Bacteria + Fungus Flashcards
Bacterial Infections
Impetigo, Tonsilitis, Pharyngitis, Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever, TB, Actinomycosis, Syphillis, NUG, Pericoronitis
Fungal Infections
Pseudomembranous/Erythematous/Chronic Hyperplastic Candidiasis, Angular Chelitis, Histoplasmosis, Coccidiomycosis
(bacterial) streptococcus pyrogens/aureus. skin infection in young children, highly infectious through non-intact skin.
topical or oral antibiotics.
Tonsilitis / Pharyngitis
(bacterial) inflammation, sore throat, fever, erythema - caused by many different organisms: streptococci/adenovirus/ influenza/epstein-barr
Scarlet Fever
(bacterial) fever, skin rash caused by toxin, strawberry tongue. oral manifestation = tonsillitis or pharyngitis
Rheumatic Fever
(bacterial) B-hemolotic streptococcal infection (can cause tolsil/pharyngitis) causing inflammation or damage to heart, joints. May need premedication
(bacteria) Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Aerobic bacillus - airborne. Highly contagious. Reemerged in 80/90’s due to HIV + immigration.
TB Signs + Treatment
cough/chills.fever, malaise, night sweats, lymphadenopathy.
multidrug therapy to treat.
PPD Mantoux skin test and chest x-ray, sputum to diagnose.
Granulomatous Inflammation
lung lesions caused by TB pulmonary infection
(bacterial) actinomyces israelii, “sulfur granuals”, zit-like w/ sinus tracts appear after surgery. not contagious.
Syphilis Stages
Primary - chancre, highly infectious
Secondary - mucous patch, flu-like symptons
Tertiary- gumma, rare, unable to be treated w antibiotics
Congenital Syphilis
trepomena pallidum.
enamal hypoplasia - hutchinsons incisors, mullberry molars
(bacterial) Borrelia vincintii.
painful, erythematous gingiva and necrosis of papilla.
treat w: debridement, chlorhexidine, antibiotic
inflammation around 3rd molar operculum = tissue flap.
treat w: debridement, irrigation, antibiotics, extraction
Candidiasis: Types
[Candida albicans]
Psuedomembraneous, Erythematous, Denture Stomatitis, Hyperplastic, Angular Chelitis