B6-047 Leg and Foot Flashcards
the septa of the leg derive from the […] and separate the compartments
crural fascia
primary functions of the anterior compartment of the leg
toe extension
muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg [4]
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius
long thick muscle on anterolateral surface of tibia
tibialis anterior
tibialis anterior function
dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
inserts distally at the first cuneiform and first metatarsal base
tibialis anterior
each of the four tendons of EDL forms a […] over the dorsum of lateral four proximal phalanges that divide into lateral/central slips
extensor expansion
functions to extend the lateral four digits
extensor digitorum longus
inserts distally at the dorsum of the fifth metatarsal
fibularis tertius
**not to be confused with other fibularis muscles or extensor digitorum longus
functions to extend the hallux and dorsiflex the ankle
extensor hallucis longus
what structures lie in the lateral compartment of the leg? [3]
superficial fibular nerve
fibularis brevis
fibularis longus
functions in eversion of the foot and plantar flexion [2]
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
runs obliquely and distally across the sole of the foot to attach distally to the first metatarsal
fibularis longus
ridge on lateral side of the calcaneous
fibular trochlea
**fibularis longus and brevis run through
lies deep to fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
inserts distally on the dorsal surface of tuberosity on lateral side of 5th metatarsal
fibularis brevis
the medial and lateral tubercle of the talus create a groove for [….]
flexor hallucis longus
calcaneous articulates with […] superiorly
calcaneous articulates with […] anteriorly
shelf-like projection of the calcaneous that supports the talus
the navicular tuberosity serves as an attachment site for
tibialis posterior
structures that provide passive support for the arch [4]
plantar aponeurosis
short plantar ligament
long plantar ligament
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
**all contain “plantar”, found on plantar surface
structures that provide dynamic support for the arch [5]
tibialis posterior
tibialis anterior
flexor hallucis longus
fibularis longus
intrinsic muscles of foot
runs through groove on posterior talus, inferior to sustentaculum
flexor hallucis longus
inserts near the medial cuneiform onto the proximal end of the first metatarsal
tibialis anterior
help to activate the muscular venous pump in the legs
muscles of the superficial posterior compartment of the leg [3]
soleus (triceps surae)
muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the leg [4]
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
tibial nerve and posterior tibial vessels lie deep to the
transverse crural septum
two headed muscle that crosses both knee and ankle joints
main function of gastrocnemius
plantar flexion
muscle that lies deep to gastrocnemius
proposed to be a proprioceptive organ for foot position
small muscle of the posterior compartment of the leg that is often missing
forms the inferior floor of popliteal fossa
functions to unlock extended leg by laterally rotating femur on stationary tibia
flexes great toe
flexor hallucis longus
provides groove for flexor hallucis longus
sustentaculum tali
flexes four lateral digits
flexor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis brevis and extensor digitorum brevis are innervated by
deep fibular
extensor digitorum brevis extends phalages [….]
functions of the plantar foot muscles
maintain arches
stand on uneven ground
first layer of plantar muscles [3]
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor hallucis
plantar muscles of the second layer [2]
quadratus plantae
pulls obliquely on the flexor digitorum longus to assist in flexing the lateral four digits
quadratus plantae
lumbricals […] the MTP joint and […] DIP/PIP
plantar muscles of the third layer [3-4]
flexor digiti minimi brevis
adductor hallucis
flexor hallucis brevis
opponens digiti minimi (may or may not actually exist)
what is the function of the sesamoid bones in the flexor hallucis brevis?
protect first metatarsal head when walking/standing
plantar muscles of the fourth layer
plantar interossei [adduct/abduct]
dorsal interossei [adduct/abduct]
the medial plantar nerve innervates [4]
flexor digiti brevis
flexor hallucis brevis
abductor hallucis
medial one lumbrical
the lateral plantar nerve innervates [6]
flexor digiti minimi brevis
abductor digiti minimi
adductor hallucis
lateral three lumbricals
quadratus plantae
what neurovascular pair runs through the popliteal fossa?
tibial n.
popliteal artery
what neurovascular pair runs through the posterior leg to the medial malleolus
tibial nerve
posterior tibial artery
provides sensory to dorsum of foot
superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
provides motor to fibularis longus and brevis
superficial fibular nerve
provides sensory to the webspace between hallux and second digit
deep fibular nerve
provides motor to the tibialis anterior
deep fibular nerve
a fibular neck fracture might endanger what nerve?
common fibular
trauma or compression of the lateral aspect of the leg might damage the […] nerve
common fibular
foot drop indicates damage to what nerve?
common fibular
provides sensory to sole of foot
tibial nerve
in tarsal tunnel syndrome, what nerve is affected?
distal tibial
a Baker cyst indicates a lesion in […]
proximal tibial nerve
what nerve is at risk from trauma to the knee?
what structures lie in the lateral compartment of the leg? [3]
superficial fibular nerve
fibularis brevis
fibularis longus
what nerve everts and dorsiflexes the foot?
common fibular (peroneal)
**PED = Peroneal Everts and Dorsiflexes; if injured, foot dropPED
what nerve inverts and plantar flexes the foot?
**TIP= Tibial Inverts and Plantarflexes; if injured can’t stand on TIP toes
inability to curl toes and loss of sensation on sole indicates a lesion in
foot everted at rest with weakened inversion and plantar flexion indicates a lesion in
foot inverted and plantarflexed at rest
loss of eversion and dorsiflexion indicates a lesion in
common fibular
common cause of shin pain and diffuse tenderness in runners and military recruits
medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints)
caused by bone reabsorption that outpaces bone formation in the tibial cortex
medial tibial stress syndrom (shin splints)
inflammation of plantar aponeurosis characterized by heel pain and tenderness
plantar fasciitis
popliteal fluid collection in gastrocnemius-semimembranosus bursa
Baker’s cyst (popliteal cyst)
where the fascia lata meets the abdomen
inguinal ligament
muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg [4]
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius
primary functions of anterior compartment of leg
toe extension
common compartmental syndrome of the anterior compartment
shin splints
what nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the leg?
deep fibular (arises from common fibular)
numbness/paresthesia of the skin between the first and second digits indicates damage to the […] nerve
deep fibular
what nerve innervates the dorsal intrinsic foot muscles?
deep fibular
**dorsal intrinsics are extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis
what artery supplies the anterior compartment of the leg?
anterior tibial a. (from popliteal)
near what landmark does the popliteal a. divide into anterior and posterior tibial arteries?
tibial tuberosity
the anterior tibial artery terminates as the […] artery
dorsalis pedis
main function of the lateral compartment of the leg
what nerve supplies the lateral compartment of the leg?
superficial fibular (from common fibular)
what nerve supplies most of the dorsal surface of the foot and digits?
superficial fibular (from common fibular)
what artery supplies the lateral compartment and what does it branch off?
fibular artery (from posterior tibial)
popliteal fossa contents from superficial to deep
popliteal vein, lymph nodes
popliteal artery
deepest structure in popliteal fossa
popliteal artery
the femoral artery becomes the popliteal artery after passing through
adductor hiatus
the femoral artery becomes the […] after passing through adductor hiatus
popliteal a.
popliteal artery gives rise to […] branches
what vessels ensure blood flow when the knee is in deep flexion?
4 genicular branches he said were important
superior lateral genicular
superior medial genicular
inferior medial genicular
inferior lateral genicular
what vessels lie in the adductor canal? [4]
femoral artery
descending genicular artery
musculoarterial branch (articular)
saphenous branch
descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex is important because
participates in cruciate anastomosis. if femoral artery is severed, blood can still get to the lower leg via this branch
popliteal artery terminates by dividing into [2]
anterior tibial artery
posterior tibial artery
lymph from posterior aspect of the leg drains to
popliteal nodes
lymph from the thigh and anterior leg drains to
inguinal nodes
provides innervation for the posterior compartment of leg and entire foot
tibial nerve
what nerve is susceptible to injury of the fibula
common fibular nerve
foot drop indicates damage to what nerve?
common fibular
**clopping sound
provides sensory to posterior aspect of the leg and lateral side of foot
sural nerve
what nerves join to form the sural nerve? [3]
medial sural (from tibial)
lateral sural (from common fibular)
sural communicating branch (from lateral sural cutaneous)
superficial posterior group of leg muscles [3]
deep posterior group of leg muscles [4]
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
what vessel gives rise to dorsalis pedis?
anterior tibial a.
what vessel gives rise to medial and lateral plantar a.?
posterior tibial a.
the medial and lateral plantar arteries supply
the sole and plantar compartment of the foot
innervates anterior leg muscles
deep fibular n. (from common fibular)
tibialis anterior functions to
dorsiflex the ankle joint
what nerve provides sensation to the web space between the first and second toes?
deep fibular n.
loss of dorsiflexion of the ankle indicates damage to
deep fibular n.
what nerve lies superficial to the fibular neck?
common fibular n.
what nerve is at risk in a fibular head fx?
common fibular n.
semimembranousus and semitendinosus attach to the […] aspect of the leg
posterior muscles of the leg are innervated by
tibial nerve
what nerve lies deep to the flexor retinaculum?
tibial n.
what nerve is at risk in an injury to the flexor retinaculum?
tibial n.
provides sensory to the skin of the medial foot
saphenous n.
loss of sensation of skin covering the heel and sole of foot indicates damage to
medial and lateral plantar (off tibial n.)
provides sensory to the posterior/lateral leg and lateral foot
major dorsiflexor of the ankle joint
tibialis anterior
what causes shin splints?
hypertrophy of anterior muscles squeezes anterior tibial artery and deep fibular nerve