B8-Sleep and Biological Rhythms Flashcards
Electro-oculogram (EOG)
An electrical potential from the eyes, recorded by means of electrodes placed on the skin around them; detects eye movements
Electromyogram (EMG)
An electrical potential recorded from an electrode placed on our in the muscle
Alpha activity
Smooth electrical activity of 8-12 Hz recorded from the brain; generally associated with a state of relaxation
Beta activity
Regular electrical activity of 13-30 Hz recorded from the brain; generally associated with the state of arousal
Theta activity
EEG activity of 3.5-7.5 Hz that occurs intermittently during early stages of slow wave sleep and REM sleep
Delta activity
Regular synchronous electrical activity of less than 4 Hz recorded from the brain; occurs during the deepest stages of slow-wave sleep
Slow-wave sleep
Non-REM sleep, characterized by synchronized EEG activity during deeper stages
Down state
A period of inhibition during a slow oscillation during slow-wave sleep; neurons in the neocortex cortex are silent and resting
Up state
A period of excitation during a slow oscillation during slow wave sleep; neurons in the neocortex briefly fire at a high rate
REM sleep
The period of desynchronized EEG activity during sleep, at which time dreaming, rapid eye movements, and muscular paralysis occur; also called paradoxical sleep
Sleep apnea
Cessation of breathing while sleeping
Sleep disorder characterized by periods of irresistible sleep, attacks of cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations
Sleep attack
A symptom of narcolepsy; an irresistible urge to sleep during the day, after which the person awakens feeling refreshed
A symptom of narcolepsy; complete paralysis that occurs during waking
Sleep paralysis
A symptom of narcolepsy; paralysis occurring just before a person falls asleep
Hypnagogic hallucination
A symptom of narcolepsy; vivid dreams that occur just before a person falls asleep; accompanied by sleep paralysis
A peptide, also known as hypocretin, produced by neurons whose cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus; their destruction causes narcolepsy
REM sleep behavior disorder
A neurological disorder in which the person does not become paralyzed during REM sleep and thus acts out dreams
Sleep-related eating disorder
A disorder in which the person leaves his or her bed and seeks out and eats food while sleepwalking, usually without a memory for the episode the next day
Fatal familial insomnia
A fatal inherited disorder characterized by progressive insomnia
Rebound phenomenon
The increased frequency or intensity of a phenomenon after it has been temporarily suppressed; for example, the increase in REM sleep seen after a period of REM sleep deprivation
A neuro-modulator that is released by neurons engaging in high levels of metabolic activity; may play a primary role in the initiation of sleep
Locus coeruleus
A dark-colored group of noradrenergic cell bodies located in the pons near the rostral end of the floor of the fourth ventricle; involved in arousal and vigilance
Raphe nuclei
A group of nuclei located in the reticular formation of the medulla, pons, and midline; contain serotonergic neurons
Tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN)
A nucleus in the ventral posterior hypothalamus, just rostral to the mammillary bodies; contains histaminergic neurons involved in cortical activation and behavioral arousal
Vetrolateral preoptic area (vIPOA)
A group of GABAergic neurons in the preoptic area whose activity suppresses alertness and behavioral arousal ad promotes sleep
Sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD)
A region of the dorsal pons, just ventral to the locus coeruleus, that forms the REM-ON portion of the REM sleep flip-flop
Ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter (vIPAG)
A region of the dorsal midbrain that forms the REM-OFF portion of the REM sleep flip-flop
Circadian rhythm
A daily rhythmical change in behavior or physiological process
A stimulus (usually the light of dawn) that resets the biological clock that is responsible for circadian rhythms
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
A nucleus situated atop the optic chiasm. It contains a biological clock that is responsible for organizing many of the body’s circadian rhythms
A photopigment present in ganglion cells in the retina whose axons transit information to the SCN, the thalamus, and the olivary pretectal nuclei
Advanced sleep phase syndrome
A four-hour advance in rhythms of sleep and temperature cycles, apparently caused by a mutation of a gene (per2) involved in the rhythmicity of neurons of the SCN
Delayed sleep phase syndrome
A four-hour delay in rhythms of sleep and temperature cycles, possibly caused by a mutation of a gene (per3) involved in the rhythmicity of neurons of the SCN
Pineal gland
A gland attached to the dorsal tectum; produces melatonin and plays a role in circadian and seasonal rhythms
A hormone secreted during the night by the pineal body; plays a role in circadian and seasonal rhythms