Auditory System I Flashcards
AT day 22
ear development begins when the rhombencephalon surface ectoderm thickens to become the otic placode
The Otic placode invaginates to form
the Otic vesicle
The otic vesicle divides into ventral and dorsal components and the ventral portion forms
saccule and cochlear duct
What layer of the rhombencephalon forms the otic placode
What is the neural innervation to the otic vesicle?
statoacoustic ganglion
The otic vesicle begins projecting outward during week
As the outgrowth contacts the surrounding mesenchyme
spirals (~2.5) are formed creating the cochlear duct
Mesenchyme surrounding the cochlear duct forms
The cartilage formed by the mesenchyme will form
vacuoles that will form the scala vestibuli and scala tympani
The scala tympani and scala vestibuli are filled with
The cochlear duct is situated
between the scala tympani and scala vestibuli
Spiral ligament
mesenchymal ligaments that attach the cochlear duct to the lateral adjacent cartilaginous wall (to suspend the cochlear duct)
medial attachment to the cochlear duct
Organ of Corti develops from
epithelium of cochlear duct wall
The otic vesicle divides into ventral and dorsal components and the dorsal portion forms
utricle, the semicircular ducts, and the endolympahtic duct
At week 6, the semicircular ducts form
flattened discs (from otic vesicle)
Statoacoustic ganglion is derived from
otic vesicle and neural crest cells
Statoacoustic ganglion differentiates into
cochlear ganglion and the Scarpa’s (vestibular) ganglion
The cochlear duct is made from
ectoderm, surrounded by mesenchyme (cartilage)
What structures are filled with perilymph
bony labyrinth, scala tympani, and scala vestibuli
What structures are filled with endolymph
membranous labyrinth and cochlear duct
Tubotympanic recess
forms from the endoderm of the 1st pharyngeal pouch
Proximal portion of the Tubotympanic recess forms the
eustachian (auditory) tube
Distal portion of the Tubotympanic recess forms the
tympanic cavity
Malleus and incus are derived from what arch
1st pharyngeal arch
The stapes is derived from what arch
2nd pharyngeal arch