BALLAST Flashcards
Medical cities
Invention of gunpowder and its influence on urban designing
After this, however, the military and defense consideration, where is the important and planners, paid more attention to the aesthetic of urban design.
Industrial Revolution brought fundamental changes in city planning.
People as work force should be close to factories.
Then garden city: civic and cultural center at the middle- housing and commercial around it- park and grand avenue / then industrial and at the end, agricultural.
Crossroad of two main streets where a church and market were located
Star cities to protect the cities.
Philadelphia Savannah, Washington were the first cities that follow grid
New urbanism
were the first cities that follow grid system
Columbia Maryland Virginia began as near towns, but suffered from same problem as they never became truly independent cities because they lacked significant employment center, so they were dependent on nearby cities or jobs 
New urbanism as a more recent planning philosophy that attempts to counter the many undesirable aspects of city development, like suburban sprawl reliance on the car, environmental deterioration, housing segregation, loss of farmland, and single use development . Mixed use!
Features: housing within walking distance of shops, offices, and other services and a variety of residential types for apartments above shops to sing at the time of the houses.
Mixed use programming
Retail on first floor, which is opening two streets with big a storefront, and then on top of that they will have offices and then on top of them we have residential units
Connection of neighborhoods and towns to regional patterns of pedestrian, bicycle, public transport system, while reducing dependence on the automobile and establishing connections to open space and natural system
It encourage building to be integrated with surrounding buildings to support the street as a place for pedestrian, and to provide users with a clear sense of location and time the preservation or reuse of historical buildings are encouraged
Safe is treats, sustainable design principle integration of civic, institutional and educational facilities into neighborhoods
Some of the smaller scale design feature that may be found in new urbanism designs include village squares, backyard, garage, front porches, and picket fences, 
Development patterns
Developing along the river, or a large body of water, and ultimately away from it
After invention of automobile cities has expended in number of typical patterns, the simplest one is expanding grid system
The field pattern has no central focus. Developments happen around natural features like Los Angeles
Star pattern revolves around the urban, core and development follows, radiating spokes of main highways or mass transit routes
Satellite pattern, the outer cores, often begin as major shopping area, business centers, and transportation centers. Houston is an example of that
Finally, the megalopolis development which include two or more major urban centers near each other grow together as the space between is developed 
Super block
Imageability: physical environment that gives it a strong image to observe, or like Eiffel tower 
Super block : which is an outgrowth of the new town concept. It’s like the attempt to plan a large piece of land that limited the intrusion of the automobile. You will find coldest sack and super block.  this concept minimize the impact of the cars on housing and allow the development of pedestrian circulation and park in spaces within the block . A variation of the super block idea is the planned unit development or PUD 
PUD development
Planned unit development offers many advantages, they make more efficient use of land by grouping compatible uses to give the extra land to open a space or a common used area they offer a variety of housing options from single-family, detached two row houses to high-rise apartments and condominium 
Intimate distance
Personal distance
Social distance, 
Public distance
6 to 18 inch
11/2 feet to 2 1/2 feet
4 to 12 feet
12 to outward 
Crime prevention, environmental design
Instead of having the entry to an apartment building, open directly to the public area of a street
Lol lol to indicate a separation of public and semi public space
A large window coat could also be placed next to front door so residence and passerby could observe activity both inside and outside the door
Electronic surveillance,
The following consideration should be examined when analyzing a side for development
Is there an adequate highway system to bring the catchment area population to the site?
Are there adequate traffic cones for businesses that depend on drive by trade
With the development create additional traffic, deadwood overload, the existing road system require new roads to be built or expand it
Is there adequate track access for servicing the site
Does the surrounding transportation network create an undesirable environment for the development? For example, a small side bounded by two freeways may be too noisy for an apartment building
Is there a safe and convenient pedestrian access to site if required, not for industrial projects, 
Are there public transportation, lines nearby? How can people get from mass transit to stops to the site
Are rail lines available for industrial projects, 
What increase the run of coefficient
Roof areas roads parkings development in general, increase the run of the coefficient
Why should we control sediment from draining into waterways and stormwater drainage system?
Sediment runoff has been shown to degrade stream habitat for fish and other aquatic species make it more difficult to filter, drinking water and decrees the capital city of drinking water storage
 How to control construction on off? is silt fence is a temporary fence designed to allow water to pass through while filtering out sediments. They will be placed along the perimeter of a construction site at places where drainage would normally occur . this silt fence is made of a geotextile.
Gravel and sand or excellent for construction loads and drainage, and four switch drainfield, but they are unsuitable for landscaping
The entrance of a side should be 150 minimum for from an in their intersection
If a road is going to intersect with another road, the minimum angle should be 80. The best angle is 90.
Avoid two way (Y) intersections 
Site development
Building entrances and major site feature should be located conveniently to the public transit
 Space for large truck, turning and loading dock should be provided
Do utility lines should follow the street layout and right of the weight . sanitary sewer storm swear telephone service, gas service, electric service, and other public utilities should be close to the main utility from street . extending from a considerable distance, add greatly to the cost of development . Sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water mains are located under the road however, electric and communication lines are adjacent to the roads. Gas line may either be under the road or next to it within the right of way utilities can be also located in easements portion of privately owned land at public utility companies can use for the installation and maintenance of their . electric utilities can be underground or can be above ground
When you services must be installed sanitary and storm sewer location, take precedence, because sewer must use the flue of gravity, and therefore depend on the natural slope of the land
Depending on the location of the side, municipal services may include police protection, fire protection, trash removal, and street cleaning
In some climate, adequate provisions must be made for a snow removal, and a snow is stacking
For a line of trees between 50 feet, 250 feet deep when the velocity can be reduced from 30% to 60% 
Develop a site plan to minimize road length parking and service area. Consolidate pedestrian, automobile, and service path is whenever possible double load parking lots to share access lanes and minimize paving.
Do not have more than the minimum parking required by the local zoning ordinance 
Use open agreed paving, or other pervious paving to reduce stormwater runoff
Plan pedestrian surfaces, using permeable materials, such as loose aggregate, permeable concrete wooden decks and space paving stones 
Designed vegetative buffer around parking, lots to mitigate runoff of water containing pollutant, such as oil and sediments.
Minimize side, lighting and prevent light from spilling onto Jason properties or into the sky
If allowed by law, call and estate regulation, consider using collected rainwater for supplemental irrigation however, the annual rainfall must be enough to make this physical. Also area with poor air quality may yelled water, not suitable for its intended purpose . Roofing material must be carefully selected, and the costs of collection storage and filtration must be evaluate it.
If rainwater cannot be collected an infiltration basin may be used.
An infiltration facing is a closed depression in the earth, from which water can scape only into the soil .
Natural materials like grass and vegetation, have low albedo’s and low conductivity that’s why they are not hot in summer.
Snow and pavement have high albedo’s
Closely related to albedo is conductivity, which is the time rate of flow of heat through a material, highly conductive material to let her to pass through them quickly, where, as materials of low conductivity retard the passage of heat.
Natural material are low, conductive, but metal concrete and Masonary have relatively high conductivity and they are called thermal mass
in general, we will need more vegetation to keep the environment cooler.
Requirement of a formal process to predict how a development will affect the environment, including the air, water or land and wildfire will be assessed by:
Concerns that should be investigated during site analysis for semi rural or rural development and urban development
For semi rural or rural development, we need to be cautious about the impact on natural landforms, water runoff, wildlife, and existing vegetation. do not disturb the natural contours of the land and existing drainage pattern

Existing drainage pattern must be left intact
Additional Ron off caused by roofs and paving, should not exceed the capacity of the existing drainage paths. Development should also avoid significantly disturbing existing ecological system of plants and wild lifes.
For urban side, minimize the production of noise, pollution, and creating undesirable wind condition. Do not block sunlight from adjacent buildings and outdoor spaces and do not create annoying reflection or glare on neighboring buildings. The impact of development on the utility and transportation system must be understood.

Where shouldn’t we build?
Wetlands or sites within 100 feet of wetlands

Lower than 5 feet above 100 year flood plane
Potential historical sites with burial grounds
Prime. Farmland
Analyze existing air quality this should be done by a qualified laboratory or service, and should include an assessment of the existing air quality, as well as an estimation of the effect of the proposed development on air quality in the area 
Have the soil and ground water tested for contamination
Determine the presence of endangered species, which can be included plants insects and animals 
Sustainable building
Catch basin and infiltration basin
Catch basin is like retention detention
Infiltration basin is a closed depression that water can scape into the doil
LCC: Life cycle cost analysis
LCA: Life Cycle assessment
economic performance of a material or building system
Replacing or
LCA: assess the environmental impact of a material from the initial raw material extraction to the final recycling, reuse, or disposal.
regardless of whether the project falls under the scope of federal state or local Ricky regulations architect with the client, should determine which off for treatment approaches will be undertaken. If the building is a designated landmark, the estate, preservation officer and national park service should also be consulted before the treatment list stat, in order from most historically accurate to least are preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction 
Historical preservation
for different types of preservation
preservation attempts to retain all historic fabric through conservation maintenance and repair. It reflects the buildings continuum over time, and the respectful changes and alterations that are made
Rehabilitation emphasizes retention and repair of historic material, but gives more latitude to replacement
 restoration focuses on the retention of materials from the most significant time
And reconstruction 
We try to preserve or maintain or repair the history call feature but if the preservation is not possible, then the new material or the replacement should match with the history, call Material in collar size, text chair, or if it’s possible the same material 
New additions to exterior of the historical building should not destroy historical materials feature and the spatial relationships. Danielle work will be differentiated from the old, but will be compatible with historical materials, features size scale, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment 
Masonary in historic buildings
Identify retain and preserve
Unique Masonary features from the restoration. Should be identified and should not be altered or covered
To protect the Masonary feature from the restoration. Proper drainage should be considered. The water will not be accumulate
Masonary surfaces should be cleaned only when necessary to hold deterioration or remove heavy swelling
Paint should be removed on the F8 is damage or deteriorated and then only to the next sound liar, using the gentlest method possible
Repainting should be done with colors that are documented to the restoration period of building
Mortara should be repointed boy, hand wrecking and duplicate the mortar in a strength, composition, caller texture, and joint profile
Damaged made Masonary units should be repaid by patching pacing Aine, or otherwise reinforcing the Masonary using recognized preservation methods

Unlimited, extend deteriorated or missing parts of Masonary features may be replaced with similar pieces of the same material or a compatible substitute

Blighted area:An area of a city that has been determined to contain Billings, and infrastructure that are in a state of decay, and in need of improvement
Bedroom community is a region or a small town that contains mainly housing and offers few employment opportunities 
Closter housing : a particular type of housing development in which the houses or apartments are placed close to each other and have access to nearby common open spaces
The act of transferring an interest in a property to another person, or the document written to formalize such a transfer
Downsizing, : a change in zoning, resulting in a decrease of allowable density
Ground lease : a long-term lease of a property that allows the tenant to use and improve the land, but that revert to the owner at the end of the lease 
Improvement ratio, the ratio of the value of improvements on a property to the value of property alone

Landlocked : descriptive of a parcel of land that does not border any public road
Under improved land : property that is not producing the maximum income it is capable of producing given its size zoning, and so on

Used deciduous trees to let sunlight fall on the windows during the winter months and shade the glass during the summer either deciduous or evergreen trees can be used on the east and west side to block the low angle of morning and afternoon sun how ever event Berra deciduous trees can block about 20% of winter solar hit game
A building can be designed wider at the opera stories, and Narrower at the ground level for self shading 
Effective ventilation
The overall form of a building should be are there narrow or a spread out to debris can filter through the building.
Courtyard may also be use

Most paved surfaces slope
Underground pipes slope
Most paved surfaces, should have at least 1% to 1 1/2% slope
Underground systems, use piping with a minimum a slope of 0.3%
A storm drains collect water from
Roof downspout, drain inlet, catch basins and drain tiles surrounding the building foundation.
A catch basin has a sump built into it so that the debris will settle instead of flowing down the sewer. Large a storm sewer systems require manholes for service access. A storm sewers are completely separate from sanitary sewer system. 
Their capacity of a drainage system is based
Size of the area to be drained
Runoff coefficient means the fraction of water, not absorbed
Amount of water to be drained during the most severe storm anticipated in the design
If the site development creates a runoff in excess of the capacity of the existing municipal’s storm sewer, or natural drainage course , a holding pond may be needed on the site 
What utilities take precedence in planning ?
Determine the locations of existing utilities prior to beginning design. Why, because building should be located to minimize the length of utility lines between the structure and the main line 
Sanitary, sewer, and a storm swear usually take precedence in planning because they depend on gravity flow .
 The invert or lowest elevation of the existing public sewer line should be established because the effluent must flow from the lowest point where the swear line leaves the building to the main sewer.
The portion of horizontal piping of the sanitary sewer system outside the building is now down as they’re building sewer

Minimum slope of the building sewer is half percent to 2% depending on the size of the pipe a greater slope is required for a smaller pipes. In some cases the Ron of the building swear will have to be longer than the shortest distance between the building and the main line simply to intercept the main line as a point low enough to allow for proper slope.
What does that mean ? It mean if the shortest distance from the building to the main line slope may not provide appropriate slope, so we need to make the run of the pipes from building to main sewer line longer (like diagnosing) ( The end of this diagnose should be maximum one hundred feet far from the shortest line from building two main line.
Automobile circulation in a parking
The entire automobile circulation system should provide direct easy access to the parking area and building without excessive drives, turnarounds, dead ends, or conflict with service areas.
Drop off width
Some measurements rules
Road slopes
From the outer face of a curb to the outer face of the curb should be 8 feet
If it’s a one-way parking entrance, it should be 12 feet wide
If it’s a two way, it should be 24 feet
 limit roads to a maximum a slope of 15% for short distances however 10% or less is preferable
If rams are crossing sidewalks, they must have a level area between the ramp and the sidewalk
 roads should have a gradual slope from the center of the roadway, called a crown to the sides . If Road has a gutter, it should be 6 inch high 
Translation of automobile ramp to Crossing sidewalk
10% preferred slope but 15% maximal
With a translation of slope of half of the ramp slope before
 it means the car ramp should have a transition between flat surface and ramp itself. This transition should be half of the ramp slope
When ramp as connecting or crossing, a sidewalk , transition, which is half of the slope of the ramp should be between ramp and crosswalk
Check the graphic off road with gutters and crown on counter map, 
Cross slope of a ramp
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