AWA - Part 3, Standards, NHPs Flashcards
The floors in the NHP housing area may be made of dirt, gravel, sand, or grass.
Any surface that comes in contact with NHPs must be _______ and ______.
free of excessive rust and be free of sharp or jagged edges.
True or False. Hard surfaces in which NHPs come in contact must be spot cleaned every two weeks.
False. Hard surfaces in which NHPs come in contact must be spot cleaned daily.
Who determines the interval in which to sanitize or replace surfaces that have been scent marked?
Supplies of food and bedding must be stored in a way that protects the supplies from _______, _______, and ________.
Spoilage, contamination and vermin infestation.
What are the 4 types of housing facilities that can be used for NHPs?
Indoor, sheltered, outdoor, and mobile/traveling housing facilities.
Indoor housing facilities must be lighted well enough to permit what?
Routine inspections and cleaning of the facility and observation of the NHPs.
True or False. Only artificial lights can be used in NHP facilities.
False. Artificial or natural light can be used for the NHPs.
What is the purpose of a perimeter fence for the outdoor area of a sheltered housing facility?
To protect the NHPs by restricting access to animals (such as dogs, skunks and raccoons) and unauthorized humans
When is a perimeter fence not required?
If the outside walls of the primary enclosure are made of sturdy, durable material and are high enough and constructed in a way that restricts contact with or entry by humans and animals that are outside the sheltered housing facility or the housing facility is surrounded by a natural barrier that restricts the NHPs to the housing facility and protects them from contact with unauthorized humans and animals that are outside the sheltered housing facility, and the Administrator gives written permission.
Who is the “Administrator”?
The Administrator of the APHIS, or any other official of the APHIS to whom authority has been delegated.
In fixed public exhibits housing NHPs, what must be in place between the primary enclosure and the public?
a barrier
Are trained NHPs allowed physical contact with the public? Explain.
Yes, but only if they are under direct control and supervision of an experience handler or trainer at all times during the contact.
Who and what determines if NHPs are allowed to be kept in outdoor facilities?
The Attending Veterinarian - only those NHPs that are acclimated to the prevailing temperature and humidity can be kept in outdoors facilities.
True or False. NHPs in outdoor facilities do not require additional shelter.
False - the animals must be provided with adequate protection from the elements (sun, rain, snow, wind, etc).
List five minimum requirements of primary enclosures for NHPs
Primary enclosures must:
- Be structurally sound
- Must be kept in good repair
- Must have no sharp points or edges
- Must protect the NHP from injury
- Must contain the NHP securely
- Prevent accidental opening of the enclosure by the NHP and others.
The minimum space that must be provided is determined by weight, except for ________ and ________.
Brachiating species and great apes.
In a research facility, who approves an exemption from the space requirement?
Exemption must be required by a research proposal orin the judgment of the attending veterinarian and must be approved by the IACUC
A mother with infants less than _____ may be maintained together in a primary enclosure that meets the floor area space and height requirements of the mother.
6 months old
Research facilities must develop document and follow an appropriate plan for environmental enhancement adequate to promote the ________________.
Psychological well being of NHPs.
The environmental enhancement plan must address what issues, at a minimum?
Social grouping, environmental enrichment, special considerations, restraint devices, and exemptions.
True or False. Officials of any pertinent funding agency are not allowed to review a research facility’s environmental enhancement plan.
Give at least 2 exceptions to group housing NHP.
An animal may be housed singly if…
- It exhibits vicious or overly aggressive
- If it is debilitated
- If the animal is suspected of having a contagious disease, it must be isolated from healthy animals.
- Scientifically justified for the research proposal
List the NHPs that require special attention regarding enhancement of their environment.
- Infants and juveniles
- Those in psychological distress
- Those in IACUC-approved restricted activity
- Individually housed NHPs (can’t see/hear others)
- Great apes > 110 pounds.
Who is allowed to exempt an individual NHP from the environmental enhancement plan because of its health or condition, or in consideration of its well-being? How often must the exemption be reviewed and by whom?
The Attending Veterinarian.
Review at least every 30 days by the AV, unless the basis for the exemption is a permanent condition.
Who is allowed to exempt an individual NHP from the environmental enhancement plan because of scientific reasons? How often must the exemption be reviewed and by whom?
It must be reviewed by the IACUC at appropriate intervals as determined by the IACUC but not less than annually.
How often should adult NHPs be fed?
At least once per day except as otherwise might be required to provide adequate veterinary care.
How often should infant and juvenile NHPs be fed?
As often as necessary in accordance with generally accepted professional and husbandry practices and nutritional standards based upon the animals’ age and condition.
Why is the location of food and food receptacles important?
Food and food receptacles must be located so as to minimize any risk of contamination by excreta and pests.
How often should food receptacles be sanitized?
Every 2 weeks
How often should potable water be offered to NHPs if it is not continually available?
No less than 2Xs a day for at least 1 hour unless otherwise required by the attending veterinarian or as required by the research proposal approved by the IACUC.
True or False. Used water receptacles cannot be used to provide water to a different NHP.
True - used water receptacles cannot be used to provide water to a different NHP unless they are first sanitized.
How often must food waste and excreta be removed from inside of each indoor primary enclosure?
How often must indoor primary enclosures be sanitized for NHPs that engage in scent marking?
At regular intervals determined in accordance with generally accepted professional and husbandry practices.
What are the 3 methods that may be used to sanitize hard surfaces of primary enclosures?
- Live steam under pressure
- Washing with hot water (at least 180 F) and soap or detergent such as with a mechanical cage washer
- Washing all soiled surfaces with appropriate detergents or disinfectants, with a through cleaning to remove all organic material and mineral build-up and to provide sanitization, followed by a clean water rinse.
How is contaminated material such as sand, dirt, gravel, or grass sanitized?
They are removed as necessary to prevent odors, disease, pests, insects, and vermin infestation.
Carriers and intermediate handlers must not accept a NHP more than __ hours before the schedules departure time. This time may be extended by up to __ hours.
Carriers and intermediate handlers must not accept a NHP more than 4 hours before the schedules departure time. This time may be extended by up to 2 hours.
What must carriers and intermediate handlers be provided in regards to the consignee have before they accept a NHP for transport in commerce?
The name, address, telephone number, and telex number (if applicable) of the consignee.
What type of certification is needed prior to a NHP being accepted for transport in commerce?
Where is this certification kept?
What information must be included in the certification?
Certification that the NHP was offered food and water during the 4 hours before delivery to the carriers and intermediate handler.
The certification must be attached to the outside of the primary enclosure in a way to make it noticeable and read.
The certification must include:
- Consignor’s name and address
- The species of NHP
- The time and date the NHP was last fed and watered and specific instructions for the next feeding and watering for a 24 hour period
- The consignor’s signature and the date and time the certification was signed.
Who must sign a certification stating that the NHP is acclimated to temperatures lower than those that are required?
Can the NHP be held at temperatures lower than the minimum specified temperature?
A veterinarian.
When and how often must the carrier and intermediate handler notify the consignee upon the NHP’s arrival to an animal holding area?
Upon arrival and at least once in every 6 hours period after arrival.
What happens if the consignee cannot be notified within 24 hours after the NHP arrives at the animal holding facility?
The carrier and intermediate handler must return the NHP to the consignor or the consignor’s designee.
If ventilation openings are located on 2 opposite walls of the movable primary enclosure (used to hold or transport NHPs) the openings on each wall must be at least what % of the total surface of each wall.
The openings must be located on or above (choose one) the midline of the enclosure.
Above the midline
If ventilation openings are located on all 4 walls of the movable primary enclosure (used to hold or transport NHPs) the openings on each wall must be at least what % of the total surface of each wall and be located on or above (choose one) of the enclosure.
Above the midline
When a permanently fixed primary enclosure with only a front ventilation opening is used to transport or hold a NHP, the ventilation opening must be what percentage of the total area of the front wall of the enclosure?
At least 90 %
Give three circumstances in which more than one NHP may be transported in a single primary enclosure.
- A mother and her nursing infant may be transported together
- A established male-female pair or family group may be transported together, except when the female is in estrus
- A compatible pair of juveniles of the same species that have not reached puberty may be transported together.
True or False. NHP s of different species may be transported in adjacent or connecting primary enclosures.
False - NHPs of different species must not be transported in adjacent or connecting primary enclosures.
Primary enclosures that are not affixed to a conveyance must be clearly marked in English on the ____ and _______ with the words “_______” or “______”. The letters must be ___ high. What else needs to be in place?
Primary enclosures that are not affixed to a conveyance must be clearly marked in English on the top and on one or more sides with the words “Wild Animals” or “Live Animals”. The letters must be 1 inch high.
Arrows or other markings to indicate the correct upright position of the primary enclosure.
During transport, how often must food and water be offered to a NHP that is at least 1 year old? Less than 1 year old?
1 year old: food at least every 24 hours, water at least every 12 hours.
Less than 1 year old: food at least every 12 hours, water at least every 12 hours
During air transportation, who is responsible for observing the NHP? How often should this happen?
The carrier is responsible for observing the NHPs.
The NHP should be observed frequently as circumstances allow but not less than once every 4 hours if the air cargo area is accessible during the flight
Auxiliary ventilation, such as fans, flowers, or air conditioning, must be provided when the ambient temperature is____________.
≥ 85 F
Ambient temperature in the sheltered part of a facility holding non-human primates must not fall below __________ for _______ hours when nonhuman primates are present, and must not rise above ________ for more than _______ hours when nonhuman primates are present.
45Fº for 4 hours
85Fº for 4 hours
Concerning the perimeter fence for sheltered housing facilities for non-human primates, fences less than what height and less than what distance from the primary enclosure need approval from the Administrator?
6 ft tall
3 ft from primary enclosure
T or F: Only one live NHP may be transported in a primary enclosure.
In instances of long-term restraint of NHP (more than 12 hours) the NHP must be provided the opportunity daily for unrestrained activity for at least ______ during the period of restraint, unless approved by the Committee.
one continuous hour during the period of restraint
T/F: Grouping categories of NHPs are strictly based on weight and conditions such as obesity must be taken into consideration when assigning a NHP to a group category.
False: The grouping provided is based upon the typical weight for various species and not on changes associated with obesity, aging, or pregnancy. These conditions will not be considered in determining a NHP weight group unless the animal is obvioulsy unable to make normal postural movements within the primary enclosure.