ap psych neural stuff and parts of brain/endocrine systems Flashcards
memory and emotions, particularly fear and aggression
left hemisphere
speech, language, analysis
coordinated movement
long term memories
monitoring blood to determine condition of body, detects change in body fluids, produces hormones, body temp, heart rate, hunger, mood
occipital lobe
visual perception, color,, form, motion
parietal lobe
sensory processing hub
visual cortex
processes visual info
auditory cortex
processes adutory info
motor cortex
voluntary movements
sensory cortex
touch, pressure, temp, pain
reticular formation
arousal and consciousness
temporal lobe
processing auditory and sensory input,m interpreting meaning from visual stimuli
brain’s central relay station
frontal loba
higher mental processes, thinking, descicion making, planning, language, judgment, emotional expression
breathing and heat rate, sensory and motor pathways cross
regulates brain activity during sleep and fine movement
right hemisphere
creativity, spatial ability, recognition
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord; receiving, processing, responding to sensory info
sympathetic nervous system
prepares body for action, fight or flight
parasympathetic nervous system
rest and digest, conserves energy, slows heart rate, increases intestinal gland, relax muscles
autonomic nervous system
internal organs and glands, involuntary stuff, heart beating
somatic nervous system
voluntary movements of muscles
pituitary gland
regulate growth, gain relief, fluid levels
metabolism and growth and appetite
adrenal gland
epinephrine, nonephinphrine, fight or flight, blood pressure, blood sugar
pineal gland
circadian rythm by secreting melatonin
dicks and ovaries
blood sugar levels; insulin lowers, glucagon increases