APC Mandatory - Conflict avoidance Flashcards
Conflict avoidance
What is a conflict?
A disagreement
When do disputes arise in your role?
If you do not meet the terms of engagement or are negligent.
What can you do if negotiations break down?
Use a dispute resolution.
What is a conflict of interest?
Where judgement may be affected by personal or business relationships (ethical matters)
What do the RICS Rules of Conduct say about avoiding conflicts of interest?
An RICS member or regulated firm must not advise or represent a client where doing so would involve a Conflict of Interest.
Give examples of ways that conflict can be avoided.
Have systems in place to prevent a COI, Disclosure COI when they occur and management,
Why is good management important?
It prevents a potential COI from arising e.g., early warning systems.
What are the benefits of clear contract documentation?
It leaves no ambiguity
What is partnering or alliancing?
Colloborative manangement to manage risk.
Why is good project or instruction management important?
It sets up the clear objectives
How can good client management reduce conflict?
By identifying potential COI and having systems in place to manage or address these.
Give examples of good payment practices.
Fair pay and paid within the agreed terms.
How can good record keeping avoid conflict?
It allows you check previous jobs which can highlight early warning for potential conflicts.
How do reporting and proactivity reduce conflict?
It allows you to remain upto date with any changes which could cause a conflict.
What are the three pillars of dispute resolution? Who introduced these terms? Give examples of each.
Negotiation (fact finding), Mediation (conciliation) and adjudication (Ombudsmen). The RICS introduced these terms.
How do mediation and conciliation differ globally? Why is this important to be aware of?
Mediation is an alternative form of dispute resolution and is supported by an unbiased third-party mediator. With conciliation, the conciliator will play an advisory role and may intervene in order to offer feasible solutions to both parties and help settle their disputes
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
Different ways to resolve disputes without a trial.
Why might you prefer to pursue ADR rather than litigation through the Courts?
Cheaper and quicker.
Tell me about a conflict of interest check you have carried out.
When undertaking new instructions, we check the CMS systems to check previous involvement with the client, vendor or property.
What would you do if you identified a perceived/actual conflict of interest?
Disclose it and identify level of conflict and manage or refuse an instruction if needed.
Can you tell me about any RICS guidance relating to conflicts of interest?
RICS Professional Statement Ð Conflicts of interest 2017
What is the practice of dual agency/double dipping?
Acting for multiple parties.
Can you tell me about any recent RICS guidance relating to dual agency/double dipping?
Must not be undertaken under any circumstances
What is the difference between an arbitrator and an independent expert?
The independent expert’s decision, known usually as a ÒdeterminationÓ is usually stated to be final and binding. Unlike arbitration, the independent expert does not, unless the terms of his/her appointment provide otherwise, have the power to determine who pays the costs.
Can you tell me about any other types of ADR?
Mediation, conciliation, adjudication, expert wintess, RICS DRS, CEDR
Can you tell me about mediation/conciliation/adjudication?
Mediation is an impartial third party assisting with the dispute. Conciliation involves both parties agreeing for a conciliator to help the parties reach an agreement. Adjudication is a judge or arbitrator determining a decision.
What is the Technology & Construction Court and what is its role?
A specialist court, which deals principally with technology and construction disputes
If you work with contracts, explain how dispute resolution works in a contract you have worked with.
Construction contracts usually provide for disputes to be dealt with by agreed dispute resolution procedures involving mediation, adjudication and arbitration. E.g., the joint contracts tribunal.
Explain the role of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPRs).
The CPR were designed to improve access to justice by making legal proceedings cheaper, quicker, and easier to understand for non-lawyers.
What governs dispute resolution during insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings?
The Insolvency Act 1986
What is a Dispute Review or Recommendation Board (DRB)? How does this process work?
DRBs provide a confidential forum in which difficulties or disputes can be resolved. It works by having rules to comply with which are binding.
What are the relevant timescales for adjudication?
28 days from the appointment
Which Act governs adjudication?
Construction Act 1996.
What is the basic principle of adjudication?
The adjudicator’s decision is binding and enforceable unless and until the dispute is resolved by litigation/arbitration or by agreement of the parties.
What claims is adjudication appropriate for?
Delay or disruption of works, time extensions, delay of payment etc.
What is the aim of adjudication?
Adjudication describes the legal process that helps expedite and deliver a court’s resolution regarding an issue between two parties.
Explain the various adjudication services provided by RICS.
Construction, summary, low value dispute, homeowner adjudication.
Explain the impact of the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (Construction Act) on dispute resolution and construction contracts. What timeframe is relevant under this?
It increases clarity to payment, introducing fairer payment regimes and improved rights and makes adjudication more accessible in relation to construction contractors entered after October 2011.
Explain what the role of the RICS Low Value Dispute Adjudication service is. What level of claim can this service be used for? What makes this process cost effective?
For SMEs to resolve disputes of claims less than £50,000 where the RICS will nominate an adjudicator. The cost is £300.
How does homeowner adjudication work under the Construction Act?
Unless both parties agree, Construction Act adjudication does not apply automatically to a contract where one party is a residential occupier and the contract works have been carried out on their home.
Can you tell me about PACT in relation to lease renewals?
PACT is a process where the determination of all or some of the terms of a renewal lease is (with the consent of both parties) delegated to an independent third party who may act either as an arbitrator or as an independent expert.
What is the role of RICS in dispute resolution?
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a way of resolving disputes between clients and RICS-regulated firms that usually avoids having to go to Court.
What RICS guidance are you aware of relating to dispute resolution, ADR or roles in dispute resolution?
Conflict avoidance and dispute resolution in construction 2012 and Complaints Handling 2016.
Tell me about your role if you were acting as an expert witness/advocate. What is the difference between the two? How does your duty of care differ in the two roles?
An expert’s role is to assist the Court and give independent, objective evidence which is not compatible with advocacy. An advocate is appointed to present a case for a client using argument.
What tribunals are you aware of?
First Tier, Valuation, regulatory, land.
When might the Lands Tribunal be involved in a dispute?
Party wall matters.
What are the differences between conflict avoidance and dispute resolution?
Conflict avoidance is managing risk. Dispute resolution is dealing with a dispute.
Which dispute resolution procedures lead to a binding decision?
What is a Scott Schedule and when would one be used?
A Scott Schedule is a schedule or table which is used in court proceedings in order to clearly set out the allegations which are in dispute. They are used at the end of a lease.
Explain the RICS conflict avoidance pledge to me.
Commit to working proactively to avoid conflict and to facilitate early resolution of potential disputes.
What RICS guidance relates to conflicts of interest for dispute resolvers? When was this last updated and what changes were made?
Conflicts of Interest for Members Acting as Dispute Resolvers 2012 it seeks to inform the disputing parties and others involved in the winder process.
How has dispute resolution in the property and construction industries been used effectively during Covid-19?
There has been an increase in fraud, disputes and delays.
Explain the proposed provisions of the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill.
A Bill To make provision enabling relief from payment of certain rent debts under business tenancies adversely affected by coronavirus to be available through arbitration; and for connected purposes.
What form of ADR will be used to recover commercial rent arrears due to Covid?
Commercial Rent Bill 2022.