atomic physics - fission and fusion Flashcards
nuclear fission reactor, fusion power, nuclear reactions, generating nuclear energy
what is nuclear fission
- fission - act of splitting a nucleus
- a neutron is fired at a large nucleus in order to split it into two smaller nuclei
–> this releases energy from the nucleus and a few stray neutrons
what is often used as the energy source in a nuclear fission reactor
what is the nuclear chain reaction
- the neutrons released in a fission reaction begin new fission reactions with other isotopes
- the reaction then continues releasing more energy and gaining more neutrons each time
- the reactor that this takes place in must be built to ensure it is controlled
what are 4 main things in a nuclear reactor
fuel rods
control rods
thick concrete walls
fuel rods and nuclear fuel
- fuel rods are packed with pellets of uranium-235
- uranium-238 has a much higher natural abundance but is not fissile enough (doesn’t split easily) to use as a fuel so it undergoes enrichment to become uranium-235
- plutonium-239 can also be used as nuclear fuel but this element is the product of other reactions and is not naturally occurring
the nuclear fuel is put into metal tubes called fuel rods which have a place in the reactor
controlling the reaction and control rods
- control rods are made from a substance (like cadmium) that will absorb neutrons
- they arre placed between fuel rods
- when a large amount of energy is required, the control rods are removed to allow neutrons to move between neighbouring fuel rods
- when less energy is required/danger is present, the control rods are fully inserted to allow less reaction
all the way out - full reaction
all the way in - less reaction
staying safe and moderators
- the moderator (mainly made out of graphite or ‘heavy water’) surrounds the fuel and control rods
- the moderator slows down the neutrons
–> makes reaction more efficient as neutrons travelling at the right speed get absorbed - thick concrete walls surround the reactor core to ensure no radioactivity escapes
labels of the nuclear fission reactor (12)
- from right all the way round -
hot gas duct
steam out
heat exchanger
water circulator
cold water in
gas circulator
cold gas duct
concrete shield
fuel rods
pressure vessel
control rods
what is nuclear fusion
act of joining together two small nuclei
exothermic reaction
what does the process require
- huge amounts of energy to start (to overcome repulsion energy) but releases even more
- simple reaction = fusing hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3
–> this forms a helium nucleus and releases a spare neutron and lots of energy
what are the benefits of nuclear fusion
the deuterium-tritium fusion has the following advantages:
- fuels are relatively abundant
- renewable source of energy
- energy density is at least 4x greater than uranium (fusion is more powerful)
- not a chain reaction so it will stop safely if there is a problem
why don’t we use fusion power
- reaction requires very large amounts of energy to start
–> temperatures exceeding 10,000,000 dC are needed for just a plasma - the process is very inefficient as you get less energy out than what you put in