to the Department’s ICS Manual, the number of resources in a “task force” should be limited to ____ for control purposes.
A: 3
D: 10
Question 15:
Choose the incorrect Ladder Company tactic when operating at Loft type buildings.
A: Crowned cobble stone streets, commonly found in loft areas, are often in disrepair and may negatively impact apparatus tormentor and jack placement
B: Ladder Company Officer to request additional assistance if the dimensions of the fire floor make it impractical for one ladder company to effectively and safely operate alone
C: Ladder Company FFs operating on the exterior of the building, must communicate with their company officer and consider wind conditions before venting
D:When a FF manually shuts down a sprinkler system, that member is to immediately join the forcible entry team due to the large floor area in these types of buildings
D Remain at shut off valve in case the system needs to be reactivated
Lofts sec 7
Question 16:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the “search rope?”
A: The Search Rope is made of either 5/16th inch diameter white nylon or a 7.5 mm diameter Kernmantle design. The rope is 200 feet long with a snap hook at each end.
B: Nylon search ropes shrink over time due to many reasons, with moisture and temperature being the most common. Due to this shrinkage and the installation of distance and directional knots, nylon search ropes may be short by 25 feet or more.
C: The intervals of the distance knots are 25 feet apart.
D:The rope should be tied off at intervals to help keep it taut and off the floor. The rope shall be maintained approximately two to three feet above ground. This will keep it out of water and make the rope easier to find. When changing direction or grade, the rope shall be tied off.
D Explanation:
D) The rope should be tied off at intervals to help keep it taut and off the floor. The rope shall be maintained approximately ONE to TWO FEET above ground. This will keep it out of water and make the rope easier to find. When changing direction or grade, the rope shall be tied off.
A) Note: Newly issued search ropes will be of the Kernmantle type design and have a double-action snap hook at the working end and a snap hook that secures the rope to the bag. This will avoid the rope being repacked from the wrong end.
TB Rope 6 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 5.6