Biology paper1-Infection and response Flashcards
Define commuinicable
diseases that can be spread to others
Define pathogen
Microorganisms that cause infections and disease.
What is meant by a vector in biology?
A vector is any organism that carries a pathogen and can spread it to other organisms causing disease. e.g mosquitoes.
Define antibodies
Antibodies are proteins produced by some white blood cells, which target specific pathogens depending on the antigen they carry.
What is meant by droplet inhalation?
This is where diseases are spread through sneezing and coughing.
What is meant by an Antitoxin?
An Antitoxin is a chemical which cancels out toxins produced by the pathogens.
What is meant by phagocytosis?
This is the process by which some white blood cells engulf pathogens and destroy them through digestion.
Define lymphocyte
A type of white blood cell tht produces antitoxins and antibodies.
What is meant by a vaccine and what do they do?
A small amount of a dead or innactive pathogen is introduced which stimulates white blood cells to produce antibodies.
What do antibiotics do?
Antibiotics help cure bacterial disease by killing infectious bacteria inside of an organism
How does the skin prevent pathogens entering the body?
The skin acts as a physical barrier preventing pathogens entering the body.
How do scabs prevent pathogens entering the body?
Scabs help maintain the physical barrier and stop pathogens entering the body via the skin.
How does stomach acid stop pathogens?
Stomach acid kills pathogens injested through food/drink consumed.
How does mucus prevent pathogens?
It lines airways to trap pathogens.
How does cilia prevent pathogens?
Tiny hairs that line the trachea and bronchi and move mucus to trap pathogens
How do tears prevent pathogens entering the body?
They contain chemicals which kill pathogens
What are the 2 human diseases caused by viruses and what are the symptoms what are they spread by and how to prevent them?
- measeles the symptoms of this disease are a fever and redskin/rash- it is spread by droplet inhalation- and is prevented by vaccination.
2.HIV the symptoms of this disease are initial flu like symptoms- it is spread through sex and the progression of the disease can be slowed through antiretrovial drugs.
What is the plant disease caused by a virus and what are the symptoms what is it spread by and to prevent it?
tobacco mosaic virus- its symptoms are a dark mosaic pattern on plant leaves and stunted growth-spread by direct contact- it can be prevented by removing infected leaves and burning them or by sterilising gardening equipment.
What are the 2 human diseases caused by bacteria called and what are the symptoms what sre they spread by and what how to prevent the disease?
1.Salmonella- its symptoms are a fever abdominal cramps and vomitting and diahrea-it is spread by the preperstion of food in unhygeinic conditions- and can be prevented by- cooking food properly/taking fluids to prevent dehydration/ vaccines.
2.gonorrhea-symptoms are thick yellow/green discharge from penis/vagina when urinating- spread through sexual contact-treated by antibiotics and prevented by condoms/physical barriers.
What is the plant disease called caused by fungi what are the symptoms what is it spread by how to prevent it?
Rose black spot-symptoms are black spots on leaves/stunted growth-spread by water or carried in wind-prevented by fungicides and removing/destroying infected leaves.
What is the human disease called caused by protist-what are the symptoms-what is it spread by-how to prevent it.
malaria-symptoms are a recurrent fever-spread by mosquito bites-prevented by use of mosquito nets and drugs that kill/prevent the parasite.
What is meant by a hybridoma?
This is where lymphocytes are combined with a specific type of tumour cell the hybridoma can both produce a specific antibody and divide rapidly.
What is meant by a placebo
this is a ‘fake treatment’ that does not contain the drug and is used as a control when testing new drugs.
What are plants physical defences?
Cellulose- cell walls and tough waxy cuticle on leaves and layers of dead cells around the stem (tree bark)
What are plants chemical defences?
Antibacterial chemicals and poisons to deter herbivores.
What are plants mechanical adaptations?
Thorns and hair deter animals and leaves which droop or curl when touched and mimicry to trick animals.