bk 10 Flashcards


Question 1:
Fire officers with questions related to logging into the eCIDS application as well as Single Sign-on issues shall be directed to contact who?

A: Administrative Battalion

B: eCIDS desk located at the BISP Unit

C:eCIDS desk located at FDNY HQ

D:FDNY computer help desk


Communications ch 4 sec 4.5.4.note

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Question 2:
Which property of natural gas is listed incorrectly?

A: Comprised mainly of methane but also contains propane, ethane and nitrogen.

B: It is a hazardous material classified as a Class 2, Division 1 substance. It contains high stored energy and is extremely flammable.

C: Depending on the mixture, the explosive range is 5% - 15%.

D:Colorless, but has a natural smell of “rotten eggs”.


Colorless and ODORLESS; however, to aid in detection, mercaptan is added to natural gas as an odorant.
Be aware of the change…it is now a “ROTTING” smell…NOT “rotten eggs”
D) Note: Mercaptan can be masked by other odors, stripped by chemicals or removed as natural gas passes through material such as soil. In addition, members operating in a gas environment can become desensitized to the smell, giving the false impression that the natural gas condition is no longer present.
EP Gas 3

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Question 3:
You are working the 9x6 tour in L-100 when you receive a ticket to respond 2nd due for a gas leak in apt 2D on the 2nd floor of a 100x100 “H” type MD. During your response (non-response mode), you are flagged down for a 2 car accident with no injuries. The most correct action for you to take at this point is to?

A: Notify dispatcher to take you off gas leak and assign L-100 to accident

B:Give verbal alarm to dispatcher of accident and proceed to gas leak

C: Proceed to gas leak and notify dispatcher after going 10-8 from gas leak

D: Have someone involved in accident call the 911 system to have other units respond to accident


Communications ch 6 sec 6.5.2.B
In the event the unit is responding to another alarm and it is evident human life is not in jeopardy at the scene of the verbal alarm, the unit shall proceed to the original alarm after transmitting radio notification of a verbal alarm to dispatcher and receiving acknowledgement

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Question 4:
Of the following properties of natural gas, which is not entirely correct?

A:It is slightly lighter than air.

B: It is non-toxic, but in sufficient quantity, natural gas can displace oxygen in an enclosed space and cause asphyxiation.

C: When natural gas ignites, it undergoes a rapid increase in volume. If confined, the pressure, due to the volume change, will create an explosive force. A greater amount of gas indicates greater destructive potential; two cubic feet of natural gas has the approximate energy potential of 1 pound of TNT.

D: When unconfined (outdoors), natural gas will burn rapidly, without triggering explosive pressure.


It is SIGNIFICANTLY lighter than air.
EP Gas 3

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Question 5:
The guidelines for transmitting signal 10-80 “No Code” include all of the following except?

A:Release is of medium quantity

B: The material and its hazards have been identified

C: FFs PPE provides adequate protection against the identified hazards

D: Special equipment and specialized training are not needed


SMALL quantity
Communications ch 8 page 21

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Question 6:
Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding NYCs natural gas system infrastructure?

A: Con Edison Gas distributes natural gas to Manhattan, the Bronx, and in Queens, generally north of the Grand Central Parkway.

B: National Grid distributes gas to Brooklyn, Staten Island and in Queens, generally south of the Grand Central Parkway.

C:Gate Stations have remote monitoring by the Utility Company’s Gas Control Centers and will always be staffed with on-site personnel. Any event in these facilities should be considered an industrial facility emergency and actions should be limited to a rapid, primary search of the facility.

D: From Gate Stations, natural gas is delivered via Transmission Mains to area Regulator Stations which can have above-ground and/or vaulted equipment. At Regulator Stations, pressure is reduced and the gas is routed to various customers via Distribution Mains.


Gate Stations have remote monitoring by the Utility Company’s Gas Control Centers but GENERALLY have NO permanent on-site personnel. Any event in these facilities should be considered an industrial facility emergency and actions should be limited to LIFE SAVING and PROTECTING EXPOSURES until the Utility Company has been consulted.
EP Gas 4, 4.1, 4.2

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Question 7:
The most correct way to perform Noxious Stimulus Triage (NST) when encountering multiple unconscious victims can be found in which choice?

A: Check breathing to determine level of responsiveness

B: Check pulse to determine level of responsiveness

C: Check circulation to determine level of responsiveness

D:Nudge victim to determine level of responsiveness


Haz-Mat 5 sec 6.2.2
NST- A triage method used when encountering multiple unconscious victims. Member nudges victim to determine level of responsiveness

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Question 8:
Natural gas is piped to customers along Distribution Mains which may be high, medium or low pressure and Regulator Stations reduce pressure between Distribution Mains of different types. Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding these mains?

A: High pressure Distribution Mains are made of steel and are generally installed below major roads.

B:Medium and low pressure Distribution Mains are made of steel or plastic; they will never be made of cast iron as it is prone to corrosion and failure, being brittle with low tensile strength.

C: High and medium pressure Distribution Mains have control valves that are exercised (partially) on a schedule to ensure working order. These valves are generally found near street corners, but may also be located along the street or on the sidewalk.

D: Low pressure (¼ psi) Distribution Mains generally do not have valves and isolating sections of low pressure Distribution Mains requires plugging or “squeezing off” the pipe while still under pressure (live). Only the Utility Company can safely plug or squeeze-off Distribution or Service Mains due to spark hazards.


Medium and low pressure Distribution Mains are made of steel, plastic, or, if older, cast iron. Cast iron pipe is currently being replaced as it is prone to corrosion and failure, being brittle with low tensile strength.
C) Note: Main valve covers are larger than curb valve/service valve covers to allow servicing and may be round or square.
EP Gas 4.3

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Question 9:
In order to be an effective officer when operating at the scene of a vehicle extrication, there are several safety precautions you must enforce. Choose the incorrect safety precaution.

A:Cutting the hydraulic pistons or rods on a hatchback style vehicle shall always be attempted from the top first

B: Whether using the spreaders or cutters always remove the top hinge first (door)

C: An area of safety measuring the fully opened length and width of the jaws must be maintained

D: The hydraulic hose lines may be coupled or uncoupled with the power unit running, provided the bypass valve is in the backward or dump position


Emergency Procedure vehicle Disentanglement and Extrication sec 14
A- Avoid cutting through hydraulic pistons or rods on hatchback style vehicles…14.3 D- 14.13

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Question 10:
Two firefighters discussing the natural gas system supply infrastructure made an incorrect comment which can be found in which choice?

A: Gas service is the piping supplying individual buildings; gas service pipe generally runs at right angles off of the Distribution Main, into the building. There is usually a curb valve/service valve (below grade) or an exterior gas service valve (above grade) between the Distribution Main and the building.

B: On the National Grid “Long Service” system, the curb valve/service valve is sometimes located across the street from the building it supplies, and may be found in the street. This type of curb valve/service valve can be identified by an arrow cast into the cover pointing to the building it supplies.

C: Some gas service piping supplies gas to the building without having a curb valve or service valve. A “NC” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates there is no curb valve or service valve. An “EFV” stamped on a tag near the service meter indicates an “excess flow valve” exists in line on the service pipe and the EFV should limit or stop excess flow down pressure from it.

D:Exterior Gas Service Valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings; if an exterior gas service valve is present, a curb valve/service valve will always be found in line. Head of Service Valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings.


Exterior Gas Service Valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the outside of buildings; if an exterior gas service valve is present, NO curb valve/service valve is required. Head of Service Valves control the supply of gas to meters installed on the INSIDE of buildings.
EP Gas 4.4, 4.4.1

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Question 11:
The correct size of a Taxpayer cockloft can be found in which choice?

A:4 inches to more than 6 feet in height

B: 2 to 3 feet in height

C: 1 foot to a height tall enough for a man to stand in

D: 1 to 2 feet


Taxpayers sec 3.2.1
B- Brownstones 2.2.18
C- Rowframes 5.2.2

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Question 12:
Many conditions are indicative of a “Major Gas Emergency” and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety (including utility personnel and first responders). These conditions are correctly described below in all choices except?

A:10% LEL or greater detected outside or inside.

B: Indications of gas migrating into a building from an outside source.

C: Gas leaking inside of a structure and the controlling valve cannot be located or is inoperable.

D:Elevated natural gas reading (10% LEL or greater) in an unvented, subsurface structure (manhole, sewer, etc.)


Elevated natural gas reading (20% LEL or greater) in an unvented, subsurface structure (manhole, sewer, etc.)
EP Gas 5

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Question 13:
When operating at a vehicle extrication, you should keep your FFs from operating at least how many inches from the drivers airbag?

A:5 inches

B: 2 inches

C: 8 inches

D:10 inches


Emergency Procedures Disentanglement and Extrication sec 2.6
The rule of 5-10-20 should be observed…..at least 5” from side airbags, 10” from drive airbags, and 20” from passenger airbags

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Question 14:
All BCs should be familiar with Fire Department strategy for a “Major Gas Emergency.” Of the following choices, which is incorrect?

A: When a response elevates to become a “Major Gas Emergency,” FDNY strategy should focus on securing life safety (evacuation).

B: “Serious” damage to “major” components of the gas infrastructure (i.e., a Master Meter servicing many appliances, gas service pipe, Main Valves, Distribution Mains, etc.) is indicative of a Major Gas Emergency and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety.

C: Gas leaking or present inside of a wall or void in a structure is indicative of a Major Gas Emergency and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety.

D:Gas present in a single subsurface structure (manhole, sewer, etc.) is indicative of a Major Gas Emergency and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety.


Gas present in TWO OR MORE subsurface structures (manhole, sewer, etc.) is indicative of a Major Gas Emergency and may require changing from a simple mitigation strategy to one that emphasizes all efforts on securing life safety.
EP Gas 5

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Question 15:
In addition to normally assigned ladder company tools, the FAST Unit shall report to the ICP with all of the following equipment except?

A:Partner saw

B: Search rope

C: Pak-Tracker

D: 2:1 Rope


MMID ch 2 sec 8
Additional equipment:
Search Rope
Stokes Basket with backboard
2:1 Rope
Pak-Tracker….A member other than the member monitoring EFAS will monitor the Pak-Tracker

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Question 16:
Apparatus positioning is a critical component of the Department’s response to gas emergencies. Which choice below contains incorrect information?

A:New dispatch policy requires the FDNY dispatcher to notify the Gas Utility Company upon receipt of the alarm (before FDNY arrival on the scene). The Gas Utility Company is required to give an estimated time of arrival (ETA) and their response time is typically within 20 minutes.

B: If a strong odor is present on approach, stop and meter the area. If the meter displays 10% of the LEL, this may indicate a potentially serious leak and may require treating the incident as a Major Gas Emergency.

C: First-arriving apparatus should not be positioned in front of the reported leak location and should avoid positioning over manholes and sewers.

D:Additional units shall stage at street corners, and only enter into the block when appropriate.


The Gas Utility Company is required to give an estimated time of arrival (ETA) and their response time is typically within 30 minutes.
EP Gas 6.1, 6.2

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Question 17:
To ensure the safety of stranded workers when operating at a scaffolding incident, Soc Support Ladder Companies should lower which correct rope to attach to their harnesses?

A:1/2 inch Kermantle rope

B: 1/2 inch Utility rope

C:9/16 inch life saving rope

D: Do not lower any rope. This is a Rescue/squad operation


Haz-Mat 10 sec 7.1
SSL shall utilize the 1/2” kermantle rope issued to them in place of the 9/16” LSR when lowering a safety line to stranded workers to attach to their harnesses


Question 18:
A proper gas emergency investigation can be found in each of the choices below except?

A: Be cognizant of signs of recent street work or on-going work (street excavation, plumbing truck in front of a building, etc.) Vent holes, otherwise known as prospecting “bar” holes, are a series of roughly 1” holes in the pavement and indicate recent Gas Utility Company work.

B: Pipe failure can be caused by undermining, corrosion or arcing from adjacent electric feeder cables. Many serious leaks originate from below grade and migrate into buildings along conduit and sewer lines.

C:The Department has provided all Ladder Companies with two types of natural gas investigative tools; one is a Natural Gas Detector and the other is a Natural Gas Meter. Either one of these tools may be utilized when investigating suspected natural gas leaks.

D: The “first priority” at natural gas emergencies is to ensure there is not a Major Gas Emergency. This is followed by locating and mitigating minor leaks.


These two tools complement each other and BOTH SHALL be utilized when investigating suspected natural gas leaks.
EP Gas 6.3, 6.4, 6.5


Question 19:
As a Company Officer, you have to tend to the needs of your FFs. One need in particular is the request to use corrective lenses with his/her Scott SCBA/APR/PAPR face pieces. Members in need of corrective lenses for their face pieces shall complete the “Request for Corrective Lenses form” and fax it to whom?

A: Administrative Battalion


C: Administrative Division via chain of command

D:Mask Service Unit (MSU)


The member shall fax the completed MSU-1 and a copy of the corrective lens prescription directly to the Department-authorized vendor and to MSU
Training Bulletins add 7 sec 3


Question 20:
Detecting an odor of gas may be difficult. A knowledgeable officer should know all of the following choices to contain correct information except?

A: “Points of Entry” are locations where utility pipe/conduit of any type pierces the wall of the building and are commonly located in the meter room, but may be found elsewhere in the building. Subsurface gas leaks often enter buildings via these points; Utility Companies may refer to a point of entry as a “P.O.E.”

B: If members cannot find the leak quickly, natural gas may approach a dangerous level. Natural Gas Detectors are sensitive enough to detect small leaks and may effectively detect a leak in a less contaminated area. A safer procedure may be to vent while searching for the leak and if the leak is not located, units can continue their investigation until the arrival of the appropriate Utility Company.

C: When detector activation and meter readings were present, it is not acceptable to leave the scene of an “odor of gas” response after the odor has dissipated without mitigation or coordination with utility company representatives.

D:Only Utility Companies carry meters proficient in sampling hard-to-reach areas including wall and ceiling plenum spaces, subsurface structures, below sidewalks through expansion joints, subgrade soil, etc. FDNY Units do not carry these meters and all such investigations require the expertise of the Utility Company.


Utility Companies and FDNY Haz-Mat Company 1, Haz-Mat Technician Units, Squad Companies and SOC Support Ladder Companies have meters proficient in sampling hard-to-reach areas including wall and ceiling plenum spaces, subsurface structures, below sidewalks through expansion joints, subgrade soil, etc.
EP Gas 6.5


Question 21:
The Purple “K” Dry Chemical extinguisher shall be inspected when?

A:Beginning of each tour

B: Daily

C: Weekly

D: Semi-annually


The extinguisher shall be checked at the beginning of each tour and thoroughly examined once a month
Training Bulletins sec 2.4


Question 22:
Investigation, detection and mitigation of routine gas leaks needs to be accomplished in a professional manner. Which of the following choices is incorrect?

A:During the Ladder Company’s investigation, if any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, or while proceeding to the reported location within the building, the inside team should proceed directly to the caller to question him/her and gather information for transmittal to the IC.

B: When the Engine Company arrives prior to the Ladder Company, activate the Natural Gas Meter prior to entering the building. The Engine Officer should proceed to the reported location/caller while remaining Engine Company members prepare to stretch a hoseline, positioned outside of the potential blast zone.

C:Members may become desensitized to mercaptan over time and may no longer smell it, even if natural gas is still present. Use the Natural Gas Detector to lead you closer to the source of the odor and call in other members to help search if becoming desensitized.

D: Remove ignition sources near the leak utilizing a remote shut off. Removing power will cause a spark at the switch, which should only be done outside of the area that is within the explosive range.


During the Ladder Company’s investigation, if any natural gas levels are displayed on the Natural Gas Meter upon entering the building, or while proceeding to the reported location within the building, the inside team should proceed DIRECTLY TO THE BASEMENT/CELLAR to evaluate conditions.
EP 6.5 p20, 6.6, 6.7.2


Question 23:
At a High-Rise Building fire, the CFR Engine company along with FAST Unit shall be assigned where?

A:Fire Sector Supervisor

B: Incident Command Post

C:Forward Staging Area

D: Search and Evacuation Sector Supervisor


High-Rise Office Buidings sec 5.3.1


Question 24:
Two company officers discussing the isolation of various types of gas leaks disagreed on a number of tactics but both agreed that which one statement was incorrect?

A: A leak or break in low pressure gas piping may be stopped or greatly diminished by taping, or stuffing putty, rags, paper, etc., into the break. This tactic will not work on medium or high pressure piping before the service regulator.

B: Leaking plastic pipe (permissible by code for outside use) should not be touched or approached. Natural gas flowing out of a broken plastic pipe generates static electricity which builds up on the inside and outside surface of the pipe; coming near to, or touching, a leaking plastic gas pipe could result in a spark that ignites the escaping gas.

C:The FDNY is never authorized to shut curb valves/service valves. These valves shall only be shut by trained members of the appropriate Utility Company.

D: If the curb valve/service valve on a low pressure system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a Utility Company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak. If the curb valve/service valve of a medium or high pressure distribution system becomes inoperative, mitigation will involve shutting the Main Valve, possibly disrupting a large area which may include critical facilities (i.e., hospitals, nursing care facilities, etc.).


Although the FDNY IS authorized to shut curb valves/service valves, it should only be done as a LAST RESORT and in consultation with the Utility Company.
D) Note: Contact the appropriate Utility Company Control Center when necessary to control a leak using the curb valve/service valve.
EP Gas 6.7.3


Question 25:
The Emergency Action Plan is to establish a method of systematic, safe and orderly evacuation of FDNY facilities. The officer on duty should review this plan with his/her members all of the following times except?

A: Initially, when the plan is developed

B: Whenever the plan is changed

C: When new personnel are assigned



Quarterly, during the first week of January, April, July, and October of each year
Safety Bulletin 61 sec 7


Question 26:
Proper valve identification is a crucial component of an effective gas response. Which choice below contains incorrect information?

A: It may be difficult to discern between a curb valve/service valve and a Main Valve. FDNY is not permitted to shut a Main Valve.

B: Con Edison Main Valves should have a tag inside of the valve housing with an I.D. number, indicating these are NOT curb valves/service valves.

C:National Grid Main Valves can be identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the cover, indicating these are NOT curb valves/service valves.

D:If a leak is serious enough to consider shutting down a Master Meter Valve, Head of Service Valve or curb valve/service valve, consider treating the incident as a Major Gas Emergency.


“National Grid Main Valves can be identified by an ID number stamped on the North side of the COLLAR UNDERNEATH THE COVER, indicating these are NOT curb valves/service valves”….yes, this is a tight point, but it mistakenly said it was stamped on the cover for years…a big change and a good test point.
A) Note: If a Main Valve fails, shutting the next valve up in the system may cause a major disruption in natural gas supply to an entire neighborhood and multiple, critical occupancies. In addition, shutting the Main Valve may not stop the leak as multiple Main Valves may need to be shut if the system is supplied from more than one direction.
EP Gas 6.7.3 p25


Question 27:
What color is the label where the expiration date is found on the Air-Purifying Respirator?

A: Raspberry Red

B:Olive Green

C: Banana Yellow

D: Berry Blue


Training Bulletins SCBA add 2 page 5 and sec 9.2 4th bullet


Question 28:
Units should always ensure they are shutting the appropriate valve at a gas emergency. To further the knowledge of members, a competent company officer should be able to identify which incorrect choice?

A: A gas Main Valve cover may be round or square and come in a variety of sizes (typically 9” or larger).

B: The curb valve/service valve is usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and shuts the natural gas supply to the entire building. It is generally recessed in from the curb, but may be in the street.

C: Main Valves are usually not present on low pressure gas systems. Stopping the flow of gas in a low pressure main will require the street mains to be excavated and stoppers installed, which may take several hours.

D:The curb valve/service valve is usually covered with a 8” X 8” round, steel cover and will be sitting on top of a wooden plate.


The curb valve/service valve is usually covered with a 4” X 4” SQUARE or ROUND, BRITTLE CONCRETE or STEEL cover which may be sitting on top of a PLASTIC or WOODEN plate.
B) Note: The curb valve/service valve may have been covered with concrete or grass and not be visible.
EP Gas 6.7.3 p24, p26


Question 29:
Apparatus seat belts shall be inspected when?

A:Each tour

B: Once a day

C: Weekly

D: Monthly


Safety Bulletin 67 sec 3.1.2


Question 30:
The Department bears great responsibility in the mitigation of gas emergencies. Of the following choices, all contain correct information except?

A: When a routine natural gas leak has been mitigated, transmit to the dispatcher a brief description of conditions found, actions taken and persons left in charge, as well as the appropriate radio code. Report the location of the natural gas valve shut for relay to the Utility Company.

B: To confirm a gas leak has stopped, a distinct and continuous drop in natural gas levels must be present. A gas detector/meter may slow or stop, indicating the leak has slowed or stopped.

C: A spray bottle of soapy water can be used to test suspected leaking plumbing and confirm valve closure has stopped the leak.

D:Units should remain on scene until valve closure is reported and gas levels cease rising in the general atmosphere. As ETAs by the Utility Company will always be within the 30-minute window, the IC shall not leave a unit remaining on scene awaiting the Utility Company’s response, unless valve closure could not be accomplished.


Units should remain on scene until NO natural gas remains (zero readings on the meter, no activity on the detector, gas odor dissipated, etc.). If given a reasonable ETA by the Utility Company and adequate resources are available, the IC should CONSIDER having a unit remain on scene awaiting the Utility Company’s response.
EP Gas 6.7.4, 6.7.5


Question 31:
The operational considerations for deploying the Window Blanket can be found in all of the following except?

A:Only the Rescue and Squad companies can deploy the Window Blanket

B: The “spotter” should be equipped with a HT and binoculars obtained from the battalion vehicle

C: The Window Blanket is large enough to cover two windows if necessary

D: Due to the length of the top supporting straps, the blanket can be lowered from two floors above if the IC deems necessary


Any unit or units may be used to deploy the blanket
Evolution 33 sec 4


Question 32:
What is the “priority order of valve closure” for a routine natural gas leak? 1. Appliance Valve 2. Individual Meter Valve 3. Master Meter Valve 4. Interior Gas Riser Valve 5. Head of Service Valve 6. Curb Valve/Service Valve 7. Main Valve

A: 1,2,4,5,3,6,7


C: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

D: 1,2,3,5,4,6,7


EP Gas 6.7.3 p22


Question 33:
Immediately after roll call, company officers, accompanied by the chauffeur should inspect and examine the unit’s apparatus. During this inspection, the company officer shall discuss all of the specific topics except?

A: General response routes and any modifications to normal response routes

B: Road and weather conditions

C: Dangerous areas or intersections

D:Apparatus positioning at previous fires


A, B, C, are correct…..D is not mentioned
Engine Operations ch 2 sec 2.4


Question 34:
Which description of NYC’s natural gas service is incorrectly portrayed below?

A: Typical house appliance pressure is ¼ psi but a few commercial customers receive gas at 1 to 3 psi.

B: There are a small number of large facilities that utilize full line pressure, especially for power generation.

C:Peck Vents are installed on systems supplied by light or medium pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails; they may have a red cap.

D: There should normally be no odor of natural gas at a peck vent. If an odor is detected, you must investigate to determine the source.


Peck Vents are installed on systems supplied by MEDIUM or HIGH pressure to vent excess gas to the exterior if the service regulator fails; they may have a red cap.
EP Gas 4.4.2


Question 35:
When the FAST Unit arrives at the location of the distressed member, the transmitting member of the FAST Unit shall do all of the following except?

A:If possible, activate distressed member’s PASS Alarm

B: Depress the Emergency Alert Button on their HT. This will identify the member of the FAST Unit transmitting the emergency message on EFAS and the FAST Radio

C: After the Emergency Alert activation, provide the IC or FAST Group Supervisor with Location, Unit and Identity of the injured member, Nature and extent of injuries, if known, and Resources needed for distressed member

D: Assess the Fire, Air, Immediate medical care, and Removal of distressed member


If possible, depress the EAB of the member in distress. The activation of the distressed member’s EAB will identify them on EFAS. Notify the IC via HT prior to EAB activation of the distressed member
MMID ch 2 7.6 and Communications ch 9 bottom of page 5


Question 36:
Regulators and meters are integral components of the gas supply system. Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding these components?

A:Service Regulators are usually located after the gas meter on low pressure systems to reduce gas to low pressure (¼ psi).

B:Gas Meters can supply individual occupancies or entire buildings. Before the meter there should be a ¼ turn meter valve that controls the supply of natural gas to the meter.

C: Some multi-occupancy buildings have only a single master meter supplying natural gas to all occupancies and shutting it down will shut gas to the entire building. Sometimes the Utility Company will have two master meters adjacent to one another so a master meter can be serviced or replaced without interrupting service to the building; the valves to both meters would need to be closed to shut supply to the building.

D: Some buildings have multiple meters, each supplying natural gas to a different occupancy or tenant. Older apartment buildings may have individual gas meters located inside of each apartment served, and in some buildings, meters may be found in the public hallway, which if found, requires appropriate enforcement action.


Service Regulators are usually located BEFORE the gas meter on MEDIUM and HIGH pressure systems to reduce gas to low pressure (¼ psi).
EP Gas 4.4.2, 4.4.3


Question 37:
During a Haz-Mat incident the “Safe Refuge Area” can be found in which correct zone?

A: Hot Zone

B:Warm Zone

C: Cold Zone

D: Support Zone


Haz-Mat 7 sec 2.3
All exposed people must be immediately removed from the area of the release to an area of safe refuge. this area of safe refuge is considered to be in the warm zone


Question 38:
Two company officers discussing the gas supply system within buildings identified which incorrect comment?

A: Often there are interior gas riser valves coming off of the master meter, typically near the ceiling of the cellar. These can be used to isolate a section of the building instead of shutting service to the entire building.

B:All natural gas appliances will have a valve between them and the building/tenant natural gas supply pipe that must be turned clockwise multiple times to shut the supply. The pipe connecting the appliance to the supply pipe will always be rigid.

C: Many large heating plants use a significant amount of natural gas. These systems may require assistance from building engineers and Utility Company personnel to mitigate emergencies.

D: In the past, natural gas was used for illumination inside of certain buildings. These old gas lines were sealed with wax and, over time, this wax can deteriorate resulting in a gas leak. These types of leaks may be difficult to locate.


ALL natural gas appliances should have ¼ turn valves between them and the building/tenant natural gas supply pipe. The pipe connecting the appliance to the supply pipe may be RIGID or FLEXIBLE.
EP Gas 4.4.4., 4.4.5


Question 39:
You are working the 6x9 tour in E500 and just received a ticket for E500, L600 to respond to an alarm ringing in a private dwelling on Woodhaven blvd in the great Borough of Queens. As the IC on scene, you would be correct to transmit a preliminary report to the dispatcher within how many minutes?


A: 2 minutes

B:5 minutes

C: 10 minutes

D: 15 minutes


Communications ch 8 sec 8.9.10
Borough dispatchers shall contact the IC to obtain a preliminary report if the IC fails to transmit one within 5 minutes after announcing arrival
*** Officers of land units are not required to submit a preliminary report when special called to an automobile, grass, rubbish, or similar outside fire 8.11.7
***Remember, you can be the IC


Question 40:
Natural gas has many uses in modern, urban dwellings. Which choice below contains incorrect information regarding appliances and systems that use natural gas?

A:Large, commercial Air Conditioner units are often located in the cellar. Some HVAC units are combination units, housing heating units using natural gas and conventional cooling units.

B:Less common Air Conditioner units use natural gas in the heat exchange process. A failure in any part of large, commercial air conditioning units can allow natural gas to leak and spread throughout the entire HVAC system.

C: Direct vent boilers and hot water heaters have become prevalent throughout the city and may be located anywhere within a structure. They are vented by a short length of pipe through an exterior wall.

D: Direct vent window and through-the-wall heaters may be used to heat individual occupancies.


Large, commercial Air Conditioner units are often located on W or SETBACKS. Some HVAC units are combination units, housing heating units using natural gas and conventional cooling units.
EP Gas 4.4.5