AP HUG Unit 3 Flashcards
Shared Cultural Practices
Culture traits shared between different groups
Cultural Traits
Traits shared by a group of people that form the basis of a culture
Cultural Relatavism
Judging a culture through their own standards
Judging a culture through the lens of your own
A practice discouraged or looked down upon by a culture collectively.
Popular Culture
The set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system
Cultural Landscapes
The visible reflection of a culture
Agricultural and Industrial Practices
Practices of a culture used in agriculture or industry.
Religious Characteristics
Characteristics of a landscape relating to religion
Linguistic Characteristics
Characteristics of a cultural landscape relating to linguistics
Built Environment
Anything human-made
Sequent Occupance
The process of cultures in an area compounding a building a new culture
Traditional Architecture
The architecture traditionally built by a folk culture.
Postmodern Architecture
The architecture trends built by a popular culture.
Land-Use Patterns
The layout of land usage
Ethnic Neighborhoods
An urban ethnic enclave
The borders between different accents, dialects, ect.
A figurative saying expressing a truth about life.
Lingua Franca
A non-native language used as a means of communicating between groups.
Being able to speak two different languages.
A way of speaking specific to a group or area.
Pidgin Language
A mixture of multiple languages from groups with extensive contact with each other, creating an informal language
The belief that there may or may not be a god(s)
A literal interpretation of a faith
Hierarchical Religion
A religion with an organized administrative hierarchy
Someone who tries to spread their religion
The belief in one god
The belief in multiple gods
Sacred Space
A holy place where a religious group can come together to worship
A specific grouping within a religion
The lack of belief in a god(s)
A government built on and intertwined with religion
A area/group separated from its main area/group
A distinct area/group surrounded by a different, larger area/group
A class in a hierarchy
Ethnic Group
A group united by language, history, culture, etc.
Ethnic Homeland
The place where an ethnicity originated
Sense of Place
A collective fiction/idea about what a place is
Centripetal Forces
Something that brings a group together
Centrifugal Forces
Something that divides a group
Relocation Diffusion
Diffusion through the movement of people
Expansion Diffusion
Diffusion through the direct or indirect exchange of traits
Contagious Diffusion
Diffusion where the trait spreads out continuously outward from the origin point
Hierarchical Diffusion
Diffusion from the largest/wealthiest/most connected groups to the next largest/wealthiest/most connected etc.
Stimulus Diffusion
Diffusion in which some traits are taken and others are rejected
The process by which languages combine and become a more formal creole language
A mixture of multiple languages from groups with extensive contact with each other, combined with a long period of time for the language to standardize, creating an formal language
The process of conquering and subjugating an area for a country without absorbing it fully into the country
Revived Language
A extinct language that has been relearned
Shaping Patterns and Practices of a Culture
The process of changing and shaping a culture
The process of places becoming more interconnected
How Culture is Diffused and Affected by Media
The impact media has on a culture and its spread
How Culture is Diffused and Affected by Technology
The impact technology has on a culture and its spread
How Culture is Diffused and Affected by Politics
The impact politics has on a culture and its spread
How Culture is Diffused and Affected by Economics
The impact economics has on a culture and its spread
How the Internet Affects Interactions Between People and Cultures
The impact internet has on a culture and its spread
Time-Space Convergence
The decrease in time for interaction between places
Increasing Use of English
The process of English becoming more commonly used (i.e. as a lingua franca)
Loss of Indigenous Languages
The process of indigenous languages going extinct
Endangered/Extinct Languages
Languages that have few or no native speakers
Cultural Convergence
The process of cultures becoming more similar as they interact
Cultural Divergence
The process of cultures becoming more different due to lack of interaction
Language Tree
A model used to show the relations between languages
A subdivision of a language
World Religion
A religion spread across the world
Ethnic Culture
A smaller local culture contained within an area
Gender Roles
The traditional ideas about the jobs of men and women
Cultural Hearth
A focal point for a culture
Indo-European Language Family
The language family that includes the Indo-Iranian and European languages (i.e. Romance languages, Indian languages, etc.)
The name of a geographic place
Universalizing Religions
A religion that aims to spread across many cultures and areas
Ethnic Religions
A religion that is contained within an ethnicity
A global migration spread of people group outside of their homeland/hearth
A temporary religious migration to a holy site
Religious Hearth
The origin point of a religion
The process of a culture taking some traits from new cultures and rejecting others
The process of someone from one culture being completely converted to another culture
The combination of multiple different cultures
The coexistence of multiple cultures in an area