Basal Ganglia Flashcards
Basal ganglia modify/edit what
Initial motor plans sent from primary motor strip- just enough movement
What is basal ganglia
Group of nuclei (gray matter) deep within cerebral hemispheres
Where does it send modifications?
Back to the primary motor cortex via the thalamus
It provides what with regulates, refined movements
Primary motor cortex
Cognitive regulation
Additional circuit with PFC
Additional circuit with limbic
Emotional input
3 main structures if basal ganglia
Caudate nucleus
Globus pallidus
2 ancillary structures (support)
Substantia nigra - Parkinson's Subthalamic nucleus (huntingtons)
Motor editing functions of BG does not include what
Does not initiate movements
BG modulates movements
Regulate and refine voluntary motor activity/movements
Regulates excitatory/incoming impulses
Specifically BG…
Facilitates wanted movements
Inhibit unwanted movements
Adjust automatic movements
If problems occur in the BG you end up with
Can inhibit unwanted movements (hyperkinetic- Huntington’s chorea
Excessive constant movement
Or can’t facilitate wanted, or lack of wanted movements (hypokinetic Parkinson’s) no tone
Either inhibitory or excitatory
Review BG motor circuit
Perspective on the BG
Ensure the ideal amount of movements
Not too much/too little