Bio Test 3 Flashcards
Fast food problems?
Palm oil
HFCS- high fructose corn syrup
Access easy
Sedentary life style
Driving, tv, computer, phones, video games
Why do we overeat?
Stress Portion size Variety Boredom Sweetness Culture
Inhibitions to hunger
Heat, cold, extremes Extreme exercise Emotions- fear, anger, pain Depression Drugs, poisons- toxins
How many people are overweight or obese
2/3 overweight 1/3 obese
Organic and not
No pesticides- use other insects, oils, diatomaceous earth No herbicides Use natural fertilizer Manure Compost Green crops
Why are pesticide residues a problem?
They store in fat, breast tissue.
Who did we give DDT to?
South America where we get our veggies and fruit
Why are children more at risk with pesticides?
Eat more in relegation to body size.
Pesticides are for a 160 pound person.
Kids store pesticides in their organs
Most contaminated
Apples Apricots Cantaloupe Celery Cucumbers Fresh peaches Grapes Green and red bell peppers Pears Soybeans U.S. Cherries U.S. Frozen/fresh winter squash U.S. Green beans
Least contaminated
Advocados Bananas Broccoli Brussels sprouts Canned peaches Cauliflower Frozen or canned corn Milk Onions Sweet potatoes U.S. Broccoli U.s. Orange juice Watermelons
What are ways they grow organic?
No pesticides- use insects, oils
Natural fertilizer
SA and AV nodes
SA- in right atrium, atria contracts simultaneously allowing an electrical impulse that sets the rhythm of your heart(pulse).
AV- sets the rhythm of heart contractions, delays so blood fills up. Causes ventricles to contract simultaneously.
Purknje fibers-
Purkinje fibers allow the heart’s conduction system to create synchronized contractions of its ventricles, and are, therefore, essential for maintaining a consistent heart rhythm.
Describe the EKG
The electrocardiogram
P- excitation of atria- prior to contraction. Arterial depolarization
Q,R,S- excitation of ventricles, also atria relaxes. Onset of ventricular depolorization.
T- relaxation of ventricles. Replorization
Systole- ventricle contraction
Diastole- ventricle relaxation
Myocardial infarction_
Heart attack
Clogged coronary artery
Help- stent. Balloon but can cause another block somewhere else, bypass
Cerebral vascular accident
- clogged artery in brain
- aneurysm- bulging vessels, Dacron stretchy
Malfunction of hearts electrical system - pace maker takes over SA node -tachycardia- fast heart rate, not getting the pause, insufficient blood flow. Bradycardia- slow heart rate, 60bpm 72 bpm normal
Foramen ovale-
Hole between atria
Ductus arteriosus
Hole between the vessels. When open patent DA
Ventricular septa defect
Hole between ventricles
Problems of transportation of vessels in the heart
Pulmonary artery attached to LV- lung originated
Aorta attached to RV- no lungs, deoxygenated
High blood pressure.
What’s considered normal and high blood pressure?
Normal- Lower then 120/80
High- 140/90 or above
Why is hypertension dangerous?
1) enlarged left ventricle- congestive heart failure
2) strokes, aneurysms
3) myocardial infarction
4) kidney disease
Why we need salt?
Muscle contractions and neuron communications
Yanamamo Indians
Lowest salt consumption
10mg a day
Akita province, Japan
Highest salt intake
.27g a day
99% die before 70, strokes
African Americans
10x risk dying of high blood pressure Age 50 hypertensive Slave trade, loss of sweat Created super efficient kidneys More salt more water. Water increase blood volume.
1 group normal salt intake 1 group increased 15g a day After two years 7/10 blood pressure rose 3 refused two eat 3 remained normal
High salty foods?
Canned soup Fries Ramen Hamburger Ketchup V8 Soy sauce
How much salt we need and actually consume a day
2.4 is healthy
5-12 is average
Why is red bone marrow important?
Found in spongy bone Makes: Red blood cells- carry oxygen and glucose Platelets- clotting Whit blood cells- immune system
The 5 types of wbc and explain each
Neutrophilis- indicate bacterial infection
Lymphocytes- memory of past invaders, viral, bacterial
Monocytes- viral infections, pass through blood vessels, kill by phagocytosis.
Eosinophil- parisitic infection, allergies
Basophils- allergic reaction
What white blood cells are generalists and specific defense
Every one besides lymphocytes are generalists- attack any bacteria.
Lymphocytes are a specific defense blood cell that produces antibodies that recognize
What are the diff types of T cells found in lymphocytes?
Memory T- recognize past invaders Helper T- stimulate killer T cells (t4) Suppressor T- inhibit killer T cells Killer T- kill invader ( antigen) Antigen protein not recognized by body
What do the non specific wbc do?
Barrier defense system
Skin- keratinized, layer, sebum oil
Respitory system- hairs, nasal, cilia + mucus- tubes
Stomach- produces acid
Complement system proteins
Protein jabs holes in bacteria, water fills in and bacteria blows up
Inflammation system
Swelling, hot, throbbing red, due to bringing in blood quickly
What does CBC stand for
Complete blood count
Types of immunity
Takes 2 weeks from birth to establish T cells
Passive immunity- mothers milk, placenta
Active immunity- vaccinations, non virulent microbe
Where is the herpies and chicken pox virus found in the body?
Hides in spinal chord
What are auto immune and immune suppressed diseases?
Auto immune- body hacking itself
Lupus, crohns, ms, rhewmatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes
Imuneosupressed- hiv AIDS, chemotherapy, organ transplant
What are allergies and examples
Allergen- harmless substance that provokes the immune system.
Pollen, insect venom, nuts, dust, shellfish, mites, animal, dandert, protein, foods, metals, cosmetic, perfumes
What’s an epipen?
Epinephrine adrenaline
Tags with antibodies?
IGE- protein antibody that attaches to a mast cell in respitory or GI tract. Mast cell explodes, creates histamines which cause inflammation- leads to asthma, anaphylactic shock caused by insect venom, latex, shellfish nuts cause create a lot of histamine
What does tetnis do to body?
Causes body to contract, lock jaw, spine locks up
2012 statistics of deaths
1) ischaemic heart disease
2) stroke
3) respitory disease
5) diarrhea
6) diabetes
7) road injury
8) hypertension
What is diff of HIV and AIDS
HIV- human Imuno deficiency virus
AIDS- disease
HIV attacks T4 cells (1000) until (400) are left and u get AIDS
What is anthrax, where is it found, and what are the forms
Spore forming bacteria
Occurs in cattle, sheep, goats, antelope, camels
In South America, south east Europe, Asia, Africa, Caribbean
3 forms- cutaneous 20% fatal
Gastrointeinal 20-60% fatal
Inhalation- 99.9% fatal
Ebola- virus spread through mucous. Possibly came from monkeys- vector- transporting organism
Lyme disease
Bacteria- passed by ticks on deer
Passed through blood, mucus
Bacteria- contaminated water, shellfish
Passed by deer mice, through blood, mucus, feces and urine- pulmonary syndrome
bacteria spread by mucus. Increased due to lack of vaccinations. dPT shots
Whooping cough, bacteria, bordetella pertussis
New borne after 2 months get vaccinated
Increase due to lack of vaccinations
Virus passed by animal mucus
Increase lack of travel and vaccinations
Virus, human contact, lack of vaccinations
Bacteria animals to humans
Yellow fever-
Virus passed by mosquitos
Bacteria passed by Human mucus due to increased immigration