Anxiety, Stress, and Adaptation Flashcards
diffuse apprehension that is vague in nature and is associated with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness
What are the 4 levels of anxiety manifestations
Mild level anxiety characteristics
tension with everyday activities
prepares for action
motivates, sharpen senses
heightened awareness & enhanced learning
Mild level anxiety adaptations
unique to the individual eating exercising smoking crying
moderate level anxiety characteristics
less alert to environment
decreased concentration and attn span
muscular tension, restlessness
moderate level anxiety adaptations
ego defense mechanism
protective defense developed by the ego when threatened
ego defense mechanism
severe level anxiety characteristics
concentration on only 1 detail
difficulty completing simple task
physical and emotional symptoms
severe level anxiety adaptations
physiological disorders
neurosis, somatoform, dissociative disorders
panic level anxiety characteristics
loss of contact with reality
ineffective communication and functioning
leads to exhaustion
panic level of anxiety adaptations
Schizophrenic, schizoaffective, and delusional
covering up of a real or perceived weakness by emphasizing a trait one considers more desirable
refusal to acknowledge the existence of a real situation or the feeling associated with it
the transferring of feelings from one target to another that is considering less threatening or neutral
an attempt to increase self-worth by acquiring attributes and characteristics of an individual one admires
an attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation by using the intellectual processes of logic, reasoning, and analysis
the internalization of the beliefs and values of another’s individual such that they symbolically become a part of the self to the extent that the feeling or separation of distinctness is lost
the separation of a thought or a memory from the feeling or emotions associated with it
the attribution of feelings or impulses unacceptable to one’s self to another person
“passing the blame”
the attempt to make excuses or formulate logical reason to justify unacceptable feelings or behavior
reaction formation
the prevention of unacceptable or undesirable thoughts or behaviors form being expressed by exaggerating opposite thoughts or types of behavior
ex: being overly nice to a person you dislike
the retreating to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of development
the involuntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one’s awareness
re-channeling of drives or impulses that are personally or socially unacceptable into activities that are more tolerable and constructive
the voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one’s awareness
the act of symbolically negating or canceling out a previous action or experience that one finds intolerable
ex: man buys flowers for wife after yelling at her
condition in which the person responds to change in the normal balanced state
an event that causes a person to experience stress
What are the 3 phases of Selye’s Response Based Model?
alarm reaction
stage of resistance
stage of exhaustion
What occurs during alarm reaction?
alerts body defenses
- shock phase: fight or flight
- counter shock phase: reversed changes
What occurs during stage of resistance?
body attempts to cope and limit the stressor
What occurs during stage of exhaustion?
adaption not maintained; ways of coping exhausted
at the end, the body is at rest/normal or death
local adaptation syndrome
only 1 organ or body part is involved
physiologic indicators of stress
dilated pupils, diaphoresis, increased HR, pale skin, Na retention, increased rate and depth of respiration, decreased urine output, dry mouth, decreased peristalsis, increased muscle tension, increased BGL
“can see, can’t pee, can’t spit, can’t shit”
psychologic indicators of stress
anxiety, fear, anger, depression
use of unconscious ego defense mechanism
cognitive indicators of stress
thinking responses to stress
problem solving, structuring, self-control, suppression, fantasy
dealing or contending with problems or situations successfully
coping mechanism
innate or acquired way of responding to a changing environment or specific problem or situation