Attachment Flashcards
What is reciprocity?
When the caregiver and baby respond to each other’s signals and elicit a response from one another.
Define the key term interactional synchrony
The caregiver and the baby reflect both the actions and emotions of the other and do this in a co-ordinated way.
What is attachment?
A close two-way emotional bond between two individuals in which each individual sees the other as essential for their own emotional security.
What are alert phases?
They are signals made to the caregiver by the baby that they are ready for interaction.
Mothers typically pick up on and respond to their babie’s alertness around 2/3 of the
Why is it difficult to observe babies?
Movements being observed are just small hand movements or subtle changes in expression so it hard to interpret a baby’s behaviour.
What are the four stages of attachment as proposed by Schaffer and Emerson?
Asocial, indiscriminate, specific, multiple
What is the key term used to describe the person that the baby makes their first attachment to?
Primary attachment figure.
Why does Schaffer’s stages of attachment have good external validity?
Instead of researchers being present to make observations (which may have distracted babies or made
them more anxious), observations were carried out by their own mothers whilst they were doing ordinary activities.
Is a father necessary in a child’s life?
- Yes – play and stimulation as proposed by Grossman
- Yes – can fulfil emotional needs as proposed by Field
- No – single mothers and lesbian parents prove a father is not needed as they can fulfil their role.
What were the results of Harlow’s and Lorenz’s study?
- Harlow: Baby monkeys sought comfort from the cloth mother and went for food from the wire mother.
- Lorenz: the geese that were hatched in the incubator followed Lorenz everyone as he was the first moving
object they saw
Why is there an issue with generalisation when studying animals?
It is hard to generalise findings/conclusions from birds/moneys to humans. With birds, this is because the
mammalian attachment system is quite difficulty and more complex in humans.
What is the difference between a primary caregiver and a primary attachment figure?
PCG is the person who spends the most time with a baby, caring for its needed whilst the PAF is the person
who the baby has the strongest attachment too.
How is a caregiver negatively reinforced to strengthen an attachment?
When the crying stops, the caregiver wants to repeat the behaviour of feeding/providing comfort.
Provide 1 piece of counter-evidence for the learning theory.
- Animals: Lorenz’s geese did not need to associated a moving object with food to imprint on it.
Harlow’s monkeys preferred soft surrogate mother with no food over wire mother with food. - Humans: Schaffer and Emerson found babies attached to mothers regardless of whether who
provided the most food. Isabella et al found interactional synchrony was more important than
Brazleton describes what as a dance?
Babies as well as caregivers take an active role in attachment. They can both initial interactions and take turns doing so.
Provide three features of an attachment.
Proximity seeking, separation distress, Secure based behaviour.