Attraction and aggression Flashcards
Sexual Scripts
Sets of implicit rules that specify proper sexual behaviour for a person in a given situation, varying with the person’s gender, age, religion, social status, and peer group
Weapons Effect
The increase in aggression that can occur because of the mere presence of a gun or other weapon
Social Cognitive Learning Theory
The theory that people learn social behaviour (e.g., aggression or altruism) in large part through observation and imitation of others and by cognitive processes such as plans, expectations, and beliefs
Secure Attachment Style
An attachment style characterised by trust, a lack of concern with being abandoned, and the view that one is worthy and well liked
Propinquity Effect
The finding that the more we see and interact with people, the more likely they are to become our friends
Passionate Love
An internse longing we feel for a person, accompanied by physiological arousal
Investment Model
The theory that people’s commitment to a relationship depends not only on their satisfaction with the relationship, but also on how much they have invested in the relationship that would be lost by ending it
Mere Exposure Effect
The finding that the more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more apt we are to like it
Instrumental Aggression
Aggression as a means to some goal other than causing pain
Hostile Aggression
Aggression stemming from feelins of anger and aimed at inflicting pain or injury
Halo Effect
A cognitive bias by which we tend to assume that an individual with one positive characteristic also possesses other (even unrelated) positive characteristics
Frusteration-Aggression Theory
The theory that frusteration - the perception that you are being prevented from attaining a goal - increases the probability of an aggressive response
Exchange Relationships
Relationships governed by the need for equity (i.e., for an equal ratio of rewards and costs)
Evolutionary Psychology
The attempt to explain social behaviour in terms of genetic factors that have evolved over time according to the priniciples of natural selection
Equity Theory
The idea that people are happiest with relationships in which the rewards and costs experienced by both parties are roughly equal
Comparison Level
People’s expectations about the level of rewards and costs they are likely to receive in a particular relationship
Comparison Level for Alternatives
People’s expectations about the level of rewards and costs they would receive in an alternative relationship
The notion that “blowing off steam” - by behaving aggressively or watching others do so - relieves built-up anger and aggressive energy and hence reduces the likelihood of further aggressive behaviour
Communal Relationships
Relationships in which people’s primary concern is being responseive to the other person’s needs
Companionate Love
The feelings of intimacy and affection we have for someone that are not accompanied by passion or physiological arousal
Avoidant Attachment Style
An attachment style characterised by difficulty developing intimate relationships becaused previous attempts to be intimate have been rebuffed
Anxious/Ambivalent Attachment Style
An attachment style characterised by a concern that others will not reciprocate one’s desire for intimacy; resulting in higher-than-average levels of anxiety
Attachment Styles
The expectations people develop about relationships with others based on the relationships they had with their primary caregiver when they were infants
Intentional behaviour aimed at causing physical harm or psychological pain to another person
Social Exchange Theory
The idea that people’s feelings about a relationship depend on their perceptions of its rewards and costs, the kind of relationship they deserve, and their chances for having a better relationship with someone else
Sets of implicit rules that specify proper sexual behaviour for a person in a given situation, varying with the person’s gender, age, religion, social status, and peer group
Sexual Scripts
The increase in aggression that can occur because of the mere presence of a gun or other weapon
Weapons Effect
The theory that people learn social behaviour (e.g., aggression or altruism) in large part through observation and imitation of others and by cognitive processes such as plans, expectations, and beliefs
Social Cognitive Learning Theory
An attachment style characterised by trust, a lack of concern with being abandoned, and the view that one is worthy and well liked
Secure Attachment Style
The finding that the more we see and interact with people, the more likely they are to become our friends
Propinquity Effect
An internse longing we feel for a person, accompanied by physiological arousal
Passionate Love
The theory that people’s commitment to a relationship depends not only on their satisfaction with the relationship, but also on how much they have invested in the relationship that would be lost by ending it
Investment Model
The finding that the more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more apt we are to like it
Mere Exposure Effect
Aggression as a means to some goal other than causing pain
Instrumental Aggression