Assisted Conception Flashcards
what are the indications for assisted reproduction
· Endometriosis
· Male factor
· Tubal disease
· Multiple male and
female factors
· Unexplained
· Ovulatory disorder
· Multiple female factors
· Other
○ Fertility preservation in cancer and transgender patients
○ Treatment to avoid transmission of blood born viruses between patients
○ Pre-implantation diagnosis of inherited disorders
○ Treatment of single parents or same sex couples
○ Treatment with surrogacy when absent/abnormal uterus
what must the patient do before treatment
· Alcohol intake limited to 4 units per week
Weight between BMI 19-29 for both male and female
No smoking
Taking folic acid
0.4mg/day preconception
Rubella vaccination for female
Cervical smears
Occupational factors - avoid exposure to hazards
Screen for blood born viruses
Asses ovarian reserve
what treatments are available for assisted reproduction
Donor insemination
Intra-uterine insemination
In vitro fertilisation
Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection
Fertility preservation
when would you use intra-uterine insemination (IUI)
sexual problems
same sex relationships
discordant BBV
abandoned IVF
how is intra-uterine insemination done (IUI)
prepared semen inserted into uterine cavity around time of ovulation
when would you use IVF
unexplained infertility (>2 years)
pelvic disease (endometriosis, tubal disease, fibroids)
anovulatory infertility (after failed ovulation induction)
failed intra-uterine insemination (after 6 cycles)
how many eggs are usually needed to get one successful embryo
IVF step one
Down regulation
- synthetic gonadotrophin releasing hormone analogue or agonist
- reduces cancellation from ovulation improves success rates
- allows precise timing of oocyte recover by using gonadotrophin trigger given artificially (LH/FSH)
IVF step 2
Ovarian stimulation
-gonadotrophin hormone containing either synthetic or urinary gonadotrophin (FSH +/- LH)
can be self administered injection
causes follicular development
how is the semen taken for IVF
Abstinence for 72 hours before hand
produced in ‘men’s room’ in the ward or at home (within 1 hour)
asses for:
- volume
- density
- motility
- progression
step 3 - how are the oocytes collected
collect follicular fluid and there should be oocytes in there
- bleeding
- pelvic infection
- failure to obtain oocytes
embryologist searches through follicular fluid to identify eggs and surrounding mass of cells
collects them into cell culture medium
incubates at 37 degrees C
step 4 IVF
- two pronuclei
- male and female genetic information
- approximately 60% of eggs fertilise normally
how many days after fertilisation is the usual day of transfer and cryopreservation
day 5
deposit embryos in middle of the endometrium
how are embryos transferred into the endometrium
transfer 1 embryo
give luteal support progesterone suppository for 2 weeks
pregnancy test 16 days after oocyte recovery
indications for Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
for severe male factor infertility
previous failed fertilisation with IVF
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
how is surgical sperm aspiration done for ICSI
extracted from epididymis (if obstructive) or testicular tissue (if non obstructive)
method for ICSI
each egg stripped
sperm mobilised
single sperm injected
insulate at 37 degrees overnight
complications of ICSI
Small chance of genetic abnormality
ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome
how do you prevent ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome
low dose protocols
use of antagonist for suppression
how do you treat ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome
freeze the embryo
then single embryo transfer once better
how do you treat ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome after embryo transfer
Monitoring with scans and bloods
Reduce risk of thrombosis
Hospital admission if required, IV fluids/more intensive monitoring/paracentesis
other complications of ART
multiple pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy
what other problems can you get in IVF
no eggs retrieved
surgical risk of oocyte retrieval
surgical risks of surgical sperm aspiration
failed fertilisation
problems in early pregnancy - increased miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
increase risk in on-going pregnancy
psychological problems
failed treatment
chance of getting pregnancy via ART at age of 35