AP TEST unit 10 clinical psychology Flashcards
disordered behavior
deviant, distressful, dysfunctional;
impairs an individual’s ability to function in everyday life, destructive to oneself or others
a beavhior that doesn’t have a rational basis
a beavhior so different from others’ that it violates a norm
troublesome to other people
four attributes of a psychological disorder
maladaptive, unjustifiable, disturbing, atypical
causation and development of the disorder
identifying symptoms and distinguishing one disease from another
treating a disorder in a psychiatric hospital
forecast about the disorder
anxiety disorders
GAD, OCD, panic disorder, phobia, PTSD
generalized anxiety disorder
An anxiety disorder characterized by disruptive levels of persistent, unexplained feelings of apprehension and tenseness
Usually constant, low level anxiety
panic disorder
An anxiety disorder characterized by sudden bouts of intense, unexplained anxiety
Often associated with physical symptoms like choking sensations or shortness of breath
Marked by a persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that disrupts behavior
obsessions vs compulsions
repetitive thoughts vs repetitive actions
conversion disorder
Person is converting psychological stress into physical symptoms (becoming paralyzed in a stressful situation)
somatic symtom disorder / hypochondriasis
A preoccupation with the persistent and irrational fear that one has an illness; seek several medical opinions and still believe they are ill
dissociative disorders
dissociative amnesia, depersonalization, dissociative identity
dissociative amnesia
memory loss is the only symptom of trauma, person still knows identity
Feeling disconnected from one’s body, detached from one’s own thoughts/emotions, disconnected from self, ense of feeling as if one is dreaming, thought to be caused by severe traumatic lifetime events
dissociative identity disorder (DID)
multiple personality disorder; 2+ distinct personalities manifested by same person at different times; rare
depressive and bipolar disorder
biological, environment, psychological
major depressive disorder
hen signs of depression last two weeks or more and are not caused by drugs or medical conditions and cannot be explained by a single stimulus
dysthymic disorder
milder version of depression characterized by daily depression lasting two years or more
triggered by changes in season
bipolar disorder
Formerly called manic-depressive disorder, alteration between depression and mania signals bipolar disorder
disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, hallucinations, innapororiate actions and emotions
show no emotion
remain motionless for hours
cronic schizophrenia
recovery doubtful, usually negative symptoms
acute/reactive schizophrenia
usually positive symptoms, better prognosis
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
Pervasive developmental disorder
Lack of appropriate social responsiveness and highly impaired communication
Sustained inattention
Limited ability to focus on tasks
antisocial personality disorder
impulsive, irresposibnle, criminal, lack of empathy
conversion disorder similar to somatic symptom
when someone complains about physical symptoms for which there is no physiological basis