B6-094 Hip, Knee, and Ankle Flashcards
movement most limited by hip joint
the acetabular notch is bridged by the […] ligament
transverse acetabular
the depth of the acetabulum is increased by the
forms a collar around the femoral neck to hold head in acetabulum
orbicular zone
longitudinal fibers in the hip that help hold arteries from the medial/lateral circumflex arteries against the neck of the femur
**at risk in femoral neck fx
intrinsic ligaments of the hip [3]
the […] ligaments help to maintain integrity of the hip
ligament that restricts hyperextension at the hip
**ischiofemoral helps with this as well
ligament that restricts full abduction of the hip
attaches to acetabular ligament and runs to head of the femur
round femoral head ligament
what vessel lies within the round femoral head ligament in infants/juvenilles
what is thought to be the function of the obturator vessel that lies in the round femoral head ligament?
assist in spreading synovial fluid
important collateral circulation bypassing the popliteal artery
genicular branches
**keep blood flow when knee is fully flexed for too long
is the fibula involved in the knee joint?
knee joint stability depends on
strength of surrounding muscles/tendons
extracapsular knee joint ligaments [5]
**bonus points: which two are intrinsic (thickening of capsule)
patellar ligament
fibular collateral ligament
tibial collateral ligament (intrinsic)
oblique popliteal ligament (intrinsic)
arcuate popliteal ligament
strong cordlike ligament that runs from the fibular head to lateral femoral condyle
fibular collateral ligament (LCL)
[…] passes deep to fibular collateral ligament
popliteus tendon
biceps femoris tendon is split by
fibular collateral ligament (LCL)
flat band that extends from the medial femoral epicondyle to medial tibial condyle
tibial collateral ligament (MCL)
why is the tibial collateral ligament damaged more often than the fibular collateral?
it has deep fibers that attach to the meniscus
the tibial and fibular collateral ligaments are […] when the knee is extended and […] during flexion
taut in extension
slack in flexion
can be torn during hyperextension of the knee
oblique popliteal ligament
prevents posterior displacement of the femur
prevents anterior displacement of the tibia
ACL is taunt at full […]
prevents anterior displacement of femur
prevents posterior displacement of tibia
the PCL is taunt when the leg is […]
[…] bundle of the ACL resists anterior tibial translation during flexion
[…] bundle of the ACL resists anterior tibial translation and tibial rotation in extension
positive anterior drawer sign indicates
ACL tear
the anterior edges of the menisci are joined by
transverse ligament of the knee
allows menisci to move together during movements of femur on tibia
transverse ligament of the knee
relationships of medial meniscus to ACL, PCL and tibial collateral
attaches anterior to ACL (anterior horn)
attaches anterior to PCL (posterior horn)
adherent to deep surface of tibial collateral
the posterior meniscofemoral ligament joins the lateral meniscus to the
passes between the medial meniscus and fibular collateral ligament
popliteus tendon
which menisci is smaller and more mobile?
positive posterior drawer test indicates a tear in
passive fallen arch of the foot is due to a laxity in
plantar calcaneonavicular
dynamic support of foot includes [4]
tibialis anterior
tibialis posterior
flexor hallucis longus
passive support of the foot includes [4]
plantar aponeurosis
short plantar ligament
long plantar ligament
planter calcaneonavicular
pes transversoplanus
loss of transverse arch
pes planus
loss of longitudinal arch
hyperextension of metatarsal phalangeal joints
flexion of DIP/PIP
claw toes
stabilizes the ankle joint during eversion
medial (deltoid) ligament
injured in a high ankle sprain
anterior inferior tibulofibular ligament (AITFL)
injured in low ankle sprain
anterior talofibular ligament
most common ankle sprain overall, due to overinversion/supination of the foot
Anterior TaloFibular ligament
**Always Tears First
most common high ankle sprain
anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
2 separate joints that align to form the transverse tarsal joint
transection across the […] is standard method for surgical amputation of the foot
transverse tarsal joint
where talus rests on calcaneous
subtalar joint
main movement of the subtalar joint are
which anatomical structures maintain the integrity of the hip joint ?
bony parts of the acetabulum and ligaments that go around the head of the neck (ischiofemoral, iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments)
How are the head and the neck of the femur vascularized?
medial and lateral circumflex femoral a.
How would a posterior hip dislocation present?
internally rotated and adducted
How would a hip fx of the femoral neck present?
externally rotated and abducted
adduction with a posterior hip dislocation is due to
impingement against acetabular rim
abduction and lateral rotation with a femoral neck fx is due to
the lateral rotators of the hip pulling on the femur
three intrinsic hip joint ligaments (go around head of femoral neck)
occur when knee strikes dashboard with thigh abducted
anterior hip dislocation
what nerve may be damaged in a posterior hip dislocation?
fx between the greater and lesser trochanters
fx inferior to trochanter
what type of hip fx is most at risk of necrosis?
external hip rotation, abduction and shortening of limb indicates
femoral neck fx
an internally rotated and adducted limb at the hip joint indicates
posterior dislocation
which anatomical structures maintain the integrity of the tibio-talar joint?
anterior talofibular ligament
deltoid ligament
which test is used to assess the integrity of anterior talofibular ligament?
anterior drawer
what two joints of the foot align transversely and serve as landmarks for a foot amputation?
lateral femoral condyle to anterior tibia
medial femoral condyle to posterior tibia
a blow to the lateral leg at the knee is likely to injure what structure?
MCL/medial meniscus
the medial meniscus is adherent to
chief flexor of the hip during gait
prevents overextension of the hip joint
iliofemoral ligament
**extremely important to up right stance
gluteus maximus is a [flexor/extensor]
[men/women] have a higher incidence of femoral neck fracture
**due to weakening via osteoporosis
responsible for skin sensation over the medial malleolus
saphenous n.
tibial nerve serves the [plantar/dorsal] foot
provides sensation to the dorsum of the foot
superficial fibular n.
provides sensation to the web space between 1st and 2nd toe
deep fibular n.
provides sensation to lateral calf and ankle
what structures travel through the adductor canal? [3]
femoral artery
femoral vein
saphenous nerve
the […] nerve passes through the obturator foramen
the […] artery lies superficial to all the muscles in the thigh
the deep femoral artery branches from the femoral at the
femoral triangle
where can the femoral artery be palpated?
just below the mid-point of the inguinal ligament, medial to the iliopsoas
resists posterior sliding and dislocation of the tibial plateau
the oblique popliteal is derived from
the iliofemoral ligament restricts
extension of thigh beyond vertical
hip extension beyond vertical is done by
lumbar vertebrae
the ability to plantar and dorsiflex the ankle comes from which joint in the ankle?
pes planus is associated with a drop in the
medial longitudinal arch
major contributor of passive arch
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament