attachment Flashcards
what was the percentage of babies who attached to father as primary caregiver found by Shaffer.
what was the percentage of babies who had joined attachment to mother and father.
what did Grossman said the role of the father was?
to play and stimulate.
how did Grossman investigate the role of the father
did a longitudinal study where he studied interactions between babies and their mother and fathers.
what was Grossman’s findings.
- father only as secondary caregiver.
- father attachment effects quality of attachment in adolescents.
- mother attachment effected the ability to form attachment.
- father’s role is not as important as mother’s.
how did field study the role of the father.
through recorded observations where he measured the amount of interactions between three study group.
- group 1: father as primary caregiver.
- group 2: father as secondary caregiver.
- group 3: mothers as primary caregiver.
findings of field study about role of the father.
fathers can adapt and take the role of the mother by responding to their needs.
advice to new parents.
EVALUATION -real world application
role of the father.
- advice to new parents.
- how to balance work life and parenthood.
what is caregiver infant interaction?
What is interactional synchrony
When caregiver and child mirror their actions in a synchronised way
What id attachment
A two way emotional bond
What is reciprocity
When caregiver and child respond to each other’s signals
Maltzofe and Moore study procedure
- observed caregiver and infant interactions.
- recorded observation.
- primary caregiver
Findings of maltzofe and Moore study
High interactions = better attachment
EVALUATION - unclear procdure
- caregiver and infant interactions
- babies are mostly immobile.
- hard to interpret behaviour displayed.
- Could be releasing gas and not responding to caregiver signal.
- unclear cause.
- invalid study
EVALUATION - high internal validity
- infant caregiver interaction
- recorded observation.
- can rewatch.
- two observers = inter rater realisability
- babies do not know Rudy are being observed so less nervous and more natural behaviour.
- control over observer effect and less demand characteristics.
- establish clear cause and effect t relationship
EVALUATION- does not explain Development importance
- Research tells us about the interactions between infants and caregiver and the types.
- Does not tell us its importance or role in development .
- It cannot be used in application, therefore it’s not useful 
EVALUATION- however later research
Infant caregiver interaction
- However, little research has been made
- On the caregiver infant interaction
- shows that reciprocity Picture attachment 
Who found the stages of attachment
Schaffer and Emerson
Schaffer and Emerson study procedure
- 60 babies from Glasgow From the lower class
- Asked mothers to keep a diary about children.
- Mother would record behaviours such a as stranger anxiety.
- Researchers have visited babies every month for 12 months and then once more at 18 months
What are the four stages of attachment?
1 asocial stage
2 Indiscriminate attachment
3- Specific attachment
4- Multiple attachments
What is asocial stage of attachment
Babies can’t tell the difference between objects in humans.
- Basis of later attachment
- 0 - 3 weeks
What is indiscriminate attachment?
Prefer human company and would accept comfort from anyone.
- 3 weeks to 7 months 
What is specific attachment
This is Wendy from primary caregivers and would only accept comfort from primary caregiver and start to experience strange anxiety and Separation anxiety.
- 7 moths upwards
What is multiple attachment?
Baby start to form multiple attachments, however, still prefer primary caregiver.
12 months upwards
EVALUATION - Hi external validity
Stages attachment 
- High external validity.
- Recorded observation in natural setting.
- Eliminated, observer, bias, or observer effect by not being there, so allowing the babies to act as natural as. - Behaviour displayed is true 
EVALUATION- low internal validity.
Stages of attachment
- low internal validity.
- Use of self report method.
- Mothers, could’ve missed an observation or lied for social desirability.
- Observation given by the diary might not be true.
- Cannot make valid conclusions from the research.
EVALUATION - Low research on asocial stage.
Attachment stages
- low research on asocial stage.
- Could be more complex.
- Babies lack coordination at that age therefore research is lacking.
- For example, if baby is having anxiety there was not display it in a proper way.
- Due to the flawed method
Stages of attachment
- Real world application.
- Stages of attachment can be used to design daycare plans.
- For example, babies can start daycare at indiscriminate age so that they can get used to the person.
- Helps parents make the transition easier.
- stages attachment are useful 
Unclarity about the role of the Father.
- Role of the Father.
- The question being asked is too complex to be answered.
- to attempt to answer the questions, researchers often take it in two separate contexts.
- Some studies do the role of the father as a primary caregiver and some do it as a secondary caregiver and they both have different roles.
- Question remain and answered and conflicting 
There is conflicting evidence.
- role of the father.
- Longitudinal studies show that having a father is important for stimulation role.
- It says that it will impact the quality of later attachment in adolescence.
- This makes us expect that lesbian, households and single mother households children would act differently .
- research has been found that they do not act differently.
- Therefore, the question still remains unanswered
HOWEVER - Adaptations.
- role of the father. 
- The question is answered.
- Lesbian, households and single mother households can adapt their parental techniques to match that of a role of the father .
- By stimulating the child.
- Therefore, the theory of the role of the Father is true
Why are animal research used?
For ethical or practical reasons
Procedure of Lorenze’s animal research
- Separated a clutch of geese eggs.
- Kept half with the mother, the other half with him.
- The half with the mother acted as a control group.
- The half with Lorenz acted as experimental group.
- Waited for egg to hatch to see him as the first moving object.
- Put all the geese in a box and so if they go with a mother or go with him
Findings of Lorenz’a study
the geese were imprinted on lorenz.
- when put in a box lorenz’s hakf follwed him.
- with the mother followed the mother.
what is imprinting
when birds follow the first moving object.
- attach
what is sexual imprinting.
when animals imprint on the first moving object they tend to display sexual behaviour towards anything that loos like that object.
what is the procedure of Harlow’s monkeys
used monkeys that were separated from the mother.
- gave them a cloth mother and a food mother.
- had to pick.
- another variant is that he scared the monkeys and watched towards where they go