AP TEST scientific foundations: research Flashcards
organic cause, brain biochemistry
evolutionary perspective
darwin stuff
unconscious mind
what we can see and observe
free will
how we think about ourselves and the world
behavior is dictated by your culture
nature vs nurture
how much of our thinking and behavior is due to biological influences and what role the environment plays
stability vs change
how much of who we are and how we behave will change over our lifetime
continuity vs stages
is development a continuos process or does it occur in distinct stages
types of descriptive research
naturalistic, survey, case studies
naturalistic observation
descriptive research method in involving the systematic study of animal or human natural settings
strengths: natural
weaknesses: cannot replicate, cannot generalize, observer bias
case studies
study of a single individual or just a few individuals to describe the situation
strengths: advantage of non replicable situations, in depth understanding
weaknesses: observer bias, cannot generalize or replicate
quetionaries, interviews
strengths: generate information for low cost, overcomes false consensus effect, random sampling
random sampling
sampling in which each potential population ember has an equal chance of being surveyed
correlation research
research technique based on the naturally occurring relationship between two or more variables (do the two variables vary together?)
ethics principles
informed consent; confidentiality; protection against physical/physiological harm; participants must be told after; research proposals must be screened by board
operation definition
recipe so experiment can be repeated
single blind
only participants is unaware of group they are in
double blind
both participant and researcher is unaware of group they are in
illusory correlation
perceiving a relationship where one does not exist.