Autoflight Flashcards
Primary Flight Control computers
On e LOC and G/S have been captured, can only be disengaged by:
Disconnecting the A/P and turning both FDS off
Engaging G/A
If above 1,500 RA, by reselecting APP (roll and pitch will revert to default modes)
If both FDs off, and A/P is selected, the autopilot engages in:
HDG HOLD or TRK HOLD as the roll mode or if the bank angle is > 5 degrees, ATT HOLD, HDG HOLD or TRK HOLD as the roll mode and V/S or FPA as the pitch mode
How can the autopilot be disengaged?
By selecting autopilot disengage switch on control yoke
Overriding autopilot with the control column, the control wheel or rudder pedals (pedals will only disengage the autopilots with LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated)
What are the indications the autopilot is operating in a degraded mode?
By a line drawn through the affected FMA on both PFD and HUD
Respective FD bar is removed from PFD and the flight guidance cue is removed from the HUD display
If AFDS detects the ILS signal is interfered with by service vehicle or other aircraft, describe AFDS actions?
The autopilot disregards the ILS signal. The autopilot will remain engaged in an attitude stabilizing mode based on inertial data.
There will be no annunciation. If the erroneous signal persists, the AFDS enters degraded mode
In flight, with A/P disengaged and both FDs off, the first FD switch to ON engages the flight director in:
or, if bank angle >5 degrees, ATT HOLD
V/S or FPA as pitch mode
In flight with the A/P on and the FDs off, the first FD switch engages in what?
Engages the FD in the currently selected autopilot mode(s).
Pulling down on A/P DISENGAGE bar:
Disengages all autopilots
Sounds aural warning
Illuminates the master WARNING lights
If A/P DISENGAGE bar pulled down in manual flight:
Prevents autopilot engagement
Disables bank angle protection
Exposes black and amber stripes
What does the upper line of the IAS/MACH window display?
What does the lower line display?
The upper line displays the speed selected by the IAS/MACH selector
The lower line displays the up linked
ATC speed clearance
When changing from TO/GA to
V/S, what does the IAS/MACH window display?
Flap placard speed minus 5 kts
250 kts (flaps up)
The speed value entered in the window before TO/GA was pushed
What is the minimum Mach number that can be entered in the IAS/MACH window?
The maximum?
.40 MACH
.95 MACH
What is the VSD?
Vertical Situation Display
What is the green dot on the VSD?
Range to target speed
Aircraft will reach selected speed at that point
At what points does the IAS/MACH display switch between IAS and MACH?
During a climb at .84 MACH
During descent at 310 KIAS
What does pushing the speed selector knob accomplish?
Alternately opens or closes the IAS/MACH window. (Equivalent to Speed Intervene)
What does pressing the XFR button accomplish?
If upper line is blank?
Lower line after pressed?
Transfers the IAS or MACH value from the lower line to the upper line
If upper line was blank it will open to up linked value
After transfer, lower line will be blank
What does the datalink ACPT switch accomplish?
Immediate clearance
Displays the clearance IAS or MACH value in the lower line of the IAS/MACH window
What does “UL” in the IAS/MACH window indicate?
Up Linked
What does the datalink ACPT accomplish?
Conditional clearance
It will automatically display the clearance IAS or MACH number in the lower line, but only after the condition contained in the clearance is met
What does FAIL OPERATIONAL mean?
It means that a single fault cannot prevent the autopilot system from making an automatic landing
What does LAND 3 indicate?
The AFDS is currently fail operational
What does FAIL PASSIVE mean?
A single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path
What does LAND 2 signify?
AFDS is fail passive: a single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path
NO LAND 3 will be displayed on the EICAS
What does NO AUTOLAND signify?
AFDS is unable to make an automatic landing
Down to single channel status during an Autoland
LAND 3 or LAND 2 has not been annunciated by 300 feet AGL
When are changes to autoland status inhibited?
Below 200 feet.
If LAND 3 or LAND 2 change to NO AUTOLAND, autopilot will disconnect, no change to FMAs
From left to right, the FMAs display:
Auto throttle
THR in autothrottle FMA?
Autothrottle is applying thrust to maintain the vertical speed required by the pitch mode
THR REF in the autothrottle FMA?
Thrust is set to the selected thrust limit displayed on the EICAS
IDLE in autothrottle FMA?
Autothrottle moving the thrust levers to idle
Followed by HOLD mode
HOLD mode on autothrottle FMA?
Thrust lever autothrottle servers are inhibited.
Pilot is able to set the thrust manually
Autothrottle is maintaining the speed annunciated on the PFD and HUD.
Speed can be selected by the MCP IAS/MACH control or by the FMC CLB CRUZ OR DESC pages
If only one thrust lever is engaged, L or R will be displayed in front of SPD for the engaged thrust lever
When will LNAV engage?
When the aircraft is above 50 feet RA and within 2.5 nm of course, or greater than 2.5 nm when the aircraft is on an intercept heading
LNAV is armed, but the aircraft is not on a heading that will intercept the active leg
When does LNAV engage during a Go Around?
How is LNAV disengaged?
LNAV engages at 50 feet RA with FD only
LNAV engages at 200 feet RA with the autopilot engaged
LNAV is disengaged by engaging any other roll mode or by disengaging the autopilot and turning both FDs off
Pressing the CLB/CONT switch?
When is it operative?
Two engine vs. one engine?
The switch is inoperative on the ground and below 400 ft during takeoff
With two engines operating, changes the thrust limit to FMC selected climb thrust
With one engine operating, changes thrust limit to maximum continuous thrust
What does the upper line of the HDG/TRK window display?
The lower line?
When power first applied to the aircraft?
Displays the heading or track selected by the HDG/TRK selector.
The lower line displays up linked ATC heading or track
When power first applied, the window will display 360 on the upper line and the lower line will be blank
When is the heading/track ATC uplink function enabled?
When the upper window and the up linked clearances are both heading values or both track values
What does the XFR switch do on the HDG/TRK panel?
Transfers the value from the lower line (uplinked value) to the upper line. Clearance is removed from the lower line by pushing the CANC switch on the datalink panel
What does UL R 250 on the HDG/TRK lower window signify?
Uplinked clearance is turn right to heading/track of 250.
HOLD switch on HDG/TRK panel?
Selects HDG HOLD or TRK HOLD as the roll mode
Displays HDG HOLD or TRK HOLD on the PFD and HUD FMAs
Commands wings level and holds the heading or track established when the wings are level
If FD or AP is turned on and no roll mode has been selected:
If bank angle < 5 degrees, the AFDS will return to wings level and the FMAs will display HDG HOLD or TRK HOLD
If bank angle > 5 degrees, the FMAs will display ATT and the AFDS will hold a bank angle between 5 and 30 degrees
If the bank angle was > 30 degrees, the AFDS will return the aircraft to 30 degrees of bank
When will the AFDS capture the LOC?
When the LOC is within range and within 120 degrees of the LOC track
How to arm the FAC?
Will be armed when the LOC/FAC switch has been pressed
The AFDS will capture the IAN (Integrated Approach Navigation) final approach course