Background And History 1 Flashcards
What is histology?
> the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals
What is histopathology?
> the science or study dealing with the cytological and histological structure of abnormal and diseased tissues
What are the four main types of tissues?
> epithelial tissue
connective tissue
muscle tissue
nervous tissue
Type of tissue: ducts of glands?
> epithelial
Type of tissue: skin?
> epithelial and connective tissue
Type of tissue: lining of blood and lymphatic vessels?
> epithelial tissue
Type of tissue: fat?
> connective tissue
Type of tissue: red and white blood cells ?
> connective tissue
Type of tissue: kidney tubules?
> epithelial tissue
Type of tissue: cartilage?
> connective tissue
Type of tissue: tendons and ligaments?
> connective tissue
1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was shared by what two histologists, and for what?
> Santiago Ramon Y Cajal
» the correct interpretation of neural structure of the brain
> Camillo Golgi
» invented staining technique used to visualize neural structure of the brain
What is humoral pathology?
> a concept that states that diseases are due to an imbalance of the four fluid humors >>> blood >>> phlegm >>> yellow bile >>> black bile
In 1761 _______ ________ _________ showed that disease are not due to humoral imbalances but to lesions in organs
> Giovanni Battista Morgani
Summarize findings/contributions of Marie Francois Xavier Bichat
> father or modern histology
> main contribution was the perception that the diverse body organs contain particular tissues or membranes; he described 21 such membranes
> did not use a microscope, but described 21 different membranes (tissues) that combine in different ways to form the organs of the body
> saw life in two parts: organic (vegetative) life and the animal life
» organic life was the life of the heart, intestines, and other organs
> > > organic life was regulated by a collection of small, independent, thoracic brains (ganglionic nervous system)
> > > animal life was composed of symmetrical organs such as eyes, ears, and limbs
> > > animal life included habit and memory and was ruled by wit and intellect
> introduced notion of tissues as distinct entities and maintained that diseases attacked tissues rather than whole organs or the entire body
Summarize findings/ contributions of Rudolph Carl Virchow
> pioneered the concept of pathological processes through the application of the cell theory
» Ominis cellulae e cellulae
> > > the cell theory in the time of Virchow stated that all forms of life are composed of cells and that all cells are derived from existing cells
> > > Virchow realized early on that the part of the cell theory that require all cells to be derived from existing cells (Ominis cellulae e cellulae) could give insight into pathological processes
Describe the contributions of Kolliker, Schleiden, and Schwann to the modern field of microscopy
> 1839: Matthiew Schleiden; botanist; recognized that the cell is the essential unit of the living organism; erroneously developed the idea that cells arise by budding from the nucleus (free cell formation theory)
> 1839: Theodore Scwhann; zoologist; compared animal cells to plant cells; observed cartilage and types of eggs; distinguished five classes of tissues
> NOTE that Schleiden and Schwann are usually credited with the discovery that all living organisms are composed of cells
> 1852: Albert Kolliker applied Schwann’s theory to the embryonic development of animals and wrote the first textbook on histology; he also produced a model textbook for embryology