Attachment Booklet 5: Cultural Variations Flashcards
What did Bowlby believe about attachments?
They are innate: therefore the need to form this initial bond should be genetics and experienced by all cultures
Why do attachments vary between cultures and societies?
It depends on the child rearing techniques seen as most desirable and different patterns of attachment in other cultures
What is the main study for AO1 cultural variations?
Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg
What happened in van ijzendoorn and kroonenberg study?
They carried out a meta-analysis combining the findings of 32 other studies of the strange situation from multiple countries, observing over 2000 children
What three western countries were studied?
USA, UK, West Germany
What three Non-Western countries were studied?
Japan, China, Israel
Which countries had only 1 study to represent?
UK and China
Which country had the most studies? (18)
Which country had the most secure attachments and by which percentage?
UK, 75%
Which country had the most insecure avoidant attachments and by what percentage?
West Germany, 35%
Which country had the most insecure resistant attachments and by what percentage?
Israel, 29%
What is a clear difference between Western and Non-Western countries?
Western countries have more insecure avoidant attachments, whilst non-western countries have more insecure resistant attachments
Explain the child rearing practices of West Germany…
Grossmann et al, says that German parents seek “independent, non-clingy infants, who do not make demands on parents, but obey commands”
Explain the child rearing practices of Japan…
Japanese have the concept of “amae”, meaning “emotional dependence” infants showing amae exhibit much clinging behaviour and need for attention, which might explain why so many develop a seemingly more clingy attachment style
Explain the child rearing practices of Israel…
Israeli children are reared in a Kibbutz so used to being separated from mothers, as a result they don’t show anxiety when the mother leaves. However, they’re not used to strangers so get distressed when left alone with strangers.
What study was done into Israeli rearing practices?
Fox - tested children in the strange situation using either their mother or metapelet (Kibbutz nurse), children were similarly attached to both except reunion behaviour showed more delight with mother
What are the evaluations of cultural variations of attachment?
🤓Large sample was used in meta-analysis ( nearly 2000)
🤓Meta-analysis ethically sound
🙄Imposed etic (test developed for one culture, Ainsworth American, Bowlby British)
🙄Different attachments within one culture (subcultures)
🙄Small numbers of studies some countries