APC Mandatory - Accounting Flashcards
What are the three types of financial statement you may come across relating to a company?
Balance sheet, cash flow statement, profit and loss account.
What is an asset / liability? Can you give me an example of each?
Asset is something owned by a company e.g., Property. A liability is a financial obligation e.g., insurance.
What is the difference between financial and management accounts?
Management accounting is presented to a companyÕs internal community, while financial accounting is prepared for an external audience. Finicial accounting must adhere to the GAAP.
What do you understand by the term Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?
GAAP, is the overall body of regulation establishing how company accounts must be prepared in the the UK.
How do companies know which reporting framework to comply with?
By checking guidance online. There are thersholds for term over, assets and employees which set out the framework you must use. For example, FRS 102 applies to small entities.
Which reporting framework do public limited companies have to comply with?
How would you assess the financial strength of an entity, e.g. for a valuation?
Through its turn-over, assets and size.
Can you tell me about a common financial measure?
Gross profit is the profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its services.
What is the acid test / ROCE / working capital ratio / gearing ratio / net assets per share?
The acid-test, or quick ratio, compares a company’s most short-term assets to its most short-term liabilities to see if a company has enough cash to pay its immediate liabilities, such as short-term debt.
Can you tell me what the role of an auditor is?
It is to make sure that information reported on financial statements is true and accurate and that the financial statements are prepared according to GAAP principles.
When are audited accounts needed and why?
An audit is required if the company has an annual turnover of more than £10.2m. the company has assets of more than £5.1m. The company has more than 50 employees on average. To provide credibiility to their finincial statements and give shareholders confidence.
How do public limited company accounts differ?
The shares of a public limited company can be transferred freely on the stock exchange to anyone, a private limited company cannot sell shares this way.
Tell me something you understand from the Companies Act 2006.
The Companies Act 2006 is the main piece of legislation which governs company law in the UK. The prime aims of the Act are: to modernise and simplify company law, to codify directors duties, to grant improved rights to shareholders, and to simplify the administrative burden carried by UK companies.
Tell me what it means to prepare accounts in accordance with IFRS.
It means that you are complying with the Companies Act 2006.
What is the difference between UK GAAP and IFRS?
IFRS set out different parts of a transaction and account for these seperately. Whereas UK GAAP allow for a bundle to be accounted for as a signle stream.
What is the basis of valuation under IFRS 13?
IFRS 13 defines fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value, and requires disclosures about fair value measurements.
What is fair value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
What has changed in relation to lease accounting / IFRS 16?
The new Standard eliminates a lessee’s classification of leases as either operating leases or finance leases. Instead, almost all leases are ‘capitalised’ by recognising a lease liability and right-of-use asset on the balance sheet.
When did the change come into effect?
1st January 2019
What is FRS 102? What changes have been made to it?
FRS 102 applies to financial statements that are intended to give a true and fair view of a reporting entityÕs financial position and profit or loss for a period. It applies not only to companies but also to public benefit and other types of entity. FRS 102 was amended to require entities to recognise changes in operating lease payments that occur as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic
How has FRS 102 updated impacted upon investment property?
Lockdown has significant impact on the real estate sector.Ê Investor spend on London office buildings was down nearly 75 per cent in March 2020.
What are statutory accounts?
Stautory accounts are financial statements e.g., profit and loss accounts.
Why is good financial record keeping important to you?
It helps you identify income/profit and allows you to prioritize and plan.
Tell me three ways you ensure that clients’ money is handled properly.
Ensure clients money is kept sperately and identifiable, keep a record and have adequate insurance in place.
What RICS guidance or Schemes do you adhere to for handling client money?
RICS Clients Money Protection 2019 and the TDS.
Explain your understanding of the VAT domestic reverse charge for building and construction services.
The VAT domestic reverse charge procedure is an anti-fraud measure designed to counter criminal attacks on the UK VAT system
When do changes to the reverse charge apply from?.
1st March 2021
What is the impact of the reverse charge on VAT accounting?
Additonal reverse charges for some businesses may affect cash flow.
Tell me about the Government-approved deposit schemes.
Deposit Protection service, MyDeposits, Tenancy Deposit Scheme