BK 4 Flashcards


Question 1:
An Engine Officer conducting a drill on Buckeye Pipeline operations was incorrect in which statement?

A: Engine companies responding from quarters on the second alarm for a street box associated with a leak should place additional cans of foam on the apparatus.

B: Engine companies out of quarters, receiving a notification to respond to a second alarm for a pipeline leak must not return to quarters for the additional cans of foam.

C:Units performing isolation duties will announce 10-84 at valve locations, and inform the dispatcher of valve closures as well as completion of patrol duties. Upon completion of these assigned duties, the unit shall report to the Command Post, or other assignment as directed by the Incident Commander.

D:If ignition occurs before arrival of the first Fire Department unit, the duties required by the UAAC and Instruction Card are no longer necessary. Control of the fire is now the primary consideration.


D Explanation:
If ignition occurs before arrival of the first Fire Department unit, the duties required by the UAAC and Instruction Card must still be performed, and additional alarms transmitted immediately. Isolation of the pipeline by closing manually operated valves is still of primary importance to reduce the amount of fuel released.
AUC 149 4.11, 4.12, 6.2.6, 6.3

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Question 2:
The most correct way to make a notification of an on-duty injured member can be found in which choice?

A: Immediate phone call to FDOC with full particulars

B: Via Dept radio to the Borough dispatcher with name and/or unit of member

C:Via Dept radio to the Borough dispatcher without requesting the mixer off with no name or unit number of member via dept radio

D:Via Dept radio to the Borough dispatcher requesting mixer off without transmitting the name or unit number of member


D Explanation:
As soon as possible thereafter, particulars shall also be telephoned to FDOC….THIS IS FOR AN INITIAL NOTIFICATION OF A FATALITY OR SERIOUS INJURED ON-DUTY MEMBER
The name or unit number of a member with a minor injury may be transmitted over dept radio after requesting “Mixer Off”
Also, Signal 10-45 shall not be used to indicate a fatality or injury to an on-duty member
Comm ch 8 sec 8.2.5 and 8.2.6

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Question 3:
Which operational consideration below is not in accordance with Department procedures for brush fire operations?

A: Initial attack operations should concentrate on mobility. Avoid hooking up to hydrants, except to protect exposures.

B: In general, avoid attacking from or operating in front of the fire. If necessary to operate in front of the fire (only to protect life), sufficient charged lines must be in place and capable of protecting operating forces. An on-rushing wall of fire can endanger operating forces.

C:Streams should be directed at the flames above the burning brush, not the burning brush itself.

D: Use two-firefighter teams working with Indian pumps and brooms along the flanks near the head of the fire. The majority of brush fires are controlled in this manner.


C Explanation:
Streams should be directed at the burning brush, not at the flames burning above the brush.

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Question 4:
The staffing of companies varies from tour to tour based on the citywide personnel levels. The number of FFs riding in any company can and does change during a tour due to medical leaves, emergency leaves, details after the start of the tour, etc. To over come this confusing during an emergency roll call, the company officer shall answer when called by the Roll Call Officer (RCO) how?

A:The company officer will answer when called by the RCO stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or hearing without using the HT

B: The company officer will answer when called by the RCO stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or hearing using the HT

C:The company officer will answer when called by the RCO stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight only

D: The company officer will answer when called by the RCO stating the number of FFs they responded with and accounting only for the members within sight or their known/expected location



Comm ch 9 add 2 sec 1.4

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Question 5:
Manhole fires and emergencies are often challenging. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?

A:Members shall attempt to move vehicles located in the danger area when it will facilitate operations.

B: When operating at manhole emergencies, the location of traffic control boxes must be taken into consideration when deciding the size and location of the “AREA OF DANGER”. The smoke and gases from a manhole incident can travel up the hollow pole of a nearby light stanchion and at times accumulate with considerable pressure. The gaseous mixture may be ignited by a spark inside the control box.

C: When a manhole cover blows, do not run. Keep your eyes on the cover so you can approximate where it will land.

D: Members should not pull covers off electrical manholes at manhole fires or if a manhole fire is in the area. It is the responsibility of utility crews to open manhole covers at these incidents.



Members shall NOT attempt to move vehicles located in the danger area.
D) Note: This does not change Department policy of pulling electric manhole covers under certain circumstances at gas emergencies.
AUC 180 2.3, Note 2, 3, 5

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Question 6:
There are four types of chemical agents, which are nerve, blister, blood, and choking agents. Which one has a distinctive odor of fruit?

A:Nerve agent

B: Blister agent

C: Blood agent

D: Choking agent


A Explanation:
B- Garlic
C- Burnt almonds
D- Chlorine or grass
ERP add 2 sec 2

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Question 7:
Your unit, an aerial ladder, arrives second at a top floor fire in a Brownstone. Which tools should your Roof Firefighter bring to the roof?

A:Saw and 6ft halligan hook

B: Saw and 6ft hook

C: Halligan and 6ft halligan hook

D: Halligan, 6ft hook and life saving rope


A Explanation:
Bwst p19

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Question 8:
To operate as a SOC Support Ladder Company, the unit shall be staffed with a minimum of how many trained members?

A: 1 trained officer or acting trained officer and at least 1 trained FF

B: 1 trained officer or acting trained officer and at least 2 trained FFs

C:1 trained officer or acting trained officer and at least 3 trained FFs

D: 1 trained officer or acting trained officer and at least 4 trained FFs

E: At least 3 trained members



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Question 9:
In HRFPMDs, cellars may contain compactor rooms, storage areas, meeting rooms, sprinkler protected motor vehicle garages, laundry rooms and utility meter rooms. Each of the following choices contains correct information regarding cellars of these buildings except?

A: These areas may also contain HVAC equipment with its associated duct work. The entire run of ducts should be checked to their termination points. The duct work venting dryers from laundry rooms should be checked to their termination point as well.

B:All cellar fires in HRFPMDs shall be controlled using a hand stretch into below grade areas. In no case shall members connect to a standpipe to stretch into below grade areas.

C: Motor vehicle fires in these cellars can create an extremely heavy smoke condition, which can delay locating the vehicle, even though the sprinkler system may be discharging water. A search line should be used in these situations and a limited number of personnel should be used.

D: Access to below grade areas may be via the interior, enclosed, fireproof stairways or outside ramps and driveways.


B Explanation:
Consider a hand stretch into below grade areas. When the fire is controlled by the sprinkler system and connecting to a standpipe outlet would not expose our members to an IDLH, an Engine officer can, with sound judgment, use the standpipe and notify the IC.
MD 6.30

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Question 10:
Which gas valves should FFs not operate

A: Master meter valve

B: Head of service valve

C: Exterior gas riser valve

D: Curb valve

E:Main valve


E Explanation:
Main Valves are usually located on the street side of the curb and are used to isolate large sections of the natural gas main. They can look like curb valves/service valves but control distribution lines usually running under the street (these lines can also be found under sidewalks and unpaved areas). FDNY is not permitted to shut a Main Valve.
Emergency procedures natural gas page 25

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Question 11:
Two members discussing the “Life Saving Rope” identified which incorrect statement?

A:A life saving rope subjected to the weight of one person shall be placed out of service forthwith and replacement requested.

B: All units, except Engine Companies, shall inspect and repack the Life Saving Rope every Monday on the 9x6 tour. Engine Companies shall inspect and repack on Tuesdays on the 9x6 tour. Record the inspection on the Life Saving Rope Card (RP-100).

C: The actual length of the life saving rope may be less than the nominal length of 150 feet due to natural shrinkage after several years in the field. Over a period of time some ropes have shrunk 8 to 10 feet.

D: Each Division has been supplied with two (2) life saving ropes to facilitate a rapid exchange to field units when needed. No exchange will be permitted without the completed SCF-2.


A life saving rope subjected to the weight of TWO PEOPLE shall be placed out of service forthwith and replacement requested.
Immediately after a life saving rope has been subjected to the weight of ONE PERSON, the rope shall be carefully examined for any signs of damage or abrasion before being placed back in service. Proper journal entries shall be made by the company officer of the results of such examination. An entry shall also be made in red on the Life Saving Rope Record Card (RP-100). The officer, after supervising the examination of the rope, shall notify the Safety Command by telephone of the incident.
TB Rope 1 1.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.15, 5.4

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Question 12:
You are working the 9x6 tour in L-300 when you receive a ticket to respond as an additional ladder company for a one story Taxpayer fire in the Borough of Brooklyn. Upon arrival, the IC tells you to take your whole company to the roof and prepare to start a trench cut in an attempt to cut off the fire. As you are ascending the ladder to the roof, you remember that all of the trenching procedures are correct except?

A:The width of the trench should be at least two feet wide

B: Trenching does not take the place of ventilation holes. A trench may serve as an additional ventilation source. Its main purpose is to prevent the fire from passing that point at which the cut is made

C: It is not practical to trench a large roof area of a taxpayer where fire has seriously involved a major portion of the cockloft.

D: The Roof Sector Supervisor can order a trench to be cut, but must immediately notify the IC

E: In the event of a cellar fire or a serious first floor fire where successful operations are doubtful and it is feared that fire may eventually extend into the cockloft, a trench as a defensive measure may be advisable

F: When making a trench take advantage of shafts, chimneys, bulkheads, scuttles, etc.


A Explanation:
At least 3 feet wide
Taxpayers sec 5.6

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Question 13:
What is the most common type of peaked roof found in private dwellings of lightweight construction?

A:the open-web lightweight wood truss

B:the open-web steel truss

C: Laminated I-beam rafters

D: Solid wood rafters



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Question 14:
As a FAST officer under deployment to rescue a FF, you would know all of the following to be correct except?

A:Once a member is located, a FAST PAK must be called for immediately only if the member is low on air

B: If the condition of the distressed member’s SCBA is in doubt, do not provide air via the high pressure system

C: If the FAST Pak is not at your location, start the removal procedure

D: Once an unconscious member is supplied with air, turn the purge valve half way to allow a constant flow of air

E: To ID an unconscious FF, turn them on their right side to gain access to name on back of bunker coat, PRA which will provide the unit and position, and the engraved ID number on the side of the HT


A Explanation:
Once a member is located, a FAST PAK must be called for immediately, regardless of whether the member has air or not
MMID ch 3 pages 3-6

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Question 15:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has strict requirements when it comes to PCBs. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?

A: As per the EPA, combustible materials must not be stored within a “PCB Transformer” enclosure, within 5 meters of a “PCB Transformer” enclosure or within 5 meters of an unenclosed “PCB Transformer.”

B:EPA precautionary markings consist of letters and striping on a white or yellow background, on a 6” x 6” square down to 2” x 2” square depending on the size of the equipment.

C: According to the EPA, a “Permanent Storage Site” is a facility with strict requirements for the prevention of PCB release to the environment. Storage for up to a period of one (1) year is allowed for PCB items and PCB liquids.

D:According to the EPA a “Temporary Storage Site” is an outdoor or indoor area with less strict requirements than a permanent storage site. Storage of “PCB” items (500 or > PPM PCB) and “PCB” liquids (500 or > PPM of PCB) are allowed for up to a period not exceeding thirty (30) days.


D Explanation:
According to the EPA a “Temporary Storage Site” is an outdoor or indoor area with less strict requirements than a permanent storage site. Storage of “PCB” (500 or > PPM PCB) items and “PCB CONTAMINATED” liquid (50-499 PPM of PCB) allowed for up to a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. PCB liquids (500 or > PPM PCB) are NOT allowed to be stored in a Temporary Storage Site.
A) Note: 5 meters = 16.4 feet
AUC 266 3.2, 3.3

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Question 16:
Which 10 code would be most correct to use when requesting an ambulance?


B: 10-47

C: 10-48

D: 10-85


A Explanation:
B- Police response (crowd or traffic control etc.)
C- Police response (FFs are being harmed)
D- Fire Marshal requires emergency police assistance
Comm ch 8 pages 13 an 22

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Question 17:
In nonfireproof multiple dwellings, gas meters may cause the Department many problems. Which choice is incorrect?

A: Gas meters are usually in the cellar but they may also be found in apartments and in public hallways. Piping containing flammable gas shall not be permitted to pierce or be run in stair enclosures, in a shaft containing a standpipe riser, or in public hallways leading to exits. This includes vertical as well as horizontal runs of piping.

B: If gas meters are burning, they should be allowed to continue to burn until the gas supply is shut off. If fire at the meter is extinguished before the gas supply is shut off, gas will continue to discharge and an explosion or flash fire may occur when the gas comes in contact with a source of ignition.

C:Combustible material near the burning meter should be wet down while waiting for the gas supply to be shut off. Under no circumstances should members stuff rags, paper, etc., into the break.

D: If gas is leaking without being ignited, the gas supply should be shut off and the area ventilated as much as possible. Members should be moved away from the area


C Explanation:
A leak or break in the piping may be stopped or greatly diminished by stuffing rags, paper, etc., into the break.
MD 3.5.9


Question 18:
Choose the incorrect statement made about nylon webbing

A: Nylon webbing comes in 20’ lengths

B:Nylon webbing can be used dragging victims as well as vertical lifts

C: To requisition replacement lengths of webbing, the officer on duty should forward an RT-2 to the tool room

D: The breaking strength is 4000 lbs and the knotted breaking strength is 3000 lbs

E:Nylon webbing should be inspected monthly and after each use


B Explanation:
Only used for dragging
MMID ch 3 add 3 pages 1-2


Question 19:
The EDSCBA will provide the wearer with up to _____ hours of breathable air, a significant increase over current SCBAs.

A: 2


C: 4 1/2

D: 6


B Explanation:
TB SCBA Add 4 1.3


Question 20:
Which ventilation tactic is incorrect?

A: All horizontal ventilation tactics, whether Ventilation for Extinguishment or Ventilation for Search, require communication with, and coordination by, the Ladder Company Officer operating inside the fire area to be vented

B:Horizontal ventilation tactics include controlling door and window openings until a charged hoseline is advancing within the fire area and extinguishing the fire

C: Initial vertical ventilation tactics must be communicated to and coordinated by the Ladder Company Officer operating inside the fire area to be vented

D:The Roof FF may perform vertical ventilation without direct communication upon hearing radio transmissions that the interior team has door control on the fire floor, or a charged hoseline ready at the door to the fire apartment


D Explanation:
Or a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire apartment
Ventilation pages 8-11


Question 21:
Where should the first hoseline be positioned for a cellar fire in a Brownstone?

A: Stretched through the front door on the parlor floor, then down to the cellar via the interior cellar stairs to extinguish the fire.

B:Stretched through the front door on the first floor, then down to the cellar via the interior cellar stairs to extinguish the fire.

C: Stretched through the front door on the parlor floor, to protect the interior stairs.

D: Remain outside the fire building until the Ladder Company Officer relays the most direct access to the fire.


B Explanation:
Bwst 3.1 A


Question 22:
The incorrect guideline for wearing shorts on duty can be found in which choice?

A:Shorts are an optional part of the uniform year round for Officers and Firefighters

B:Shorts may be worn for CFRD/CPR responses, ERS NC, and Class E alarms without donning bunker gear

C: Shorts may not be worn for BISP, AED, and Hydrant Inspection

D: Shorts may be worn when units are called to the Bureau of Training and Satellite Training Locations


B Explanation:
Must wear Bunker Gear over the shorts for these types of responses
Regs ch 29 page 7


Question 23:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding the Fire Window Blanket?

A:The dimensions are 10’X12’.

B:If the Fire Window Blanket is damaged in other than fire operations, a letterhead report will be completed with all details to the Chief of Safety.

C: The Blanket is large enough to cover at least two windows if necessary. The bottom of the blanket is weighted to facilitate positioning.

D: Due to the length of the top supporting straps, the blanket can be lowered from two floors above, if the IC deems this necessary.


B Explanation:
If the Fire Window Blanket is damaged in other than fire operations, a letterhead report will be completed with all details to the Chief of Operations.
TB Tools 3 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.5


Question 24:
One way to enter a near-miss event is to access the Near-Miss webpage on the FDNY Intranet to share it with all members of the Department. Rather than submitting a form through the webpage, another option is to ?

A: Download the form from the FDNY Internet and send it through the bag with full endorsements via chain of command to the Chief of Safety

B:Download the form from the FDNY Internet and send it through the bag with no endorsements to the Chief of Safety

C: Download the form from the FDNY Internet and send it through the bag with full endorsements via chain of command to the administrative Division

D: Download the form from the FDNY Internet and send it through the bag with full endorsements via chain of command to the Chief of Operations


B Explanation:
SB 91 sec 1.8


Question 25:
Overhaul is an important duty of all members. At nonfireproof multiple dwelling fires, which tactic below is incorrect?

A: Floor joists or roof joists should not be removed if complete extinguishment can be accomplished in any other manner.

B: Lintels in brick walls over exterior doorways and windows should not be removed, regardless of charring, as they support a considerable amount of brickwork.

C: Wooden structural members that are deeply charred may be removed from the building. Those that have merely been scorched or on which the paint has been blistered shall be left in the apartment for possible reuse.

D:The removal of involved materials to open shafts or roofs of setbacks is not to be permitted.


D Explanation:
The removal of involved materials to ENCLOSED shafts or roofs of setbacks is not to be permitted.
Lads 3 9.3, 9.8, 9.9


Question 26:
Local Law 26 expanded the role of the Fire Safety Director to an Emergency Action Plan Director (FS/EAPD) who is responsible for managing non-fire emergencies in Class “E” office buildings. Choose the incorrect point regarding this new law.

A: First arriving units should be met at the Fire Command Station with one of the following: Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director (FS/EAPD)……Deputy Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director (DFS/EAPD)…..Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Building Evacuation Supervisor (FS/EAPBES)

B: In an event of an emergency, the FS/EAPD can shelter in place, In-building relocation, partial building evacuation, and full building evacuation

C: The FS/EAPD is responsible for communicating with building occupants during emergencies utilizing the building’s Fire Alarm Communications System

D:First arriving units should be aware that the FS/EAPD should not be implementing the EAP until first consulting with the first fire officer on scene


D Explanation:
Units should be aware that the FS/EAPD is authorized to implement the EAP and take actions to ensure occupant safety. These actions may include: elevator recall, public announcements, and evacuations
FFP High-Rise add 1 pages 1-2


Question 27:
As the first arriving Tower Ladder at a peaked roof private dwelling fire, you should know all of the following tactics to be correct except in which choice?

A: Prior to using the tower ladder bucket, the Roof and/or OV firefighters shall conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling to ensure there are no occupants in need of immediate rescue in the rear or on either side of the building.

B:If a tower ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated on arrival, the Roof/OV Team shall still conduct a quick survey around the perimeter of the dwelling. Rescue and/or entry will be tasked to the second ladder company.

C: The chauffeur should remain at the turntable and position the tower ladder to cover two sides of the dwelling.

D: Once the fire has been controlled and the members inside the building are not in immediate danger that would require the use of the bucket, the chauffeur should enter the dwelling and assist the company with searches and overhauling.


B Explanation:
If a tower ladder operation and/or rescue are indicated on arrival, the Roof/OV Team will operate from the tower ladder bucket and make entry when appropriate. Perimeter searches will be tasked to the second ladder company.
PD Ch 4 5.4 A, B


Question 28:
The placement of units for the 10-76 assignment can be correctly found in all of the following except?

A: The CFR engine company, with all CFRD equipment and forcible entry tools, shall be assigned to the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director

B: The 1st and 2nd arriving ladder companies shall be assigned to search and evacuate the fire floor

C: The 3rd arriving ladder company shall be assigned to search and evacuate the floor above the fire

D:The 4th arriving ladder company shall be assigned to operate on the upper floors and to initiate the search of the evacuation stairway


D Explanation:
Initiate the search of the ATTACK stairway
High-Rise Office Building sec 5.3.1.B


Question 29:
Portable ladders can be difficult to transport in some structures. Which choice below contains incorrect information?

A: In a brownstone, it is important to take the ladder through with the butt facing the rear of the building.

B:For brownstone fires, in most cases, taking the ladder through the first floor of an adjoining brownstone and passing it out the rear window to another member in the yard below is faster than using the fire building.

C: In a row frame, transporting a ladder through the interior of the building to the rear is generally less complicated because there are front and rear doors or window entries at ground level.

D:Most often, all floors in the rear of a brownstone can be reached with portable extension ladders. It is recommended that extension ladders be used in lieu of straight ladders because they are easier to transport due to the shorter nested length.


B Explanation:
For brownstone fires, in most cases, taking the ladder through the SECOND floor (PARLOR floor) of an adjoining brownstone and passing it out the rear window to another member in the yard below is faster than using the fire building.
Lads 1 10.2


Question 30:
During a suspected chemical attack in an underground transit system, which company is responsible to inform the second arriving ladder company and IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decontaminated area?

A: Team 1 of 1st arriving ladder company

B:Team 2 of 1st arriving company

C: Rescue

D: Squad

E:1st arriving engine


E Explanation:
1st Engine:
1- establish water
2- remain outside the subway system unless ordered by IC
3- provide emergency gross decon for ambulatory victims
4- Direct persons who have been decon to Casualty Collection Point
5- Provide estimate number of victims to IC
6- Inform 2nd arriving ladder company and IC if victims collapse on their way from the subway exit to the gross decon area
ERP add 2 pages 8 and 9


Question 31:
The placement of an aerial ladder apparatus (tractor-trailer and rear mount) is dependent on each of the following conditions with the exception of which choice?

A: Whether immediate rescue is apparent.

B:Where no immediate rescue effort is required, the number and type of windows shall be utilized to determine placement.

C: Smoke, heat or fire causing an exposure that would endanger a victim, a member or the ladder.

D: Area or street conditions that might hamper optimum positioning.


B Explanation:
Where no immediate rescue effort is required, the size of the frontage of the building to be covered in case of future need.
Immediate rescue
Street/area conditions
Lads 2 2.1


Question 32:
Which tool assignment is incorrect for Taxpayer fires?

A:When high ceilings are anticipated, the first and second arriving ladder companies are to report in with 10 and 12 foot hooks

B: The OV FFs going to the rear of a Taxpayer are to carry a maul and halligan

C: For a cockloft fire, the 1st arriving Roof FF takes a saw and hook to the roof

D: For a store fire, the 2nd Roof FF takes the saw and ax to the roof


A Explanation:
Truck companies, other than first or second arriving on the initial alarm, should report in with their 10 and 12 foot hooks besides their normal tool compliment
Look at C and D….Taxpayers 8.4.3.C states: When the member going to the roof is carrying the saw, a hook must also be taken. Members going to the roof subsequently should bring an ax or iron with the saw if available
Taxpayers page 59


Question 33:
Most fires in rowframe buildings will be extinguished by first alarm units or an “all hands” assignment. As additional units may be required, all guidelines below should be followed with the exception of which choice?

A:When using all hands and the fire is not under control, it may be necessary to special call an extra engine and ladder to the scene.

B: When a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear a full first alarm assignment is required. It is also advisable to call for an additional engine and ladder.

C:When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, a second alarm is required.

D: When two buildings are involved, we have a 2nd alarm situation. Prompt consideration must be given to transmitting a 3rd alarm when it extends beyond two buildings.


C Explanation:
When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, the need for a second alarm must be CONSIDERED.
RF 7.6


Question 34:
Removal of manhole covers by FDNY personnel may reduce the infiltration of gas into surrounding properties during a natural gas emergency. Which is the most correct policy when removing manhole covers?

A: Removal of sewer manholes covers can be performed by FDNY personnel only when requested by the on scene utility company gas representative

B: Removal of electric manhole covers by FDNY personnel may be performed only when requested by the on scene chief

C:Under no circumstances, shall electric manhole covers be removed

D: Round manhole covers should be removed by at least 3 FFs utilizing the manhole hooks carried in all battalion vehicles

E:Under no circumstances shall rectangular or square electric manhole covers be removed


E Explanation:
A- Can be removed with the approval of an on-scene Chief Officer
B- When requested by a utility company gas representative on the scene and approved by an on-scene Chief Officer
C- See choice B
D- 2 FFs utilizing the 2 manhole hooks for use in removing electric manhole covers carried in all battalion vehicles
Emergency Procedures Natural gas 9.2.4 sec 3


Question 35:

Prior to utilizing the chain saw from the bucket, notify _______ to ensure the area below is clear of hose lines and operating members.

A: all members in your company

B:all members on scene

C:the incident commander

D: your officer


C Explanation:
TL Ch 2 sec 2.8


Question 36:
For the first arriving units, Protective Measures and Procedures are well defined in the ERP guide for a suspected chemical attack in an underground transit system. Choose the incorrect Protective Measures and Procedures.

A: If FFs are overrun by evacuating civilians, initial actions may only involve assisting in the evacuation and decon of victims

B:If a dispersal device is still operational, the first alarm units shall make every attempt to stop the device

C: FFs operating in bunker gear should not proceed in the Exclusion Zone any further than the farthest live victim when performing hazard assessment or rescue of ambulatory victims

D: The officer must monitor on-air time of members in order to ensure decon is completed before the air supply is depleted

E: Immediate actions onsite should include checking for secondary devices and monitoring radiation levels


B Explanation:
Make no attempt to stop the device
ERP add 2 sec 5


Question 37:
Which title below would not be considered to be part of the Incident Commander’s “Command Staff” as per the Incident Command System?

A:Safety Officer

B: Public Information Officer

C: Liaison Officer

D:Logistics Section Chief


D Explanation:
Command Staff ACRONYM: SIL
ICS Ch 2 3


Question 38:
The conditions requiring an emergency roll call can be found in all of the following except?

A: Mayday transmission for Collapse Imminent/Collapse Occurred

B: Urgent transmission for Interior attack discontinued and exterior attack instituted

C: Urgent transmission for loss of water endangering members requiring evacuation

D:Urgent transmission for Collapsed feared


D Explanation:
A,B,C require an emergency roll call. Also, anytime a building or area is evacuated, chief or company officers shall account for all members in preparation of a roll call by the IC….and, Anytime the IC determines an emergency roll call is necessary to account for members
comm ch 9 sec 2


Question 39:
At a fire in a nonfireproof multiple dwelling, when cutting a floor with an axe, how should the cut be made?

A: At a 45 degree angle and straight across the grain

B: At a 60 degree angle and straight across the grain

C:At a 60 degree angle and on a bias

D: At a 90 degree angle and on a bias


C Explanation:
This is easier than cutting across the grain.
Lads 3 7.4.2 B



Question 40:
The most correct 10 code for a car fire that has no value other than salvage and no owner can be located can be found in which choice?

A: 10-24


C: 10-22

D: 10-21


B A- Vehicle fire with plates or in any vehicle having a value greater than that of salvage
C- Outside rubbish
D- Brush fire
Comm ch 8 page 8