APC Mandatory - Health and Safety Flashcards
Health and Safety
What health & safety legislation are you aware of? How do you ensure that you comply with this legislation?
- Health and Safety at work. 2. Management of H&S at work 3. Display screen equipment. 4. Manual handling operations 5. Personal protective equipment at work 6. Provision and use of work equipment 7. Workplace health, safety and welfare. I comply with legislation by not breaching any of the regulations and following guidance.
What are the penalties under current health & safety legislation?
Fine or Prison.
Is it a criminal offence to breach the H&S at Work Act 1974?
Tell me about your employerÕs health & safety policy?
- Tell someone where you are going and when you leave site. 2. Wear appropriate protective clothing 3. Sign in and out of a building site. 4. Consider whether it is safe to inspect alone. 5. Wear non-slip shoes
What are your health & safety duties as an individual surveyor?
Performance and awareness, control, adaptability, vigilance, teamwork and reporting.
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
Surveying Safely 2nd Edition
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
- personal responsibilities for RICS members and firms 2. assessing hazards and risks 3. workplace health and safety 4. Occupational health and hygiene 5. visiting premises and sites 6. fire safety 7. residential property surveying 8. Procurement and management of contractors
When was Surveying Safely last updated? What are the key changes?
2018 and the safe person concept.
What is the safe person concept?
That each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleaguesÕ and othersÕ health and safety while at work
What must Regulated Firms provide?
A safe working environment. Safe work equipment. Safe systems of work and Competent staff.
What happened in the case of Suzy Lamplugh? Why is this important for surveyors?
Suzy Lamplugh Disappeared after showing a person around a house. It is important for surveyors as we often work alone.
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
PPEÊis equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work
What is a risk assessment?
Risk assessmentÊis the process of evaluating risks to workers’ safety and health from workplace hazards
What is a risk?
AÊriskÊis the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm
What is a hazard?
AÊhazardÊis something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc.
How would you undertake a risk assessment before attending site?
Identify hazards. Decide who may be harmed and how. Evaluate risks and decide on precautions. Record findings and implement. Review and updateÊand advise those affected of the outcome to minimise or eliminate risk.
What is asbestos?
AsbestosÊis a group of six naturally occurring minerals made up of heat-resistant fibers.
What legislation are you aware of in relation to asbestos?
The Control ofÊAsbestos RegulationsÊ2012
What do you understand by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
The principal Regulations that apply to works that could expose persons to the risk of respirable asbestos fibres. Work is split into licnsed work, on-licnesed work and Notfiable non-licensed work.
Who is the duty holder?
The dutyholder isÊthe owner of the non-domestic premises or the person or organisation that has clear responsibility for the maintenance or repair of non-domestic premises
How does asbestos cause lung damage?
The asbestos fibers irritate and scar lung tissue, causing the lungs to become stiff.Ê
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
- Management Asbestos Survey. 2. Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey
When was asbestos banned?
What is an asbestos survey/management plan?
An asbestos management plan isÊa crucial document designed to register and detail how asbestos will be managed in a property and what activities will be engaged to ensure people remain safe from asbestos exposure
Explain the key principles of the new RICS guidance relating to asbestos.
All surveyors should have training and a duty to manage asbestos rises under Regulation 4.
What is occupational health? Why is it important?
Occupational health willÊhelp keep your employees healthy and safe whilst in work and manage any risks in the workplace that are likely to give rise to work-related ill health.
What are the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015? When were they last updated? What changes were made?
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, also known as CDM Regulations or CDM 2015, which came into force on 6 April 2015, are regulations governing the way construction projects of all sizes and types are planned in the UK. Under the 2015 regulations notification no longer triggers additional duties, all projects must comply with duties regardless of size or duration.
What is a notifiable project?
A construction project is notifiable if the construction work is expected to:Êlast longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point on the project or.Êexceed 500 person days.
Tell me about your understanding of fire safety?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the ‘responsible person’ in virtually all premises, except a single dwelling, to adopt a self-assessment approach to fire safety.
What is the key fire safety legislation?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Tell me about your understanding of the Equality Act 2010.
Under the Equality Act 2010, if disabled people could realistically be expected to use your premises, you must anticipate any reasonable adjustments that would make it easier for their right of safe access and egress to be exercised.
Explain what RIDDOR is.
RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) is a UK health and safety legislation
What is a CSCS card?
CSCS cards provide proof that individuals working on construction sites have the appropriate training and qualifications for the job they do on site
What is COSHH? What changes have recently been made to COSHH?
COSHH stands for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. Brexit rules have changed e.g., the classfication/labelling and REACH regulation.
Explain any recent changes to Part B that you are aware of.
Fire Safety, concerning the use of sprinklers and wayfinding signage
Explain your understanding of the Fire Safety Act 2021.
The Act extends the Regultory Reform Ordern to include fire safety responsibilities relating to a buildingsÕ external structure, and it also increases the number and type of buildings that will be caught by the ambit of the RRO.
What is a Building Safety Regulator?
Some one who oversees the safety and performance of buildings.
Tell me about your understanding of RICS guidance specific to residential property management. When did this come into force?
Health and safety for residential property managers 2016
What are the key principles of RICS H&S for Residential Property Managers?
Arrangements, Risk Assessments, Management and HHSRS
What are some of the specific H&S risks you need to take account of relating to residential property?
- Asbestos 2. Legionella 3. Lifts 4. Fire risk - compartmentation etc 5. Contractors - working at height
What are the key principles of the LTA 1985?
Section 11 under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 provides an obligation on landlords to maintain the exterior and structure of the rentals property. This includes installations for the provision of water, heating systems, drainage, sanitary appliances and gas and electricity.
What is vicarious liability?
Vicarious liability is a situation in which one party is held partly responsible for the unlawful actions of a third party
What do the Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 and the Defective Premises Act 1972 say?
There is a duty on the occupiers of premises to take reasonable care to ensure the safety of visitors.
What are the grounds for regaining possession of a tenancy under the Housing Act 1988?
There are 17 grounds for possession as laid out in the Housing Act 1988 & 1996. They set out what circumstances should exist to allow a landlord to legally start possession proceedings of their rental property, let under an Assured Tenancy or Assured Shorthold Tenancy. Grounds 1-8 are mandatory grounds in other words the court must give possession to a landlord if they are met and grounds 9-17 are down to the discretion of the court. The landlord must serve notice seeking possession of the property on the tenant before starting court proceedings.
What are the additional H&S considerations for HMOs you are aware of?
Size of rooms, waste disposal, HHSRS, Fire precautions
What are your duties under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 / Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rent Sector (England) Regulations 2020.
Landlords have duties to ensure gas and electrics are regularly tested with certification e.g., 1 year for gas 5 years for electricity.
Talk me through what the HHSRS is and what the requirements of it are.
The HHSRS a risk-based evaluation tool to help local authorities identify and protect against potential risks and hazards to health and safety from any deficiencies identified in dwellings
Explain your understanding of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018.
It is designed to ensure that all rented accommodation is fit for human habitation and to strengthen tenantsÕ means of redress against the minority of landlords who do not fulfil their legal obligations to keep their properties safe.
Explain your understanding of the Building Safety Bill.
The Bill is intended to ensure that building safety is a top priority and to address issues with a lack of accountability during the life cycle of a building
Which is the most common type of asbestos?
Chrysotile (white asbestos)
On an electricity site, would you wear steel toed boots - if not, why?
Because metal is a conductor of electricity
Explain how you ensure your personal safety on site?
- Tell someone where you are going and when you leave site. 2. Wear appropriate protective clothing 3. Sign in and out of a building site. 4. Consider whether it is safe to inspect alone. 5. Wear non-slip shoes
Explain how you ensure the security of your personal possessions on site?
Keep them in a locked car, bag or on my person.
Tell me about how you ensure good health & safety practices whilst on site.
Conduct risk assessment, wear PPE, follow site rules and being aware.
Tell me about when you have used PPE on an inspection.
Wearing hard hat and visibility vest when carrying out a survey on a new development.
What would you do if you suspected asbestos existed on a site inspection?
Stop work immediately. Put up a warning sign and ensure nobody enters the area. Report the problem to whoever is in charge and arrange to have a sample of the material analysed.
Tell me about any specific precautions you would take when inspecting a dilapidated property.
Conduct a risk assessment, wear PPE, Only inspect where safe to do so, let someone know where you are.
What hazardous materials have you come across in your work?
Asbestos, Solvants, Lead
What would you do if you encountered an aggressive dog on site?
Stay calm, and back away slowly until at a safe space.
What precautions do you take if inspecting a new build property?
Wear PPE and be aware construction machinery can be using the site.
What actions did you take when the accident occurred in the office?
Applied first aid and put up a sign to prevent further accidents from occuring.
What is your duty as a first aider?
The role of a first aider is toÊprovide immediate, temporary care to someone who is ill or injured
Barnfield St Ð why did you suspend viewings? How did you ensure the site was subsequently safe to access?
The fallen tree was creating a hazard. I ensured the site was safe by carrying out a risk assessment.