BK 3 Flashcards
Question 1:
Which of the following choices contains incorrect information regarding the Buckeye Pipeline?
A: The Buckeye Pipeline consists of two 12” steel pipes. One carries gasoline, and the other kerosene base aviation fuel.
B:The pipeline operates at 1,200 psig at Linden, New Jersey. The maximum service pressure on the terminal piping and delivery lines to shippers from the Long Island City terminal is 200 psig.
C: Manual shut off valves are generally located below ground in a valve housing under a hinged cover.
D:To shut the valves, utilize the appropriate wrench to turn the valve clockwise 48 full turns (84 half turns). The only exceptions are the valves located on the shipper’s lines extending from the Long Island City terminal which require 24 full turns (42 half turns) clockwise.
D Explanation:
To shut the valves, utilize the appropriate wrench to turn the valve clockwise 42 full turns (84 half turns). The only exceptions are the valves located on the shipper’s lines extending from the Long Island City terminal which require 24 full turns (48 half turns) clockwise.
AUC 149 1.1, 1.3, 2.3.2
Question 2:
If the address that you are responding to for a fire/emergency is not a CIDS building but is on the same side of the street and within ________house numbers of a CIDS building, the computer will identify the CIDS building to the Borough dispatcher?
A: 4
D: 1
B Explanation:
The dispatcher will notify the IC of this fact via radio if the preliminary or progress reports indicate that exposures are a consideration…..Remember, You are the IC until a higher rank is 10-84
Communications ch 4 sec 4.2.4
Question 3:
Hurricane season for the eastern Atlantic region is June 1st to November 30th. There are many other dates that are important to the Fire Department. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A:Units should determine special needs for storm preparation and obtain such supplies and equipment in advance of the start of hurricane season (June 1st).
B: Requisitioning for necessary storm preparation supplies shall commence March 1st to permit sufficient time for the various bureaus to obtain and deliver materials.
C:Items on requisition not received by June 1st shall be called to the attention of the Division Storm Operations Coordinator.
D: New York City is most at risk of being affected by a hurricane between August and October.
Items on requisition not received by MAY 1st shall be called to the attention of the Division Storm Operations Coordinator. AUC 159 1, 4.7.1
Question 4:
During Building Inspection, you discover a single building with the address 100-112 Williams Ave. Upon return to qtrs, you are trying to figure out how many CIDS entries are required for a single building with a multi-number address range posted. You would be correct in which choice?
A: 1
C: 7
D: 12
B Explanation:
The unit officer must enter a CIDS message for the first and last posted address numbers of such range. The combined number 100-112 should also be included in the “Transmitted Data” portion of each CIDS entry (AKA 100-112 Williams Ave)
Communications ch 4 page 5
Question 5:
Which choice below is incorrect regarding subway ventilation fans?
A: There are approximately 200 ventilation fan plants located throughout the Transit System, with each fan plant having between one and four fans.
B: Most of the plants have a single fan. Plants serving under-river tubes may have up to four fans.
C: Not every subway station has an associated fan plant. Fans are not universally distributed throughout the subway system.
D:Most Transit System ventilation fans operate in the supply mode. A small number operate in the exhaust mode. Ventilation fans associated with under-river tubes are reversible, as are replacement fans.
D Explanation:
Most Transit System ventilation fans operate in the EXHAUST mode. A SMALL NUMBER operate in the SUPPLY mode. (*Hint: SS - Small number Supply). Ventilation fans associated with under-river tubes are reversible, as are replacement fans.
On some older type fans, the direction of the airflow can be changed by moving dampers.
AUC 207 Add 8 2.1, 2.3, 2,6
Question 6:
You are the first arriving officer to an overt biological event. You should establish an exclusion how many feet from the point of release?
A: 200
C: 500
D: 1000
B Explanation:
Restrict entry of any responder for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the biological agent to settle
ERP add 1 ch 7 sec A
Question 7:
Who is in charge of a “suspicious package” response?
A: FDNY Single Command
B:NYPD Single Command
C: FDNY / NYPD Unified Command
D:FDNY / NYPD (first to arrive)
B Explanation:
AUC 276 5.1
Question 8:
During a cold water rescue pre-determined hand signals have been established to allow the Rescuer and Tether to communicate. Choose the correct hand signal
A: 2 hands placed on top of the rescuer’s head indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore
B: 1 arm waving in the air indicates let more slack out in line
C:1 arm waving in the air indicates additional help is needed
D:1 hand placed on top of the rescuer’s head indicates the rescuer is ready to be pulled to shore
D Explanation:
B and C…….1 arm waving in the air indicates stop pulling
Emergency Procedures Water Rescue 2 Ice and Cold Water Rescue sec 8
Question 9:
Portable Generators issued to Fire Department units have many specifications. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A:If a portable generator is used to power an exhaust fan, the ideal length of the electrical cord should be 100 feet or less. Electrical cords of longer lengths reduce the efficiency of the fan and may result in damage to the equipment being used.
B: The only maintenance required on the lights is bulb replacement. Bulbs may be procured from Technical Services. All other repairs to lights should be done by Technical Services.
C: Operate portable generators for 15 minutes weekly.
D: During the test of the generator, operate all lights for 5 minutes to test for proper working order of lights and generator under load. If lamps do not light while testing or using, check bulbs for tight connection.
A Explanation:
If a portable generator is used to power an exhaust fan, the ideal length of the electrical cord should be 50 feet or less….
TB Tools 4 3.5, 3.8.1, 3.8.2
Question 10:
The following radio transmission is heard at a fire: “L-120 to Battalion 44, we have a fire in apartment 3D, we have door control and we are in the apartment.” This radio transmission indicates all of the following except?
A: L-120 inside team is conducting a search
B: The location of the fire apartment for the Engine Company, other members, and the IC
C: Confirms that interior conditions are tenable to begin operations and that the door is being controlled
D:Upon hearing this transmission, the Roof FF must still communicate and confirm with the Ladder Company Officer inside the fire apartment that the door is being controlled before vertical ventilation can begin
D Explanation:
The initial vertical ventilation must be coordinated with door control of the fire area. If the Roof FF does not hear the above transmission, he/she must confirm with the Ladder Company Officer that the door is being controlled on the fire floor before vertical ventilation can begin
FFP Ventilation sec 5
Question 11:
Members conducting drill on the Pak-Tracker identified which incorrect comment during their discussion?
A: The maximum range from an SCBA’s transmitter to a Pak-Tracker handheld receiver is approximately 900 feet line of sight. The range is dependent on the environmental conditions and anything that might cause interference or reflection of the personal transmitter signal.
B:The Pak-Tracker handheld receiver is intrinsically safe and suitable for use in potentially flammable or explosive atmospheres.
C: Pak-Trackers are currently carried by all ladder, rescue and squad companies. Pak-Trackers shall be brought to the Incident Command Post (ICP) by the FAST unit, rescue and squad companies. A member of the FAST unit will monitor the Pak-Tracker. The rescue and squad Pak-Trackers will remain at the command post as a backup should the FAST unit be deployed.
D: A member of the FAST unit other than the member monitoring EFAS shall monitor the Pak-Tracker. This specific PakTracker must remain in the monitoring mode near the FAST unit’s assigned position.
B Explanation:
The Pak-Tracker handheld receiver is NOT suitable for use in potentially flammable or explosive atmospheres.
TB SCBA Add 8 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2
Question 12:
The Company Journal shall be retained for how many years?
A: 25
C: 15
D: 10
B Explanation:
Company Office Record Journal is 10 years (15.3.1)
Company Fire Record Journal is 10 years (15.3.5)
Regs ch 15 sec 15.2.1.R
Question 13:
Battalion 99 is 1084 at a confirmed leak in the Iroquois Pipeline. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding department operations at this emergency?
A: Patrolling the pipeline to locate the leak will be performed by a Squad Company or SOC Support ladder. If not available, the IC shall special call one for their metering capabilities.
B: Except in the event of immediate threat to life or property, no valves should be opened or closed without the approval of Con Edison/Iroquois personnel.
C:The primary consideration is the evacuation of the area involved.
D:Once the location of the leak is confirmed, fog lines shall be used to aid in the dissipation of the escaping gas.
C Explanation:
CAUC 150
A – Incorrect – If Rescue, Squad, Soc Support not available, IC shall order available units 7.2.3
B – Incorrect – FD Incident Commander in consultation with Con Ed/Iroquois personnel. 4.5
C – Correct 7.2.1
D – Incorrect – Fog lines may hinder the dissipation of the gas. 7.1.2
Question 14:
At a confirmed chemical release in a subway,the first arriving units should perform all of the following correct operations except?
A:If a dispersal device is still operational, the first alarm units shall make every attempt to stop the device wearing bunker gear and SCBA
B: Members operating in bunker gear should not proceed in the Exclusion Zone any further than the farthest live victim when performing hazard assessment or rescue of ambulatory victims
C: The officer must monitor on-air time of members in order to ensure decontamination is completed before the air supply is depleted
D: Immediate actions onsite should include checking for secondary devices and monitoring radiation levels
A Explanation:
If a dispersal device is still operational, the first alarm units shall make NO attempt to stop the device
ERP add 2 page 6
Question 15:
Which feature of Brownstone buildings is listed incorrectly?
A: They are three to five stories in height with a cellar.
B: Their width is 20 to 25 feet, and their depth varies to about 60 feet.
C: The interior is of combustible construction, while the exterior shell is made of non-combustible material.
D:In Brownstones, the basement is below the first floor.
D Explanation:
In Brownstones, the basement is the first floor.
Bwst 2.1.1
Question 16:
The Drag Rescue Device (DRD) integrated into the bunker coat can be used for all of the following except?
A: Dragging a non-ambulatory FF across the cellar floor to an area of safety
B:Dragging an unconscious FF up the cellar stairs to an area of safety
C: Dragging a non-ambulatory FF across an apartment floor to an area of safety
D: Dragging an unconscious FF across the roof of a building to an area of safety
B Explanation:
Any attempt to use the device for other than a horizontal drag could result in the member slipping out of their bunker coat. In addition, serious injury could occur to member’s upper torso. Members should not be dragged up stairs utilizing the DRD
MMID ch 3 add 2 pages 1-2
Question 17:
The” salient feature “common to all Rowframe buildings, regardless of variations in design, is?
A: the open interior stairs.
B: the high degree of combustible content.
C:the common cockloft spreading over all the buildings in the row.
D: the large amount of sleeping occupants.
C Explanation:
This cockloft may vary in height from one foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in.
RF 5.2.2
Question 18:
The Apparatus Collision Report (CD-19) shall be forwarded by the apparatus operator/officer within _________ of the apparatus collision/incident?
A:4 days
B:72 hours
C: 7 days
D: 48 hours
96 hours/4 days
The officer in charge or the operator of the apparatus at the time of the collision/incident shall prepare and forward a Collision Packet through the chain of command, which consists of 2 copies of the CD-19
2 copies of the MV-104(s) when required
2 copies of the PD accident report when required
SB 56 sec 10
Question 19:
For a fire in a vacant Rowframe building, positioned in a row of vacant Rowframes, which hoseline was stretched incorrectly?
A: The first to arrive engine company stretched a 3 ½” hoseline to supply a tower ladder, and then stretched a hoseline for use on the exterior of the building.
B: The first engine company positioned their apparatus to use the multiversal nozzle as the officer deemed it was necessary.
C:The first hoseline initially operated from the exterior until a tower ladder was placed into operation. The hoseline was then stretched into the fire building.
D: As the second hoseline was not needed to back up the first hoseline, it was stretched through an exposure to the rear yard.
C Explanation:
First Hoseline: Initially operate from the exterior until the tower ladder, multiversal, or a heavy caliber stream can be placed into operation. The hoseline is then stretched into the MOST SEVERE EXPOSURE.
D) Or this line can go to the opposite exposure.
RF 6.7 B
Question 20:
Upon arrival at a High-Rise office building, you see smoke emanating through the exterior skin of the building. You should transmit what signal?
A: 3rd alarm
B:2nd alarm
C: All-Hands on arrival
D: 10-75 for a confirmed fire
B Explanation:
A 2nd alarm is warranted for any visible fire or smoke emanating through the exterior skin of the building OR when a serious fire has been verified
If you transmit the 2nd alarm prior to the 10-76, the IC will receive the balance of the 10-76 assignment in addition to the 2nd alarm assignment
HR sec 5.2.2
Question 21:
Members of a Ladder Company discussing overhaul at Tenement fires were incorrect in which statement?
A:No material shall be thrown onto roofs of buildings or into narrow shafts or setbacks.
B: Examination of the yard must be made before discarding any material into the yard to ensure that no occupants have jumped into the yard prior to the arrival of Fire Department units.
C: Officers must not permit any material to be thrown out of windows unnecessarily. A member should always be posted in the yard or street below to prevent injuries to anyone from falling material.
D:Care should be exercised when overhauling in bathrooms. A sudden collapse of the flooring due to fire weakening, rotting of the floor beams, the weight of the fixtures (cast iron tubs) and tile floors can occur. Consider using the reach of the hook and standing just inside the bathroom to open up the ceiling.
D Explanation:
Consider using the reach of the hook and standing OUTSIDE the bathroom to open up the ceiling.
Lads 3 8.13, 8.16
Question 22:
Which unit is responsible to shut the utilities at a collapse?
A: 1st Ladder Company
B:2nd Ladder Company
C: Rescue
D: Squad
B Explanation:
Haz-Mat personnel may be special called to assist to assist the 2nd arriving ladder company in shutting down utilities
FFP Collapse Operations sec 7.6 and sec 10.1.7
Question 23:
Which construction feature of private dwellings (PD) listed below is not completely correct?
A: Platform frame construction limits fire extension. Balloon frame construction lacks fire stopping between floors on exterior walls, allowing for rapid fire extension.
B: The main entrance s usually located in the front of a PD, but sometimes it is located on the side as seen from the street. Secondary entrances can be located on the front, side and/or rear.
C:When there are only one or two offset windows (not in line with the other windows of the house) on the exposure 2 or 4 side of a PD, this indicates that these are the windows at the top and/or bottom of the second floor staircase. These offset windows are preferable to enter for VEIS.
D: The lack of windows on the side of a PD combined with a secondary entrance on that side of the house with a stoop is indicative of a possible second floor apartment with the only entrance to the second floor from that side of the house.
These offset windows are windows that should NOT be entered for VEIS.
PD 2.6, 2.7
Question 24:
After several radio tests, you determine your apparatus radio is OOS. You notify the Division and they quickly send a portable citywide radio capable of direct communications to all Borough dispatchers. During a response, this portable citywide radio is kept where?
A:Front cab of the apparatus
B: Carried/worn by the company officer
C: Carried/worn by the chauffeur
D: Carried/worn by a member of the inside team
A Explanation:
The citywide radio is NOT to be carried/worn by the company officer, it shall remain in the front cab of the apparatus and serve as a communication link from the unit to the borough dispatcher
NOTE: If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an operating radio. The dispatcher will ensure an additional unit with an operating radio is dispatched on the same alarm
Communications ch 8 sec 8.14.5 and 8.14.6
Question 25:
In Old Law Tenements, the infrequently used procedure of going from front to rear apartments or vice versa through the common partition may also be used as an escape route. To accomplish this use the following tools in which correct order of preference?
A:1. Halligan; 2. Hook; 3. Axe
B: 1. Hook; 2. Halligan; 3. Axe
C:1. Axe; 2. Hook; 3. Halligan
D: 1. Axe; 2. Halligan; 3. Hook
A Explanation:
This is the order of preference but all can do the job.
Ladds 3 6.1
Question 26:
Choose the incorrect statement made about hydrant discs
A:The company number and individual disc number shall be marked in black on both sides of each disc
B: White disc- available in 2 sizes, for placement on the 4 1/2 inch or 2 1/2 inch outlets of unserviceable hydrants and 3 inch siamese of out of service auxiliary fire protection systems
C:Yellow disc- available in two sizes for placement on the 4 1/2 inch or 2 1/2 inch outlets of frozen hydrants
D: Blue disc- for placement on 3 inch siamese of auxiliary fire protection system to indicate a system is not functioning as a fully automatic system and/or a portion of the system is such that it will operate effectively when supplied
A Explanation:
The company number and individual disc number shall be marked in black on ONE side of each disc
Engine OPS ch 6 sec 6.5
Question 27:
Which tactical consideration below is inappropriate for private dwelling fire operations?
A: Porch and garage roofs of normal wood frame construction may provide a suitable platform from which to work. Windows at these locations will allow quick access to the upper floor rooms.
B:Similarly, porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials will greatly assist members who use them as a platform to conduct operations.
C: Windows with sills that are approximately chest high may require a drop of 5-6 feet to floor level. Immediately upon entering, consider placing a dresser, chair or another piece of furniture below this window to assist in egress.
D: Outside ladder company positions are predicated on whether the roof is flat or peaked. This information must be transmitted with the signal 10-75, if this can be determined upon arrival.
B Explanation:
Members shall NOT use porch and garage roofs constructed of aluminum or similar lightweight materials to conduct operations.
PD Ch 2 2.7, 2.8
Question 28:
The incorrect flagging column entry can found in which choice?
A:CV- for Chief’s vacation
B: CM- Cleaning and maintenance
C: RXD- Scheduled to report for or be relieved from duty
D: EI- Exchange of information
A Explanation:
Chief’s Visit
Guide to Company Journal Entries sec 5
Question 29:
A probationary firefighter asked her Lieutenant a few questions about the duties of the “Systems Control Unit.” Which answer was incorrect?
A: While responding, review any CIDS information available via the MDT.
B:Operation of building systems must be done with the assistance of building personnel.
C:The High Rise Unit shall also take on the duties of the Systems Control Unit until relieved by another designated unit.
D: The operation, shutdown or change of any building system shall not be done without the permission of the IC or Operation Section Chief.
C Explanation:
The Lobby Control Unit shall also take on the duties of the Systems Control Unit until relieved by another designated unit.
ICS Ch 2 Add 6 3, 4.1, 4.2
Question 30:
During a Pin job, all of the following procedures should be adhered to except?
A:Engine officer should divide the company into 2 teams. Officer and 1 CFR FF to proceed to accident with trauma bag and cervical collar and rest of members shall stretch and charge a precautionary line
B: Ladder officer and inside team proceed to accident and chock vehicle and gain access to victim. Roof and OV FF shall bring Hurst tool to either the front or rear of the vehicle and initiate operation
C: Officers shall consider transmiting a 10-75 when there are several vehicles with numerous patients
D: Officers shall ensure that a vehicle is never righted with a victim still inside
A Explanation:
Emergency Procedures Disentanglement and Extrication Pages 4 and 5
Question 31:
Portable Ladder capacities are correctly indicated in all choices below except?
A: Collapsible ladders - up to a 300 pound load.
B: Extension ladders (27’ to 35’) - up to a 600 pound load.
C:Extension ladders (26’ or less) - up to a 400 pound load.
D: Roof and straight ladders (26’ or less) - up to a 500 pound load.
C Explanation:
Roof, straight and extension ladders (26’ or less) - up to a 500 pound load.
Lads 1 8.4.2
Question 32:
The incorrect description in regards to standpipes in Under River Rail tubes can be found in which choice?
A: All under river standpipes in the NYCT system are wet
B: Standpipes are usually city-main fed. There are no pumps to augment pressure
C: Siameses are usually located at the emergency exits closest to the river. In all cases, check the sign attached to the siamese to ensure that the correct system is supplied
D: 2 1/2 inch outlets are located every 200 feet throughout under river tubes
E: Section valves are located approximately 600 feet apart
F:Sound-powered phone jacks are located at or near section valves (exception: Joralemon Tube)
F Explanation:
Sound-powered phone jacks are located at standpipe outlets (every 200 feet)
FFP Under River Rail op
Question 33:
When placing an aerial ladder to the roof of a building, extend the ladder so that the tip is?
A: at least 2 feet above the point where the ladder comes in contact with the building.
B:at least 5 feet above the point where the ladder comes in contact with the building.
C:at least 2 inches above the point where the ladder comes in contact with the building.
D: at least 5 inches above the point where the ladder comes in contact with the building.
Lads 2 7.13
Question 34:
You are working under the Search and Evacuation Group Supervisor (SAE) during a ripping High-Rise office building fire conducting searches on several floors. What channel are you on?
A: 4
C: 2
D: 1
B Explanation:
B- Secondary Tactical
C- Command
D- Primary Tactical
When the SAE Group is established, units assigned to the SAE Group shall switch to secondary tactical channel and shall not communicate with the ICP unless urgent
HR page 19 and Communications ch 11 page 1
Question 35:
According to the Department’s “Command and Control” procedures, a critical role of the first to arrive BC is to?
A: monitor HT Channel 2 (command) for routine messages and respond to such.
B: monitor HT Channel 2 (command) for the transmission of mayday/urgent messages, and ensure the timely response to such.
C:monitor HT Channel 1 (tactical) for the transmission of mayday/urgent messages, and ensure the timely response to such.
D: immediately enter the fire building and assume the role of Fire Sector upon arrival of the Deputy Chief.
C Explanation:
CC Ch 2 4.2
Question 36:
At a Taxpayer fire (cockloft) all of the following tactics are correct except?
A:The 1st Ladder Company is to force entry, locate fire, control life hazard, search the store and remove show windows when authorized by the Ladder Company officer in area to be vented
B: 1st Ladder Company to shut down gas and electric
C: 1st Roof FF to take saw to roof
D: 1st Chauffeur to roof to assist Roof FF
E: 2nd Roof FF to take saw to roof
A Explanation:
When authorized by IC (cockloft fire) Look at sec 8.2.2….(cellar fires) take out store windows after communicating and coordinating with 1st Ladder Company Officer
C- 2nd Roof FF also takes saw to roof
D- If NOT in cockloft, 1st chauffeur to join forcible entry team
Taxpayers sec 8.3.3
Question 37:
Which description of a New Law Tenement is incorrectly listed below?
A:Generally six or seven stories high.
B: 35’ to 50’ wide and 85’ in depth.
C: Five to six apartments per floor.
D:The first floor (cellar ceiling) is of fireproof construction and unpierced and the entrance to the cellar is by way of interior or exterior stairs.
D Explanation:
The first floor (cellar ceiling) is of fireproof construction and unpierced and the entrance to the cellar is by way of EXTERIOR STAIRS.
MD 2.2
Question 38:
Which chemical agent has an odor of garlic?
A: Nerve agents
B:Blister agents
C: Blood agents
D: Choking agents
B Explanation:
A- Fruit odor
C- Burnt almonds
D- Chlorine or grass
ERP add 2 sec 2
Question 39:
A knowledgeable Engine Officer should know which choice below to contain incorrect information regarding Low Rise Fireproof Multiple Dwellings (LRFPMD)?
A: Fires in LRFPMDs may be extinguished using 1¾” or 2½” hose, hand stretched from a pumper depending on the hallway length.
B: If hallways in LRFPMDs are small, that is, every apartment door is within 50’ of every stairway on that floor, then 1¾” hose can be stretched from the pumper when compatible with fire conditions.
C: If a LRFPMD has long hallways, that is, any apartment door is more than 50’ from any stairway on that floor, then the additional GPM available from 2½” hose may be needed and 2½” hose should be hand stretched from the pumper.
D:Division Commanders shall ensure that non-standpipe buildings where 2½” hose may be used are entered into CIDS.
D Explanation:
Division Commanders shall ensure that non-standpipe buildings where 1¾” hose may be used are entered into CIDS.
MD 7.6
Question 40:
A non-fireproof building being renovated with metal c-joist construction will be identified in the eCIDS system in which choice?