Anterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
RUQ contents
- Right lobe of liver
- Gallbladder
- Pylorus of stomach
- Duodenum (1-3)
- Head of pancreas
- Suprarenal gland
- Kidney
- R colic flexure
- superior ascending colon
- right half transverse colon
LUQ contents
- Left lobe of liver
- Spleen
- Stomach
- jejunum
- proximal ileum
- body and tail of pancreas
- kidney
- suprarenal gland
- left colic flexure
- left half transverse colon
- superior descending colon
RLQ contents
- cecum
- appendix
- majority of ileum
- inferior ascending colon
- ovary
- uterine tube
- abdominal part of R ureter
- abdominal part of R spermatic cord
- uterus and bladder if full/enlarged
LLQ contents
-sigmoid colon
-inferior descending colon
-L ovary
-L uterine tube
-abdominal part of L ureter
abdominal part of L spermatic cord
-uterus and bladder if full/enlarlged
What plane is at the level of the transverse colon?
Subcostal plane
What plane passes inferior border of 10th costal cartilage?
Subcostal plane
What plane is at the level of the ileocecal junction?
Transtubercle plane
What plane is between iliac tubercles?
Transtubercle plane
What plane is between ASIS?
Interspinous plane
What plane is at the level of the appendix and sigmoid colon?
Interspinous plane
What plane is at the level of L1?
Transpyloric plane
What plane is at the level of L3?
What plane is at the level of L5?
What plane is at the level of S2?
What plane is at the level of the gallbladder fundus, pylorus of stomach, pancreatic neck, SMA and root of transverse mesocolon?
Transpyloric plane
What separates the abdomen from the pelvis?
imaginary pelvic inlet
Boundaries of Anterolateral Abdominal Wall
upper 7-10 costal cartilages—> lower inguinal ligament and pelvic bones
Layers of Abdominal Wall
Skin–> Camper’s fascia (fatty)–> Scarpa’s fascia (membranous)–> aponeurosis
How can fluid flow from abdomen to superficial perineum?
Scarpa’s fascia is continuous with Colle’s fascia of perineum
Why can’t fluid go from abdomen into leg?
Scarpa’s fascia is fused with fascia lata
O/I of External Oblique M
Outer surface of lower 6 ribs–> aponeurosis, linea alba, ant iliac creast and pubic tubercle
What innervates External Oblique M
Ventral rami of T7-12
——-> Thoracoabdominal N and Subcostal N
What is the fxn of eternal oblique muscle?
increase intra-abd pressure, move trunk, retain posture
Innervation of Internal Oblique M
T7-12, L1
—>Thoracoabd N, Subcostal N, Ilioinguinal N, Iliohypogastric N
O/I Internal Oblique M
iliac crest–> lower 10-12 ribs, aponeurosis, linea alba, pubic crest
What does the lower portion of internal oblique M make?
conjoint tendon/ injuinal falx
What does the internal oblique muscle form?
Part of aponeurosis
Cremasteric muscle
What is the fxn of conjoint tendon?
prevents weak spot in abd wall—> if not working———-> DIRECT HERNIA
Innervation of Transversus Abdominis M
O/I of Transversus Abdominis M
lower 7-12 ribs, iliac crest, some inguinal L—> linea alba, pectin pubis, pubic crest
O/I Rectus Abdominis M
Pubic symphysis and pubic crest—> xiphoid process, outer surface of 5-7 intercostal cartilages
Innervation of Rectus Abdominis M
Where are tendinous intersections?
Rectus Abdominis M @ umbilical, xiphoid and midway
Action of rectus abdominis M
flex abd, compress abd
What is the lateral border of rectus abdominis M
linea semilunaris
Where is pyramidis M?
at the end of rectus abdominis M
What is the rectus sheath made up of?
fascia and aponeurosis of EOM, IOM, Transversus Abdominis M
What aponeurosis is always anterior in rectus sheath?
How does the IOM aponeurosis form part the rectus sheath?
upper 3/4: half anterior and half posterior
lower 1/4: anterior
How does the transverus abdominis M form part of the rectus sheath?
upper 3/4: posterior
lower 1/4: anterior
What is the arcuate line?
sharp transition where all aponeurosis become anterior to rectus abdominis M
Where is the rectus abdominis in contact with the transversalis fascia?
Below the arcuate line
What nerve is T7-11?
Thoracoabdominal N
———> continuation of intercostal N
M and S
Where does the thoracoabdominal N run?
Between transversus abdominis and internal oblique Ms
What N is T12?
Subcostal N
Where is the subcostal N located?
inferior 12th rib
——-> sensory superior to iliac crest
What nerves are L1?
Iliohypogastric and Ilioinguinal Ns
What N runs between IO and TA mucles coming from L1?
Iliohypogastric M
What are the M/S for Iliohypogastric N?
M to IO and TA
S to upper inguinal and hypogastric region
What are the M/S for Ilioinguinal N?
M to LOWER IO and TA
S to lower inguinal, anterior scrotum and labia, NEAR MEDIAL THIGH
What are abdominal wall arteries continuations of?
Intercostal As
Where do lumbar arteries originate?
Abd Aorta
Where does superficial epigastric A originate?
Femoral A
What artery runs along inguinal ligament?
Superficial circumflex iliac A
———–>via femoral A
What A runs deep along inguinal ligament?
Deep circumflex iliac A
————-> via external iliac A
What arteries rung along and deep to inguinal ligament?
With: superior circumflex iliac A
Deep to: deep circumflex iliac A
What artery runs posterior to rectus abdominis M?
Inferior epigastric A
—–> via external iliac A
What artery anastomosies with the Superior Epigastric A?
Inferior epigastric A
—-> via external iliac A
What is a terminal branch of the internal thoracic A in the abdominal wall?
Superior epigastric A
What A runs anterior to the posterior rectus sheath?
Inferior epigastric A
AKA posterior to rectus abdominis M
What fold is due to obliterated urachus?
Median umbilical fold
What fold is due to obliterated umbilical As?
Medial umbilical fold
What fold is due to inferior epigastric A?
Lateral umbilical fold
What gutter is on either side of the upper bladder?
Supravesicular fossa
What gutter is lateral to the medial umbilical folds (b/t medial and lateral folds)?
Medial inguinal fossa
What gutter is lateral to the lateral umbilical folds?
Lateral inguinal fossa
Superficial vessels superior to umbilicus drain into?
Axillary nodes, some to parasternal nodes
Superficial vessels below umbilicus drain to?
Superficial inguinal nodes
Where do deep lymph vessels run?
With deep veins of abdominal wall
—-> external and internal iliac Vs
What incision can be made rapidly due to few BV and N in this location?
Midline incision (through umbilicus)
What incision is 2.5 cm inferior from costal margin?
What incision is used to access gallbladder, biliary tract and spleen?
Subcostal incision
What incision is used to open anterior sheath and enter peritoneum (after pushing rectus M aside laterally)?
Paramedian incision (just lateral to midline)
What incision is used to split muscle and gain access to appendix?
Gridline (over McBurney’s point)
What incision is used most in OB/GYN surgeries?