AWA - Part 2, Regulations & Part 3, Standards, Dogs & Cats Flashcards
Which of the following persons are exempt from obtaining a license?
a. Retail pet stores
b. Any person selling fewer than 25 dogs and/or cats per year
c. Any person who arranges for transportation or transports animals for shows, grooming, medical treatment, food, or fiber
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
A voluntary license, issued to any person selling fewer than 25 dogs or cats for research or teaching purposes, is what class?
Class A
Which of the following must be inspected for obtaining a license?
a. Animals
b. Facilities
c. Vehicles
d. Equipment
e. Other premises used for the business
f. All of the above
f. All of the above
Which governmental agency performs the inspections and issues licenses?
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
True or False: If an applicant fails the inspection, he or she must wait 6 months before reapplying for a license.
False - An applicant has two more chances to pass inspection if the first inspection fails. If he or she fails after the third attempt, then the applicant must wait 6 months before reapplying.
True or False: The license for the facility may be transferred to a new owner.
False - The license is issued to a specific person for specific premises and do not transfer to a different person or location.
A registrant must notify the AC regional director of which changes? In what time frame must notification occur?
a. Name
b. Address
c. Ownership
d. Change in status as an exhibitor, carrier, or intermediate handler
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
Notification must occur by certified mail within 10 days of making changes
A registrant may be placed in an inactive status after ____ (time period) of not using, handling, or transporting animals.
2 years
How does a registrant request to cancel a license?
He or she must make a written request to the AC Regional Director.
What kind of facility is exempt from registering with the Secretary?
Federal research facilities
What is the minimum required membership of an IACUC?
At least 3 members….a Chairman, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, and a non-affiliated person
Which of the following is NOT a function of the IACUC?
a. Review the facility program every year
b. Inspect all the animal facilities every 6 months
c. Review and investigate concerns about the care of animals in the facility
d. Be authorized to suspend any activities involving use of animals in research
a – The program review is performed every 6 months.
True or False: The IACUC will review activities involving animals to ensure that procedures are designed to avoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals.
True or False: Major survival surgery and non-major operative procedures on all animals must be performed in a designated surgical facility.
False – Rodent surgery and non-major procedures do not require a dedicated surgical facility.
The limit for number of survival surgeries on one animal is ____.
One, unless scientifically justified and approved by the IACUC
A designated reviewer of a protocol has the authority to do the following:
a. Approve the activities
b. Require modifications to secure approval
c. Request full fommittee review
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
True or False: The Chairman of the IACUC has the authority to suspend any activity that is not being conducted in the manner approved.
False – An activity may be suspended only after majority vote to suspend at a meeting consisting of a quorum of the IACUC. The institution does NOT have the authority to approve animal activities with out IACUC approval, but an institution MAY stop activities without IACUC involvement.
Name three areas in which training and instruction be provided to research personnel.
- Humane methods of animal maintenance and experimentation (including basic needs, handling, aseptic surgical methods)
- The need to limit the use of animals or minimize distress
- Proper use of anesthetics and analgesics
- How to report animal misuse
- How to access information on methods and alternatives to animal use.
If a significant deficiency is identified on a semiannual inspection and remains uncorrected after a given time frame for correction, what must happen?
The uncorrected significant deficiency shall be reported in writing within 15 business days by the IACUC, through the IO, to APHIS and any federal agency funding that activity
The duties of the attending veterinarian are the following EXCEPT:
a. Be a voting member of the IACUC
b. Have the appropriate authority to ensure the adequate veterinary care of all animals
c. Daily observation of all animals
d. Guidance to the principal investigators and other research personnel
c- Other people can be responsible for the daily observation of animals provided that the veterinarian is informed promptly of any and all animal health problems
Each dog or cat must have the following in the animal record:
a. Name and address of vendor
b. Date of acquisition
c. Description of animal
d. Official USDA tag number or tattoo for each animal
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
Records must be maintained for ___ years.
The annual report to the USDA should contain the following information:
a. Location of all facilities where animals were housed and used for teaching or research
b. Common names and numbers of animals used in which painful procedures were performed and appropriate drugs were used to minimize pain and distress
c. Common name and numbers of animals used in which painful procedures
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
The IACUC of a Federal research facility reports to what agency?
The head of the Federal agency conducting the research, not APHIS
True or False: Food and water deprivation of animals is allowed for training purposes.
False. It is not allowed except when expressly approved by the IACUC
Dogs, cats, and non-human primates must have a health inspection no more than ________ (time period) before shipment.
10 days
True/False: Dealers & exhibitors are required to have an attending veterinarian under formal arrangements.
True/False: Daily observation of all animals under the care of a dealer/exhibitor must be made and must be made by the attending veterinarian.
False – daily observation may be made by someone other than the attending veterinarian
True/False: All dogs and cats must be individually identified by Class A and Class B dealers either by a tattoo or by a tag affixed to a collar placed around the animal’s neck.
Describe the specific size requirements for USDA tags.
The tag may be circular in shape and not less than 1.25 inches in diameter, or oblong and flat in shape and not less than 2 inches by 0.75 inch, and riveted to an acceptable collar
True/False: Unweaned puppies and kittens must be individually identified even if kept as a litter with an appropriately identified dam.
False – puppies and kittens don’t have to be individually identified if with the dam and maintained as a litter
True/False: Animals other than dogs and cats do not have to be individually identified by a dealers/ exhibitors so long as the primary enclosure is properly identified and labeled.
Official tags must contain the following information:
a. Number identifying the state and the dealer/exhibitor/research facility
b. Number identifying the animal
c. The letters “USDA”
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
d. All of the above
All official tags must:
a. Be serially numbered
b. Be made of a durable alloy or plastic
c. Not be used more than once in a 5-year period
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
d. All of the above
True/False: Dealers, auction operators, exhibitors and intermediate handlers are required to maintain records on each dog and cat that is purchased, sold or handled by them and hold those records for a minimum of 1 year.
True/False: All dogs, cats and nonhuman primates delivered to an intermediate handler must be accompanied by a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian not more than 15 days prior to delivery.
False – must be issued not more than 10 days prior to delivery
True/False: For all COD shipments, the consignor must guarantee in writing the payment of all expenses, including return transportation, should the animal be unclaimed.
Any dog or cat acquired by a dealer/exhibitor shall be held for a period of not less than ____ days, not including the day of acquisition.
Any dog or cat acquired by a dealer/exhibitor from a pound or shelter shall be held for a period of not less than _____ days, not including the day of acquisition.
A dog or cat must have been weaned and be at least ____ weeks of age before delivery to an intermediate handler or transporter, unless it is to be transported to a registered research facility.
A class B dealer may obtain dogs and cats from which of the following?
a. A legal entity operating as a humane shelter or contract pound
b. State, local, city operated animal shelters
c. Other licensed dealers
d. Breeders
e. Any individual, regardless of whether this individual bred and raised the animals on their premises
f. All of the above
g. All of the above except e
g. All of the above except e. Any individual, regardless of whether this individual bred and raised the animals on their premises
True/False: Each pound or shelter must hold each cat and dog at least 5 days, which is to include a Saturday, prior to disposition to a dealer.
A dealer must provide the recipient of all dogs and cats a certification statement that includes which of the following information?
a. The USDA approved identification number
b. A description of the animal
c. Name and address of the person, shelter, or pound from which the animal came and an assurance that such person/institution was notified that the animal may be used in research
d. Name, address, USDA registration number and signature of the dealer
e. All of the above
e. All of the abo
The certification statement must be maintained by the dealer a minimum of ____ year(s) and must be maintained by the research facility at least ____ year(s), following disposition of the dog or cat.
1 year for the dealer & 3 years for the research facility
T or F Dog and cat housing facilities other than those maintained by research facilities and Federal research facilities must be physically separated from any other business.
Hard Surfaces with which dogs or cats come in contact with must be spot-cleaned:
a. Daily
b. Every other day
c. Every third day
d. Weekly
a. Daily
T or F: Washing facilities such as washrooms or showers do not have to be provided for animal caretakers.
False – Washing facilities such as washrooms, basins, sinks, or showered must be provided for animal caretakers and must be readily accessible.
When dogs and cats are present in indoor housing facilities, the ambient temperature in the facility must not fall below __________ for those animals not acclimated to lower temperatures, for those breeds that cannot tolerate lower temperatures, and for sick, aged, young, or inform dogs and cages, except as approved by the attending veterinarian.
a. 35°F
b. 40°F
c. 45°F
d. 50°F
d. 50°F
What must be provided for the animals in indoor housing facilities when the temperature drops below 50℉?
Dry bedding, solid resting boards, or other methods of conserving body heat must be provided when temperatures are below 50°F.
What is the maximum temperature, for four consecutive hours, for dogs and cats when housed indoors?
a. 80°F
b. 85°F
c. 90°F
d. 95°F
b. 85°F
T or F: Dogs and cats can be housed in sheltered housing facilities.
Of the following, which can be kept in outdoor facilities, without approval from the attending veterinarian:
a. Dogs and cats that are not acclimated to the temperature prevalent in the area or region where they are maintained.
b. Breeds of dogs or cats that cannot tolerate the prevalent temperatures of the area without stress or discomfort
c. Sick, infirm, aged, or young dogs or cats.
d. Healthy animals that will be shipped to another facility within one week.
d. Healthy animals that will be shipped to another facility within one week.
All of the other animal conditions preclude them from being housed outdoors unless the attending veterinarian grants approval.
T or F: Outdoor housing facilities must provide dogs and cats with protection from the direct effect of wind, rain, and snow, but not the direct rays of the sun.
False – The outdoor housing facilities must provide the dogs and cats with protection from the direct rays of the sun.
T or F: Each queen with nursing kittens must be provided with an additional amount of floor space, based on her breed and behavioral characteristics.
T or F: The floor space taken up by food and water pans is included in the minimum floor space for cats and dogs.
T or F: The litter pan may be considered part of the floor space if properly cleaned and sanitized.
The required resting surfaces in cat primary enclosures must be:
a. Made of plastic
b. Of a size to only allow one cat at a time access to a resting surface within the primary enclosure
c. Elevated
d. Movable
c. Elevated
T or F: Low resting surfaces that do not allow the space under them to be comfortably occupying by the animals will be counted as part of the floor space.
The interior height of a primary enclosure must be at least ________ inches higher than the head of the tallest dog in the enclosure when it is in a normal standing position.
Not more than _______ adult nonconditioned dogs may be housed in the same primary enclosure.
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
c. 12
Bitches in heat may OR may not (chose one) be housed in the same primary enclosure with sexually mature males when not part of an active breeding program.
may NOT
Puppies under ________ months of age may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs, other than the dam or foster dam, except when permanently maintained in breeding colonies.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 3
a. 4
T or F: Permanent tethering of dogs is allowed for the use as a primary enclosure.
False – Permanent tethering of dogs is prohibited for use as primary enclosure. Temporary tethering of dogs is prohibited for use as primary enclosure unless approval is obtained from APHIS.
T or F: The required exercise program for dogs at a facility has to be approved by the attending veterinarian but does not need to be documented.
Dogs over 12 weeks of age, except bitches with litters, that are housed individually must be provided the opportunity for exercise regularly if their cages, pens, or runs provide less than ________ times the required floor space for that dog according to the AWRs.
Group housed dogs over 12 weeks of age do not require additional opportunity for exercise regularly if they are maintained in cages, pens, or runs that provide in total at least _______ percent of the required space for each dog if maintained separately.
Name two conditions that would preclude the group housing of dogs in compatible groups.
- If group housing is not in accordance with a research proposal and the proposal has been approved by the IACUC
- If it is the opinion of the attending veterinarian, such housing would adversely affect the health or well being of the dog(s)
- Any dog exhibits aggressive or vicious behavior.
The ____________ determines the frequency, method and duration of the opportunity for exercise in consultation with and approval from the IACUC.
a. Attending veterinarian
b. IACUC Chair
c. Animal facility manager
d. Principal investigator
a. Attending veterinarian
If a dog is housed, held, or maintained at a facility without sensory contact with another dog, it must be provided with positive physical contact with humans at least ___________.
a. Weekly
b. Bi-Weekly
c. Every other day
d. Daily
d. Daily
Dogs and cats must be fed at least ________ a day.
a. Twice a day
b. Once a day
c. Three times a day
d. Every other
b. Once a day
Used primary enclosures and food and water receptacles for dogs and cats must be sanitized at least once every ______ weeks using one of the methods in the AWRs, and more often if necessary to prevent an accumulation of dirt, debris, food waste, excreta, and other disease hazards.
Which of the following pieces of information are NOT required by the AWRs to be included for each dog and cat being transported:
a. Consignor’s name, address, and signature
b. Tag number or tattoo number assigned to each dog and cat
c. Time and date the animal was last fed and watered and the specific instructions for the next feeding(s) and watering(s) for a 24-hour period.
d. A pedigree including the listing of the animal(s) dam and sire.
d. A pedigree including the listing of the animal(s) dam and sire.
T or F: If dogs or cats are in transit for more than 48 hours, the enclosures must be cleaned and any litter replaced.
False – If dogs or cats are in transit for more than 24 hours, the enclosures must be cleaned and any litter replaced.
When would dogs and cats be allowed to be transported together in the same primary enclosure?
If they are private pets, are of compatible size, and are compatible.
Puppies and kittens _______- months of age or less may not be transported in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs or cats other than their dams.
T or F: A female dog or cat in heat may be transported in the same primary enclosure as a male dog or cat if they are part of a breeding program.
False – Any female dog or cat in heat (estrus) may not be transported in the same primary enclosure with any male dog or cat.
When shipped by air, no more than _______ live dog or cat, ________ months of age or older may be transported in the same primary enclosure.
a. 1, 4
b. 1, 6
c. 2, 4
d. 2, 6
B – No more than one live dog or cat, 6 months of age or older, may be transported in the same primary enclosure when shipped via air carrier.
T or F: Each dog and cat that is 16 weeks of age or older must be offered food at least once every 24 hours during transport.
If a dog or cat is obviously ill, injured, or in physical distress, it must not be transported in commerce, except under what condition?
It can be transported to receive veterinary care for its condition.
What are the floor space requirements, in square feet, for dogs?
Length of dog is measured in inches from tip of nose to base of tail
Floor space req = (6 + length)(6 + length) / 144
The ambient temperature of an indoor housing facility must not fall below ___ F for more than 4 consecutive hours when dogs or cats are present.
a. 45
b. 50
c. 55
d. 60
a. 45
3. 2 (a)
What is the miminum floor space requirement for a cat?
3 square feet for cats 4 kg and under
4 square feet for cats over 4 kg
what is the maximum number of cats in a single primary enclosure?
what is the minimum cage height requirement for a cat?
24 inches
A primary enclosure used for transportation that is permenantly affixed to the primary conveyance so that there is only a front ventilation opening for the enclosure must have a ventilation opening at least ___% of the total area of the front wal of the enclosure.
Carriers and intermediate handlers must not accept a dog or cat for transport in commerce more than ___ hours before the scheduled departure time of the primary conveyance on which the animal is to be transported
A primary enclosure used to hold or transport dogs or cats in commerce must be cleaned and sanitized how often?
a. daily
b. twice a day
c. weekly
d. after each use
d. after each use
A primary enclosure for transportation that is not permanently affixed to the primary conveyance must have projeccting rims on the exterior that provides a minumum air circulation space of ___ between the primary enclosure and anything the enclosure is placed against.
a. 0.5 inches
b. 0.75 inches
c. 2 inches
d. 6 inches
b. 0.75 inches
The total combined surface area of the ventilation openings of unaffixed primary enclosures for transport must be at least ___ percent of the total combined surface area of all the walls of the primary enclosure.
a. 8
b. 14
c. 16
d. 50
b. 14